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New York Jets Mafia Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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OK. Since you don't think it's there, that's understandable. (To be frank, knowing CTM, I'd be uncomfortable if too many people did see it; if he links himself to a player that obviously, he's probably not mafia. Of course, that leads me down a WIFOM trail, but the point is that I'm looking for something subtle, and I think I see something subtle). If Norway's innocent, it's a moot point, anyway. But I can't know that until we lynch Norway or Vic tells me he investigated him

If Vic has investigated Norway, that'd be crucial info.

I doubt he has, just because he's got 'bigger fish to fry'. Can we get away with letting Norway be investigated tonight? Or does the math not work?

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Gentlemen - everyone other than Vic has now checked in today, and we still have no counterclaim.

Therefore, Vic is our cop, and Slats should not be a lynch candidate until 2 more mafia members go down (and even then as a last resort).



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That's what I meant, Pac. Sorry. Hungover, working from home as is my wife, and she's got me doing friggin yard work.

Everyone comfortable with Pac and Vic having similar roles?

Vic is our cop. I'm not at all sold on Pac, but he's potentially too valuable to lynch without an investigation unless we absolutely have to.

In fact, if he's lying, he's either SK or scum, which gives both scum and SK an added incentive to take him out.

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Interesting discussion. There's something that troubles me.

Still Playing

1. CTM

2. EY

3. Doggin94it

4. slats

5. WoodyPaige

6. SMC

7. Vicious89x (claimed role)

8. Jets Things

9. Norway'sWaddlingMarmaloof

10. Pac2566 (claimed role)

There's 3 mafia and 1 Vig/SK in those 7. Each member of the Axis is still alive after 2 NKs. Very surprising. Four possible NKs and not 1 of them was an Axis member.

If we remove the 3 from this list that leaves the following 7:

1. slats

2. WoodyPaige

3. SMC

4. Vicious89x (claimed role)

5. Jets Things

6. Norway'sWaddlingMarmaloof

7. Pac2566 (claimed role)

Would a 3 man mafia team out of these 7 keep the 3 Axis Members alive for yet another vote?

EY (as godfather) tried to take out Doggin Night 2 last game. They know the threat each other poses if on opposite sides.

Could Bleedin have been devious enough to make at least 2 if not all 3 scum? A Mafia All-Stars if you will?

I'm wondering about this because the debate now by each points in a different direction. They all have their own player they want to go after. Doggin wants Norway and EY wants Woody.

I still like the odds that at least 1 of them is scum.

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If Vic has investigated Norway, that'd be crucial info.

I doubt he has, just because he's got 'bigger fish to fry'. Can we get away with letting Norway be investigated tonight? Or does the math not work?

I think we can, since if scum kills norway to prevent the investigation, that's still giving us the info, which is what we really need.

Vic, please release your investigation result - today is too important to screw up.

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Still Playing

1. CTM

2. EY

3. Doggin94it

4. slats (viewed as innocent)

5. WoodyPaige

6. SMC

7. Vicious89x (confirmed cop)

8. Jets Things

9. Norway'sWaddlingMarmaloof

10. Pac2566 (claimed role)

We should not be voting for any of the 3 listed above (the 2 innocents and the role-claimant). That leaves 7 players. If Vic narrows down the list by 1, that will leave 6 players, among whom we are assuming are 3 Mafia, 1 SK, 2 Townies, or 2, 1 and 3 if Pac is scum, or 3/3 if Pac is the Serial. I like those odds.

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I think we can, since if scum kills norway to prevent the investigation, that's still giving us the info, which is what we really need.

Vic, please release your investigation result - today is too important to screw up.


Vic should have done 2 investigations. If that did not include a cut/benched/suspended guy, then Vic should at least give us 2 confirmed innocents. That cuts the list down to 8.

Heck, if Pac did 2 role finds of non cut/benched/suspended guy, that cuts our list down to 6.

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Only post of the day- unfortunately I did not hit mafia. I had to choose between various people but I still believe out of everyone still left in the game I honestly think either JT or Norway is scum. Take it for what it's worth. Please don't lynch until I get to make sure you aren't lynching a confirmed innocent.


All - I strongly suggest we wait for Vicious to get back before proceeding any further

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We should not be voting for any of the 3 listed above (the 2 innocents and the role-claimant). That leaves 7 players. If Vic narrows down the list by 1, that will leave 6 players, among whom we are assuming are 3 Mafia, 1 SK, 2 Townies, or 2, 1 and 3 if Pac is scum, or 3/3 if Pac is the Serial. I like those odds.

Yep, the odds definately improve.

These are our targets:

1. CTM

2. EY

3. Doggin94it

4. WoodyPaige

5. SMC

6. Jets Things

7. Norway'sWaddlingMarmaloof

4 out of the 7 could be anti-town.

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Yep, the odds definately improve.

These are our targets:

1. CTM

2. EY

3. Doggin94it

4. WoodyPaige

5. SMC

6. Jets Things

7. Norway'sWaddlingMarmaloof

4 out of the 7 could be anti-town.

Just to add, Vic/Pac giving us a confirmed innocent is pretty damn valuable.

