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PP is a pansy


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ost Falls (AP) -- Reports from Boston suggest that there may be a new rule to discuss when the NBA Rules Committee holds its annual meeting this upcoming offseason. Supposedly, David Stern and Co will be reviewing the possibility of adding another NBA rule; this one will be known as the Paul Pierce Rule.

Although not finalized, the rule will likely state that anytime a player goes in down in agony with a supposed injury, roles and spasms uncontrollably on the floor for at least 3 minutes or more, has to be carried off the court by two players while he puts an elbow over his face to hide the fact that he is crying, and proceeds to be placed in a wheelchair and escorted back to the locker room - that same player must remain in that locker room for a minimum of 10 minutes and has to sit out at least one quarter.

David Stern thoughts, "Honestly, that was actually quite embarrassing was it not? I mean geez, if I just saw the highlights after the injury of him flopping on the floor and getting carried off I would have guessed Tonya Harding made a guest appearance in the Garden last night and clubbed Paul right in the knee. He really put on a show didn't he? He was back before we could even cut to a commercial break. What did the doc do in the locker room? Slap him in the face, tell him to quit crying and be a man? That

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