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Woman admits willingly sleeping with long-lost father in secret two-year affair

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A top teenage athlete began an incestuous affair with her long lost father after tracking him down, a court has heard.

Chelsea Cummins, now 21, would meet for secret trysts with her father, Steven Broomhead, 42, at his home.

Their relationship continued for two years, despite both having other partners.

When she became pregnant Miss Cummins could not be certain of the identity of the father so she decided to abort the baby.

She became jealous when her father rekindled a relationship with her mother, Lisa, and she discovered them in a passionate clinch.

Miss Cummins told her mother: 'He'll only cheat on you. I hate my father. Do you remember when I was pregnant the previous year? I had a relationship with him.'

She later told police: 'He has never been my dad and so I didn't look at him like that. I did have sexual feelings for him. It wasn't planned and I didn't think about it after because it just happened.'

At Manchester Crown Court this week Miss Cummins pleaded guilty to two offences of sexual activity with an adult relation.

She was given an absolute discharge. But the judge sentenced Broomhead - who was charged with the same offences - to three years supervision and ordered him to attend a sex offenders programme.

The court heard Cummins was an outstanding athlete who represented Britain in taekwondo championships in Egypt and Korea. At 17 she decided to trace her father, who had abandoned the family some years before.

Rachel Shenton, prosecuting, said: ' Neither can agree on how they started their relationship. Chelsea Cummins alleges that she was in fear of her father. Steven Broomhead gave a different account in which he says that his daughter was the instigator and a normal kiss and cuddle became something more.'

The court heard the pair had sex several times over two years. In the summer of 2006 Cummins discovered she was pregnant and decided to have an abortion.

She moved in with her father before returning to live with her mother in April

Miss Shenton said: 'The matter came out because Chelsea Cummins's mother resumed a relationship of sorts with Steven Broomhead and that caused Chelsea a certain degree of distress.' Miss Cummins then told her mother about the affair. Believing her daughter had been raped, Lisa Cummins called the police.

Gary Woodall, defending Miss Cummins, said of the affair: 'It began with her being vulnerable and in fear - that fear subsided and she consented to the sexual relationship.'

Judge Andrew Low**** told Miss Cummins: 'In my view you were very much not in control of what took place.'

Sentencing Broomhead, he said: 'She trusted you and you abused that trust. You seem unable to accept your responsibility and put the blame on your daughter.'


Mommy and Slut Daughter


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