We can cut that list down to 6, which means only 2 would be innocent. If we couldn't lynch scum with 67% chance at success we suck.

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Day two has begun.

With 10 players remaining, it takes 6 to cut.


1. CTM

2. EY

3. Doggin94it

4. slats

5. Jets Babe (Thomas Jones) - Cut, Day One

6. Dan X (Nick Mangold) - Suspended, Night Two

7. Jets Voice of Reason (Jason Taylor) - Benched, Night One

8. WoodyPaige

9. SMC

10. JiF (Kris Jenkins) - Suspended, Night One

11. Vicious89x

12. Jets Things

13. Norway'sWaddlingMarmaloof

14. Sharrow (David Harris) - Benched, Night Two

15. AVM ("Hollywood" Kerry Rhodes) - Cut, Day Two

16. Pac2566

So the (SK/Vig/Second scum team) killed JVOR (scum) and Sharrow

Scum killed Jif and Dan X

I want to look at flavor to try and figure out what we are dealing with. So in both Jvor and Sharrow's death, a player went to Woody and complained about another player leading to their benching. Since we know scum are players "rival superstars", having this player be a SK makes sense as his power is benching players, and he'd need to eliminate scum and town alike..

Now, Pac has a power role in which he says he's not a player but a scout (I will assume Bradway). (this is interesting because scum are "Rival Players") Seeing as how Bleedin vouched for the idea of non player character are in the game, and the fact that I believe Pacs role claim (not his alignment, yet). I'm going to say that I *think* Pac is legit and innocent aligned, since a scout, can't be a rival player..

So, the scum's method of getting a player suspended involves leaking stories to the press, or planting drugs. Also, they "suspend" players, a term that can be synonymous with "Firing" should it be a front office person, like Pac they target..

What I'm wondering, is how our SK, would "bench" a front office player by going to Woody? Doesn't seem plausible, yet he'd need to do it in order to win, since he has to eliminate everyone. I'm wondering if this is some kind of Vig whose powers don't work on town power roles? Either that, or the term "bench" isn't reliable...

Thoughts? The fact that Pac wasn't targetted by the serial killer also points me to the idea that it's a trigger happy vig, instead of a SK..

Morning came and the newspaper reports were out. Rumors were swirling about the late night activities of one Dan X. Woody Johnson saw this, and he was none too happy. As it turns out, the reports stated that there were rumors that Dan X had hit the bars last night, and things got out a little out of hand. Reports on everything from fights with midgets to encounters with tranny hookers made things look not so good for Dan X. He pleaded with Woody, trying to convince him that he never even left his house last night. Woody told him to prove it, but he had no means to do so, so Mr. Johnson took action.

Nick Mangold has been suspended.

But the night wasn't done yet. Once again, Woody Johnson had a visitor. And once again, his visitor had some not too kind words to say about someone else in the Jets lockerroom. This time, the person in question was Sharrow. At first Woody wasn't sure what to think, but as his visitor went on, Woody became more and more convinced that what he was saying about Sharrow was true. Finally, Woody decided he had enough and didn't need to hear any more, he was going to make things right, or so he thought.

David Harris has been benched.

Good morning... well at least for some of the players. For a couple though, not quite so much.

As it turns out, over the course of the night apparently someone called the police on our friend JiF. When they showed up, they almost immediately stumbled upon a very conveniently placed bag of drugs. This certainly wreaked of a setup, but he was still brought downtown and Woody Johnson had no desire to hear any excuses and he took immediate action.

Kris Jenkins (JiF) has been suspended.

But that wasn't the end of it. Woody Johnson, already not in the best of moods, apparently had a visitor of his own over the night. And apparently that visitor had some not too flattering things to say about one of his fellow players. As the discussion went on, Woody became convinced that he knew the action to take that was best for his team. It looks like JVoR wasn't going to be able dance his way out of this one. He'll probably go cry about it. Rival Superstar Jason Taylor (Jets Voice of Reason) has been benched.

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Still Playing

1. CTM

2. EY

3. Doggin94it

4. slats (viewed as innocent)

5. WoodyPaige

6. SMC

7. Vicious89x (confirmed cop)

8. Jets Things

9. Norway'sWaddlingMarmaloof

10. Pac2566 (claimed role)

We should not be voting for any of the 3 listed above (the 2 innocents and the role-claimant). That leaves 7 players. If Vic narrows down the list by 1, that will leave 6 players, among whom we are assuming are 3 Mafia, 1 SK, 2 Townies, or 2, 1 and 3 if Pac is scum, or 3/3 if Pac is the Serial. I like those odds.


All - I strongly suggest we wait for Vicious to get back before proceeding any further

Hello! Welcome to 10 this morning, glad you finally joined me here in the future :D

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Just to add, Vic/Pac giving us a confirmed innocent is pretty damn valuable.

We can cut that list down to 6, which means only 2 would be innocent. If we couldn't lynch scum with 67% chance at success we suck.

Hello to you too! Glad you made it :D

I also think Pac is legit (see my longer post above)

This means if slats isn't the god father, + pac has the doctor, we have a real good chance of coming clean..

