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Surprise, surprise - Porter defends Burress, guns


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He bought it legally in another state... he is a high profile athlete... not some thug with no serial pistol...

How is he anymore dangerous to the public just because he didn't have a NY state license?

I would guess the thug knows how to handle the gun better due to career necessity. ;)

He is absolutely not right. You cannot walk around NY with a gun, licensed or otherwise unless you have a concealed weapons permit which very few non-law enforcement personnel have. Just because a few people in your chosen profession have had "incidents" or have been accosted does not give you the right to break the law. When people do not respect the law, there is anarchy and every jackass can find a reason why he would be justified to break the law too, turning the place into Baghdad II. So he is actually wrong, as usual.

Exactly. Keyshawn actually made an excellent point. Hire an off duty cop or some other professional that is licensed and trained to carry a gun. Plastico just signed a lucrative contract so we know he can afford it.

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I would guess the thug knows how to handle the gun better due to career necessity. ;)

Exactly. Keyshawn actually made an excellent point. Hire an off duty cop or some other professional that is licensed and trained to carry a gun. Plastico just signed a lucrative contract so we know he can afford it.

I agree to a extent, but you seen what happens when a player hires a security team/body guards like Pac Man Jones

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Based on 10 seasons where he has disappeared for seasons at a time only a liar:bag: would have said he would have this many sacks. Based on his track record for getting lost it would be as equaling as shocking if he had 10 sacks next year at age 32 against a real NFL schedule. The only sacks:bag: he will getting next season will be the bags:bag: on the Dolphagfans heads fans:bag:heads once they get an NFL schedule

I love the schedule argument because the Jets has been just as easy. And the predictions don't matter, by the way.

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Right, so you're totally cool with me walking down the street passing you by with your kids while packing an unlicensed high caliber pistol with no safety?

I own 3 Glocks (I have taken up competitve practical shooting as a hobby)... they have an internal safety and a double trigger. The problem is having a bullet in the chamber while not having a holster. You could drop a Glock and it won't go off... he grabbed the trigger when he tried to stop it from falling down his pants.

NY doesn't recognize any other state's conceal carry so he was carrying illegally.

It is also illegal to carry a gun in a place that serves alcohol or while having any sort of alcoholic intake...

...and it is simply moronic to have any gun with one in the chamber.

So basically Glock's are extremely safe when in the hands of anybody with half a brain and who took the time to get the proper training and permits to carry/own/fire the weapon.

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See what I mean by the Dolphag fans being the gayest fans in the NFL. It sounds like CJ and yourself would make a cute couple. I guess "lether" is the gay mans leather

Hey:bag: sexual :bag:oreientation:bag:has:bag:nothing:bag:to:bag:do:bag:with:bag:football.:bag: I love football, steaks and men. Big deal.


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