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fixing the mets


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ok so i don't know if this plan is completely realistic but it would be a significant upgrade.....btw we do have like 40+ million coming off the books.

sign bengie molina

sign matt holliday (i would change this to crawford if his option isn't picked up)...jason bay wold be nice too....lol.

that takes care of our catcher and left fielder

now pitcher......

ideally i'd love to trade for halladay....maybe with a package starting with jose reyes and that kid mejia.......if this happened we would have to sign a guy like chone figgins.

how sweet would that be?

1- figgins

2- castillo

2- beltran

4- holliday

5- wright

6- molina

7- francoeur

8- murphy

9- pitcher

if not...keep reyes and sign a guy like lackey

1- santana

2- halladay/lackey

...and the rest (i'd like another upgrade here but this plan already spends alot of money, although taking a flier on sheets with an incentive-laden deal would be an option)....bedard is also an option.

this is what i'd like to see.....not what i expect will even be close to happening.

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Chone Figgins huh...

i think you'll see several of the RICH teams copy the Yankees' formula, SPEND SPEND SPEND UNTIL THEY BREAK THE EFFIN BANK. Hopefully the Wilpons won't be tight with the wallet, its much more fun when the METS are relevant.

BTW, Holiday will be in pinstripes. ( real ones, not the uber lame METS ones, no offense):D

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Chone Figgins huh...

i think you'll see several of the RICH teams copy the Yankees' formula, SPEND SPEND SPEND UNTIL THEY BREAK THE EFFIN BANK. Hopefully the Wilpons won't be tight with the wallet, its much more fun when the METS are relevant.

BTW, Holiday will be in pinstripes. ( real ones, not the uber lame METS ones, no offense):D

yeah chone figgins.......

high obp

nice batting average

can play almost every position

i'd take him anyway and put him at second base....lol.

or even move wright to first and put him at 3rd

as far as holliday goes. i'd much rather have carl crawford honestly. idk if they're gonna make him available though...we'll have to wait and see. if so...i'd jump on the carl crawford bandwagon right quick. anothet thing is that holliday is a boras client and so is bay...who are the other 2 guys i'd want after crawford. you could probably even put figgins in left field.

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yeah chone figgins.......

high obp

nice batting average

can play almost every position

i'd take him anyway and put him at second base....lol.

or even move wright to first and put him at 3rd

as far as holliday goes. i'd much rather have carl crawford honestly. idk if they're gonna make him available though...we'll have to wait and see. if so...i'd jump on the carl crawford bandwagon right quick. anothet thing is that holliday is a boras client and so is bay...who are the other 2 guys i'd want after crawford. you could probably even put figgins in left field.

Carl Crawford is awesome. He's wasting his talent with the hapless Rays. IMO he's one of the best players in the majors. He'd def be an upgrade for you guys.

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I like Figgins. He can be a real pain the @ss.

Why would the Mets trade Reyes when his trade value is not what it would be if he was healthy ? Why would the Jays consider trading their most valuable bargaining chip for a package of players when the main jewel in the deal is a SS who spent pretty much the entire season out with a torn hamstring ?

If Reyes goes out the first couple of months and is the Reyes of old then come the trade deadline you might have something.

Holiday I love. The Mets should throw major bucks at him.

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I like Figgins. He can be a real pain the @ss.

Why would the Mets trade Reyes when his trade value is not what it would be if he was healthy ? Why would the Jays consider trading their most valuable bargaining chip for a package of players when the main jewel in the deal is a SS who spent pretty much the entire season out with a torn hamstring ?

If Reyes goes out the first couple of months and is the Reyes of old then come the trade deadline you might have something.

Holiday I love. The Mets should throw major bucks at him.

i didn't say i thought it could happen. the jays do need a ss though and that kid mejia is a hard throwing sinkerballer. it was just a thought at a starting package......mostly because i'd like to see halladay as a met.

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yeah chone figgins.......

high obp

nice batting average

can play almost every position

i'd take him anyway and put him at second base....lol.

or even move wright to first and put him at 3rd

as far as holliday goes. i'd much rather have carl crawford honestly. idk if they're gonna make him available though...we'll have to wait and see. if so...i'd jump on the carl crawford bandwagon right quick. anothet thing is that holliday is a boras client and so is bay...who are the other 2 guys i'd want after crawford. you could probably even put figgins in left field.

I don't think Boras is Bay's agent.

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