In fact, I'm wondering if we should ask our vig/sk to claim NOW. It's clear that near lynch, regardless of his alignment, he'll claim vig, why not just get him out of the mix now so we can narrow in on 3-4 people, most of which will be scum

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Vic indicated he had another innocent.. If we believe him and Pac who claims to have found the doctor, that gives us 5 innocents

Slats, Pac, Vic, Vic investigation last night, doctor

Which means, we likely have 3 scum left out of the remaining 5 players. I think Vic should come clean on innocents, and the doctor should only speak up if at L-2. If we lynch from these remaining 5, we have a 60% chance of lynching scum today, assuming what we think we know is true..


If Pac is a rolefinder for the scum, or Slats is godfather (or even worse, Both), or Vic is insane, following the above advice would have us at a 20% chance of lynching scum today..


I think the first order of business should be finding out what Vic has, seeing if there's a counter claimant and then figuring out what to do with Pac..

Note, on the above, if the SK/Vig claims now and we avoid the doc or the doc claims, we'll be picking 3 scum out of 4 players, or 2 out of 4 if slats is godfather. Fairly good odds to get one today..

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Hello to you too! Glad you made it :D

I also think Pac is legit (see my longer post above)

This means if slats isn't the god father, + pac has the doctor, we have a real good chance of coming clean..

In fact, I'm wondering if we should ask our vig/sk to claim NOW. It's clear that near lynch, regardless of his alignment, he'll claim vig, why not just get him out of the mix now so we can narrow in on 3-4 people, most of which will be scum

If it's a SK, and not a Vig, he's essentially quitting though.

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If it's a SK, and not a Vig, he's essentially quitting though.


The SK loses by either getting killed or the number of townies + SK = mafia.

There's no incentive for the SK to reveal. The Vig? There is since he's aligned with the town.

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The SK loses by either getting killed or the number of townies + SK = mafia.

There's no incentive for the SK to reveal. The Vig? There is since he's aligned with the town.

I agree.

I think we may have to treat a last second vig reveal as a lie, and assume SK.

I'm pretty confident a vig would have revealed at this point.

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If it's a SK, and not a Vig, he's essentially quitting though.

Almost, not quite though if he lies and claims vig..

But the benefit is that if we ask the Vig to claim, and nobody does, we have a good idea that we are dealing with a SK and not a VIG (even though it doesn't really fit the flavor)

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I agree.

I think we may have to treat a last second vig reveal as a lie, and assume SK.

I'm pretty confident a vig would have revealed at this point.

DOn't agree. He's probably fearful of being NK'd, but with a cop and rolefinder in the open, that concern should be decreased...

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The SK loses by either getting killed or the number of townies + SK = mafia.

There's no incentive for the SK to reveal. The Vig? There is since he's aligned with the town.

Correct. So if there's no reveal, we can assume its a SK. If someone reveals as Vig, we'll need to keep in mind that they could be SK or even lying scum. (although false-claiming Vig would be a tremendously stupid move for scum)

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I agree.

I think we may have to treat a last second vig reveal as a lie, and assume SK.

I'm pretty confident a vig would have revealed at this point.

Either way, killing that player would be a mistake, since they count as a townie for purposes of staving off endgame. So we would not lynch anyone claiming Vig.

And it's not even an out for scum, because if you false-claim vig, you are scum, and therefore the real vig/SK will kill you tonight.

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Almost, not quite though if he lies and claims vig..

But the benefit is that if we ask the Vig to claim, and nobody does, we have a good idea that we are dealing with a SK and not a VIG (even though it doesn't really fit the flavor)

Well, he's the obvious NK target, and the Doc would be foolish to try to protect him. Because with the game nearing a close, he'd have to stay with Vic, or possibly himself.

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so do we all agree that we should ask the Vig to role reveal now? Pac could also verify him tonight if we were really paranoid..

Yes - and like I said, no need to verify with Pac. if it's a scum false claiming, then they die at night (since either SK or Vig would target them)

There's literally no downside to calling for a Vig reveal, beyond probably losing our out after the next day.

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Yes - and like I said, no need to verify with Pac. if it's a scum false claiming, then they die at night (since either SK or Vig would target them)

There's literally no downside to calling for a Vig reveal, beyond probably losing our out after the next day.

I agree with this as well.

It would be good to narrow the field.

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Well, he's the obvious NK target, and the Doc would be foolish to try to protect him. Because with the game nearing a close, he'd have to stay with Vic, or possibly himself.

Right now a SK is scum and towns best friend..

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Yes - and like I said, no need to verify with Pac. if it's a scum false claiming, then they die at night (since either SK or Vig would target them)

There's literally no downside to calling for a Vig reveal, beyond probably losing our out after the next day.

one downside is that it opens up a gambit where the scum sells out and our vig isn't around anymore to make them pay for it..

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one downside is that it opens up a gambit where the scum sells out and our vig isn't around anymore to make them pay for it..

The good news is I think we have a Serial, not a Vig. Serial won't reveal as vig anyway, since once he does he's toast at night and loses.

The bad news is that I think we have a serial, not a Vig.

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