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Hits, Suspensions & Fines


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So let me get this straight. Eric Smith makes an illegal hit in the heat of the moment and is fined $50,000 and suspended a game but when two players start punching each other in face after the play is dead, they only are fined $15,000 and NO SUSPENSION?

Oh... ok.... that makes sense.


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That is bullsh%t.

The Patriot players never get suspended. Wilfork didnt get suspended, niether did Matt Light who pounded a helmet-less Crowder in the back of the head repeatedly.

The blatant Patriot bias is palpable.

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I know this wont sink in to either of your heads, but here it is anyway.

Crowder was running his mouth the entire game about Matt Lights wife. By the 4th quarter, Light informed the Ref that "if he didnt shut Crowder up, I will." When the FG attempt came Light took care of business.

Crowder instigated the whole skirmish. Thats why he was thrown out and fined. Porter was penalized for not shutting his yap either. They just kept talking, so Belichick let his players score another TD on the Whiners in the final seconds.

Light has never been in any trouble since being drafted in 2001. He was fined and warned about future behavior. The next time a suspension will follow.

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I know this wont sink in to either of your heads, but here it is anyway.

Crowder was running his mouth the entire game about Matt Lights wife. By the 4th quarter, Light informed the Ref that "if he didnt shut Crowder up, I will." When the FG attempt came Light took care of business.

Crowder instigated the whole skirmish. Thats why he was thrown out and fined. Porter was penalized for not shutting his yap either. They just kept talking, so Belichick let his players score another TD on the Whiners in the final seconds.

Light has never been in any trouble since being drafted in 2001. He was fined and warned about future behavior. The next time a suspension will follow.

So you are saying that is was premeditated? Eric Smith has never been in any trouble.

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So let me get this straight. Eric Smith makes an illegal hit in the heat of the moment and is fined $50,000 and suspended a game but when two players start punching each other in face after the play is dead, they only are fined $15,000 and NO SUSPENSION?

Oh... ok.... that makes sense.


Are you serious?

Smith's hit was helmet to helmet. There is a reason the league outlaws hit's like that. People do not always walk away from them.

I have seen harder hitting in an NBA game, but I digress. There is a huge difference in what Light did and what Smith did. As far as we know, Chrowder did not need screws to keep his face in place.

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The fine\suspension system is messed up right now though. Smith's hit was accidental and he got suspended. I am not disagreeing with it. But you have two people slugging it out and no suspension. A football play vs a fight.

Look at the Giants -- Plax misses meetings and he gets suspended. McKenzie drives drunk and no suspension?

The scale needs some adjusting. On the Smith play, if there was no injury and a touchdown he wouldn't have been suspended. The NFL is too reactionary.

i.e. Two refs now at the booth after the San Diego - Pittsburgh game.

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The fine\suspension system is messed up right now though. Smith's hit was accidental and he got suspended. I am not disagreeing with it. But you have two people slugging it out and no suspension. A football play vs a fight.

Look at the Giants -- Plax misses meetings and he gets suspended. McKenzie drives drunk and no suspension?

The scale needs some adjusting. On the Smith play, if there was no injury and a touchdown he wouldn't have been suspended. The NFL is too reactionary.

i.e. Two refs now at the booth after the San Diego - Pittsburgh game.

I agree. I thought Light would be suspended until the NFL network talked about it and said the recent fights have only received fines.

I would also agree to a point about over reaction, but for head injuries they need to be. They let that be (one of their) a dirty little secret too long.

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I agree. I thought Light would be suspended until the NFL network talked about it and said the recent fights have only received fines.

I would also agree to a point about over reaction, but for head injuries they need to be. They let that be (one of their) a dirty little secret too long.

Yeah the head stuff needs to be penalized. It is just tough when the basis of the penalty is off of the outcome and not the action. Like I said if he doesn't get hurt, the NFL still wouldn't know who Eric Smith was.

But I understand what they did and why. I am okay with that because ultimately they are protecting their players which is a good thing.

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... it's a travesty that they do not issue suspensions for an altercation such as this ...

... totally contradicts the image of the league that goodell professes to believe in ...


It does.

It is a conspiracy. Why does college FB stay with the bowls? Why does the NFL stay with a rule like this when it does so much else right?

Why fix something that generates millions of talking points and keeps you dominating TV and radio?

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So you are saying that is was premeditated?

Yup, for both players.

Eric Smith has never been in any trouble.

