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What a sore loser.

They really are.

Its funny they all say "Oh, Crosby is such a strong skater, nothing can make him fall down." But then if you saw the game last night, he fell down behind the net with NOBODY around him cause he lost his balance. But nooo, he can't fall down even when somebody pushes him or takes out one of his skates with a stick cause he's such a strong skater. He must have been diving last night when the puck came to him alone behind the net with a good opportunity to make something happen with nobody even close to him. What a joke. Looks more like a young Ranger fan to me :P

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They really are.

Its funny they all say "Oh, Crosby is such a strong skater, nothing can make him fall down." But then if you saw the game last night, he fell down behind the net with NOBODY around him cause he lost his balance. But nooo, he can't fall down even when somebody pushes him or takes out one of his skates with a stick cause he's such a strong skater. He must have been diving last night when the puck came to him alone behind the net with a good opportunity to make something happen with nobody even close to him. What a joke. Looks more like a young Ranger fan to me :P

Why the hell are you all so uptight? Seriously, I showed this to some Penguins fans that I know personally and they found it funny. I posted it because it was funny, not to make any excuses. I accept that we lost. I was trying to have a laugh, but apparently I can't without being a sore loser. Jesus Christ.

Madmike, seriously, I'm not even going to start with you. You, of all people, cannot call ANYONE else a sore loser. You were trashing the Rangers and making excuses for a good seven pages in the Stanley Cup Playoffs thread after you had lost.

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Why the hell are you all so uptight? Seriously, I showed this to some Penguins fans that I know personally and they found it funny. I posted it because it was funny, not to make any excuses. I accept that we lost. I was trying to have a laugh, but apparently I can't without being a sore loser. Jesus Christ.

Madmike, seriously, I'm not even going to start with you. You, of all people, cannot call ANYONE else a sore loser. You were trashing the Rangers and making excuses for a good seven pages in the Stanley Cup Playoffs thread after you had lost.

I never made excuses or cried like a little bitch about the refs like all Stranger fans did. You can say I did but you would be full of crap. You got owned by the better team and all you can do is cry about the refs and about a player who is better than any player in the pathetic history of your organization. I'll say it again. You're a sore loser. Just like most of the other stranger fans on this site.

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I never made excuses or cried like a little bitch about the refs like all Stranger fans did. You can say I did but you would be full of crap. You got owned by the better team and all you can do is cry about the refs and about a player who is better than any player in the pathetic history of your organization. I'll say it again. You're a sore loser. Just like most of the other stranger fans on this site.

I'm not crying. Where the hell are you getting that from? I swear, you must have Alzheimer's or something.

Yeah man. The NHL hates the strangers SO MUCH that they made the new CBA SPECIFICALLY to bail the strangers out of Sather's cap hell.

Not seeing your team's season end... You realize that the devils were 10x time the franchise the strangers were even when they could use their new york money to their advantage right? They needed an NHL bailout to even make the playoffs and get bounced in the 2nd round.

Yeah I mean he's a mentally weak loser. Thats how he's cake walking to the hall of fame with every important goaltending record. LMAO at calling the BS that Avery pulled screening. Is that why the NHL called it unsportsmanlike conduct? because it was screening? stop being a homer. You'll defend any strangers player no matter what LOL.

What he said. The Strangers sold what little class or respect they had as a franchise and all it got them is to the 2nd round where they are getting raped. Enjoy the links. The whole league is enjoying watching you getting embarrassed.

Stranger fans having to root for a peace of human waste like Avery is just like patsy fans making excuses for Belichick's cheating.

Somone should pull a zednick on avery. THAT would be funny.

Seriously, I got nothing against the Penguins. I posted the video because it was funny. I wasn't making excuses. If I wanted to, I would've said that Crosby's diving is the reason why we lost. But that's ridiculous, and I know that. We lost because the Penguins are a better team than us, and Crosby is one hell of a player. I don't like him, but that is due mostly to the fact that he's a great player playing against my team. I'd love him if he was on my team.

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. I'd love him if he was on my team.

This is what it's all about. You're just a huge homer and you've admitted it. BTW calling Avery the piece of human waste he is isn't whining. It's telling the truth. That has nothing to do with the devils winning or losing.

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This is what it's all about. You're just a huge homer and you've admitted it. BTW calling Avery the piece of human waste he is isn't whining. It's telling the truth. That has nothing to do with the devils winning or losing.

You equated the Rangers to cheating and hope someone pulls a Zednick on Avery. How would the former not have anything to do with the game, and how could anyone take you seriously after reading the latter.

I don't see where I've admitted being a homer. A player like Crosby is just like a pest: you love him when he's on your team, but hate him when he's not. That doesn't make someone a homer.

The sentence you quoted has nothing to be a homer, I don't know where you're getting that from.

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You equated the Rangers to cheating and hope someone pulls a Zednick on Avery. How would the former not have anything to do with the game, and how could anyone take you seriously after reading the latter.

I don't see where I've admitted being a homer. A player like Crosby is just like a pest: you love him when he's on your team, but hate him when he's not. That doesn't make someone a homer.

The sentence you quoted has nothing to be a homer, I don't know where you're getting that from.

He's not on my team and I don't hate him. Maybe thats cause I'm not a raging homer.

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Get some new material or get laid. I have never encountered a more hostile, "I'm right you are wrong", poster than you.

I figure it's better to just ignore him. I have better ways to spend my time than debating with a lightpole.

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I figure it's better to just ignore him. I have better ways to spend my time than debating with a lightpole.

Good point.

I agree with you about Crosby. He is a great player who needs to STFU sometimes and just play his game.

I still don't understand the hatred for the guy.

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Get some new material or get laid. I have never encountered a more hostile, "I'm right you are wrong", poster than you.

You're the one who started it in this thread as usual don't play the self righteous guy. Everyone here knows you're a troll.

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To be honest, I'm sick of the Crosby-diving stuff. Thats why I reacted the way I did to the original post. And for every person like you who posts this as a joke, there are 9 other people who would post it in all seriousness because they actually believe Crosby dives all the time even though they don't see it in reality. And its tough to tell the difference sometimes.

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I never made excuses or cried like a little bitch about the refs like all Stranger fans did. You can say I did but you would be full of crap. You got owned by the better team and all you can do is cry about the refs and about a player who is better than any player in the pathetic history of your organization. I'll say it again. You're a sore loser. Just like most of the other stranger fans on this site.

Are you kidding? Crosby isn't even the best player on his team.

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What a sore loser.

Says the king sore loser himself who can't call the Rangers by their real name and trys to proclaim the Devils a better team even when the Rangers made them their personal bitches throughout the season. You posting that is just comical. You have no right to make fun of anybody.

As for Sidney, good luck against Detroit, kid. :lol:

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