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Scully to broadcast in 2010, then decide future

Lil Bit Special

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Scully refuses to have anyone else in the booth with him, and that's simply greedy and obnoxious. He was dumped by NBC (along with Joe Gargiola) after the 1986 Series when he insisted on openly rooting for "Billy Bucks" Buckner(whcih turned out to be damn embarrassing). He's been around forever, but he wasn't very good then and I doubt he hasn't gotten any better. Simply he's not a good listen. Now, Phil Rizzuto or Ralph Kiner might not have been that much on the ball as they aged, but they didn't take it too seriously and had fun with their boothmates. Scully has great pipes, but he's an arrogrant douche and prick. Good riddance and give someone else a chance.

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Scully refuses to have anyone else in the booth with him, and that's simply greedy and obnoxious. He was dumped by NBC (along with Joe Gargiola) after the 1986 Series when he insisted on openly rooting for "Billy Bucks" Buckner(whcih turned out to be damn embarrassing). He's been around forever, but he wasn't very good then and I doubt he hasn't gotten any better. Simply he's not a good listen. Now, Phil Rizzuto or Ralph Kiner might not have been that much on the ball as they aged, but they didn't take it too seriously and had fun with their boothmates. Scully has great pipes, but he's an arrogrant douche and prick. Good riddance and give someone else a chance.

I don't think you could be more wrong.

Scully allows a game to happen, and does not feel the need to inject himself into the action. he doesn't make it about him, he makes it about the game.

He admits when he is wrong, which is a rarity today.

He is a pleasure to listen to, and I would choose him over any I have heard.

Just an opinion

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I don't think you could be more wrong.

Scully allows a game to happen, and does not feel the need to inject himself into the action. he doesn't make it about him, he makes it about the game.

He admits when he is wrong, which is a rarity today.

He is a pleasure to listen to, and I would choose him over any I have heard.

Just an opinion

We each have our opinion, and given the length of his career there are a lot of people who agree with you. Seems like he forces a story line on a game rather than let it happen. And since there's no one else in the booth with him, there's no real conversation. Over 162 games suspect that gets ponderous.
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We each have our opinion, and given the length of his career there are a lot of people who agree with you. Seems like he forces a story line on a game rather than let it happen. And since there's no one else in the booth with him, there's no real conversation. Over 162 games suspect that gets ponderous.

He is not pretentious, he does not try to force you to know, what he knows, and he does not drone on.

He does research, and fits it in the game.

I will sit back on a late Sunday afternoon and turn on the Dodger broadcast and just listen sometimes.

As you said, this is a personal opinion and I respect that.

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