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Denver Trade Concept (Drob or no Drob)


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It would stand to reason looking at the Broncos that a few things are obvious. A) They don't mind trading up and taking risks even if it diminishes their draft (see Cutler) and B) they love their running backs so here is my trade concept for a draft day swap with Denver PROVIDED MCFADDEN IS ON THE BOARD AT #6

Jets Send Pick #6 & D rob (1600 Point value) + D Rob (60 point value mid 4th round selection)

Broncos Send Pick #12 (1200) - #43 (460)

That gives the Jets Pick 12, 37 and 43 which would allow them to fill any number of needs while picking in a high value spot in the first round in addition to gaining leverage throughout the draft.

From the broncos end they get Darren McFadden to run in that scheme for the next decade making Cutler McFadden a dangerous Duo for years to come and they add depth with D Rob on their d-line for what amounts to a 4th round value draft choice. The move makes a lot of sense all around and can easily be adjusted without D Rob (jets toss in one of their 4th rounders instead)

What do you guys thing?

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Why the ***** would the broncos waste the 6th overall pick on a RB? If theres any team in the league where its obvious any RB will flourish because of the O-Line it's Denver. Denver continually makes 2nd day draft picks and undrafted FA look like studs, theres no need for them to spend the 6th pick on a RB when they do more than well with what they have.

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Why the ***** would the broncos waste the 6th overall pick on a RB? If theres any team in the league where its obvious any RB will flourish because of the O-Line it's Denver. Denver continually makes 2nd day draft picks and undrafted FA look like studs, theres no need for them to spend the 6th pick on a RB when they do more than well with what they have.

:sign0098: Great observations.

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