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now that the world series is over....


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I would take Carl Crawford as a new LF any day over Bay or Holliday. That would be the one guy I would like the Yanks to zero in on, since Hideki and Johnny seem to be near the end of their days. I like his speed, and he can be a top of the lineup guy, along upgrading the outfield defensively [better arm and more range].

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I would take Carl Crawford as a new LF any day over Bay or Holliday. That would be the one guy I would like the Yanks to zero in on, since Hideki and Johnny seem to be near the end of their days. I like his speed, and he can be a top of the lineup guy, along upgrading the outfield defensively [better arm and more range].

I thought about that too for the Sox, but they've already got Ellsbury and definitely need more guys for the middle of the lineup. PLus it seems like Crawford gets hurt a bunch.

It'll be interesting to see how the left fields of the Sox and Yankees pan out. Sox need Bay back or someone similar (Holliday would be ok, but he couldn't hack it in Oakland, though he didn't have much support there either) and the Yanks can't bring back both Damon and Matsui. It wouldn't make sense.

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Sort of funny that you say Matsui and Damon are near the end of their days

Seems to me that they are peaking

They are both in their late 30's and their contracts are up. That means they're near the end of their days. It's only a matter of time before they break down.

I would keep Damon for a 1 year contract, and let Hideki walk. JMO of course.

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Sort of funny that you say Matsui and Damon are near the end of their days

Seems to me that they are peaking

Matsui is a full time DH. He can't play the field anymore with those knees, from what I understand. Since Posada can't catch every day like he used to, the Yanks will want to have a fluctuating DH between Posada and others to gives them days off.

Damon is a defensive liability in left.

They both have a couple more years left in them, but I don't think they bring back both of them. Maybe one. Maybe neither.

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If the Sox don't resign Bay, I would expect them to make a play for CC.

Also, if the Mariners don't feel like paying Jack Wilson 8+ million, he'll be a Sox as well.

If the Sox don't sign Bay (from what I've read they've offered 4/60) they'll have to find someone to play LF. I'd be ok with Crawford, but he doesn't have the type of power the Sox need.

Jack Wilson I don't think goes to the Sox. He's declining and the Sox have wasted a ton of money at SS the last 6 seasons or so. They like Lowrie a bunch, from everything I've gathered and want to give him a chance. I wouldn't mind them bringing back A-Gon for a couple years to split time to see if Lowrie is going to be any good.

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