Not anymore.

Why all the complaining? NEP Ray Ventrone recieved a helmet to helmet hit fom a Jets player and there wasnt a fine or anything.

The Pats' Ray Ventrone was on the receiving end of a nasty helmet-to-helmet hit on the opening kickoff, and clearly suffered a concussion.

It has been announced that he has a head injury and his return is questionable.

Pats-Jets: Ventrone return questionable - Projo Pats Blog

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Yup, for both players.

Not anymore.

Why all the complaining? NEP Ray Ventrone recieved a helmet to helmet hit fom a Jets player and there wasnt a fine or anything.

The Pats' Ray Ventrone was on the receiving end of a nasty helmet-to-helmet hit on the opening kickoff, and clearly suffered a concussion.

It has been announced that he has a head injury and his return is questionable.

Pats-Jets: Ventrone return questionable - Projo Pats Blog

on a kickoff and you think THAT was premeditated? Yea the Jets all came out the locker room pointing and whispering to each other "THAT'S the MFer, Ventrone-HE'S the guy we get on the KO" Earth to Patsy troll...

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I know this wont sink in to either of your heads, but here it is anyway.

Crowder was running his mouth the entire game about Matt Lights wife. By the 4th quarter, Light informed the Ref that "if he didnt shut Crowder up, I will." When the FG attempt came Light took care of business.

Crowder instigated the whole skirmish. Thats why he was thrown out and fined. Porter was penalized for not shutting his yap either. They just kept talking, so Belichick let his players score another TD on the Whiners in the final seconds.

Light has never been in any trouble since being drafted in 2001. He was fined and warned about future behavior. The next time a suspension will follow.

where did you get this info about the wife talk ?

a pats* message board ?

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Yup, for both players.

Not anymore.

Why all the complaining? NEP Ray Ventrone recieved a helmet to helmet hit fom a Jets player and there wasnt a fine or anything.

The Pats' Ray Ventrone was on the receiving end of a nasty helmet-to-helmet hit on the opening kickoff, and clearly suffered a concussion.

It has been announced that he has a head injury and his return is questionable.

Pats-Jets: Ventrone return questionable - Projo Pats Blog

ventrone needs to keep his head up. ihedigbo just blew him up, plain and simple. he didn't launch himself or hit a "defenseless" player. ventrone should know better. there was no flag or fine or even complaints from the pats* because it was a legal play

what else ya got ?

should we break out all the harrison dirty hits and attempts to hurt WR's ?

c'mon man

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on a kickoff and you think THAT was premeditated? Yea the Jets all came out the locker room pointing and whispering to each other "THAT'S the MFer, Ventrone-HE'S the guy we get on the KO" Earth to Patsy troll...

BFD a fist fight was premeditated? Wow, unheard of.

I never said any of the Jets cheapshots were pre meditated. Get a clue.

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That is bullsh%t.

The Patriot players never get suspended. Wilfork didnt get suspended, niether did Matt Light who pounded a helmet-less Crowder in the back of the head repeatedly.

The blatant Patriot bias is palpable.

Your'e kidding, right? The NFL - a la ESPN- has successfuly made the Pats a villan, and you say their is bias? Yup - there is....and it's negative. You all bought into it. Not that I blame yah. Envy is a powerful emotion.

Light has been in the league for 15 years and this is his first offense. The two players involved spoke. From what I hear - there was nasty stuff going on during the game - all started by Miami. Also, Light did not intend to take off Crowders helmet - it just happened. And, most importantly, no ones face was broken. That is the difference. You may not like it - but Boldin is a premier receiver in this league and he got his face broke. That will not go un punished. Such is life in the NFL. Deal with it.

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Wait the other guy actually stayed up and thought about how to get pummeled beforehand? Wow, that is interesing.


No, Crowder knew before hand that running his mouth could lead to a fight. It sounds crazy I know.

It almost never happens that words are exchanged before a fight, but this time was one of the exceptions.

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No, Crowder knew before hand that running his mouth could lead to a fight. It sounds crazy I know.

It almost never happens that words are exchanged before a fight, but this time was one of the exceptions.

how about the scource of your info

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I love how Pats fans turn this into a Patriots Pity Party.

I wasn't dogging the Pats just the fines and suspensions as it doesn't seem to match up with the policies that they say. A fight in the middle of the field should get a suspension and a fine if that is what you are handing out for helmet to helmet hits.


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