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The Office Mafia Game Thread

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So, are we just accepting the random lynch at 4pm? Or do we just take CTM up on his offer and kill him?

We still have 2 hours for any last-minute cliff-jumpers to come out of the woodwork and volunteer for a lynch. Otherwise, yeah, that'll probably be what happens.

Of course, unless you have anything to add, self-proclaimed greatest scum-hunter ever?

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The only time I can recall emo of this nature from scum, was when you pulled the, I'm only being lynched because I'm Pac routine, when you were in fact, scum.

I'm buying it. I just wish we could all collectively move on. There has been plenty of lurkers this morning not contributing at all with a deadline looming. I'd like to go a different direction, specifically Jetcode but would be good with lynching Slats or you as well.

Who's your top 3?

I've played with the beginning of Day 2 a hundred different ways and most of them side with him (CTM) being scum. His play here is strange even for him. If not emo, which he's saying it's not than what? Not letting him run free b/c he of all people self votes to L1.


This should put him back at L1.

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So, are we just accepting the random lynch at 4pm? Or do we just take CTM up on his offer and kill him?

Personally, I'd like to run Jetscode to reveal and pick between the 2 of them. Then let Hess reveal in night phase as discussed.

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We still have 2 hours for any last-minute cliff-jumpers to come out of the woodwork and volunteer for a lynch. Otherwise, yeah, that'll probably be what happens.

Of course, unless you have anything to add, self-proclaimed greatest scum-hunter ever?

Nobody listens to me.

Personally, I'd like to run Jetscode to reveal and pick between the 2 of them. Then let Hess reveal in night phase as discussed.

This is what I'd like as well but doesnt seem to be happening.

Should I just hammer CTM and get it over with?

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Im not sure your in people faces. You mentioned a couple name but mostly you been pushing along the CTM/ Ape shuffle. By the way it's the perfect way to get town to tear itself apart. Just saying..

I'm not pushing their shuffle. I don't like CTM's story, plain and simple. I could be wrong about it, but I don't like it.

I wasn't on DPR's case specifically because I wanted to avoid being in these early loudmouth battles. I decided not to do that a second day in a row when CTM confirmed the monkey's story (though, granted, not his alignment) then came out after him to start the day all gang-busters, regardless.

Plus the idea that he stole an item and then someone else destroyed the item just sounds off. Doesn't it? Usually all night actions are simultaneous. To me that means the so-called "item destroyer" either would've targeted an empty-handed CTM or would've targeted the Ape and destroyed the item. It doesn't seem correct that one action could take place (CTM steals the letter), and then another (someone else destroy's CTM's letter).

Slats and Jetscode are all across the board this game. Nudging arguments and muddying the waters. Neither of their play strikes me as town friendly. I've never seen JC put this much effort into a game. Lots of long winded posts that is completely not his style. Slats is just out right confusing me and that makes me nervous.

Pac is a total metagaming hunch, he's playing totally different, which is why I have him last.

Unvote Pac

Vote Jetscode

You let me know if there's anything I can clear up for you, JiF. Quote me and ask me what I mean by that, perhaps? I'm trying to be as clear as I possibly can, it's CTM's story that I find confusing.

Seriously, ask me something. Saying I'm muddying the waters or being confusing is not nearly the same as demonstrating it.

Personally, I'd like to run Jetscode to reveal and pick between the 2 of them. Then let Hess reveal in night phase as discussed.

I tried voting Jetscode a couple real life days ago for this exact reason and got no traction. Where were you guys then? Right now, I think it's getting late in the day to try to get an alternate train running.

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Personally, I'd like to run Jetscode to reveal and pick between the 2 of them. Then let Hess reveal in night phase as discussed.

This is what I'd like as well but doesnt seem to be happening.

I doubt we can get JetsCode from 2 votes to L-2 in less than 2 hours.

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Um Slats... I voted Jetscode instead of CTM last week when this all started, and I'm still voting him now. I have been trying to get pressure on Jetscode all weekend, but CTM won't shut the **** up.

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Um Slats... I voted Jetscode instead of CTM last week when this all started, and I'm still voting him now. I have been trying to get pressure on Jetscode all weekend, but CTM won't shut the **** up.

All I know is that there was a good period of time where I was the only vote on him.

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All I know is that there was a good period of time where I was the only vote on him.

4 real days, and a lot of bickering... but I've been consistently saying JC is my #1, just because I moved my vote in the flurry of bullsh*t, doesn't mean I changed my mind.

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At this point we have to lynch CTM. Not enough time to do anything else imo. If this goes random, anyone not voting CTM is suspect. Ape's suggestion that we run Jetscode up is either delusional or scummy.

Now it is... but I've been advocating it for a couple days, when its been more realistic.

I'll hammer CTM if there's nothing else we want to try to squeeze out of this day phase, that's all I'm saying.

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Oh stfu, Ape, you've been all over CTM regardless of where your vote was.

Actually, you should shut the **** up. How many times did I tell CTM to shut up, look at the big picture and tell me what he thought of Jetscode? How many times?

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I guess it was inevitable. I was really starting to get town read on him and would have liked to go another direction. Hopefully my initial instincts were right and we got scum. I dunno.

But I love how their are 11 players lurking but nobody commenting. Makes me think scum is laying low and everyone out front is town.

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Whatever you said about Jetscode was drowned out by the vitriolic monkey poop you two were slinging back and forth. You are either scum or MVP.

You seem like your jumping the gun a bit on setting up tomorrow's lynch you ******* vulture. Why don't we wait for the coroner's report?

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I guess it was inevitable. I was really starting to get town read on him and would have liked to go another direction. Hopefully my initial instincts were right and we got scum. I dunno.

But I love how their are 11 players lurking but nobody commenting. Makes me think scum is laying low and everyone out front is town.

That's usually the way it works.

Listen, supposing Hess is telling the truth and you're town, work with me. If you think I'm being confusing or whatever, ask me to clarify. I'll do my best. I had a scummy vibe on Dan and that sorta spilled over to you (of course), but I'm willing to go with the idea that you're town. Hess needing to get that out there doesn't seem like a scum maneuver at all.

@Hess - anything else the copier does? Are you supposed to pass it on tonight?

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That's usually the way it works.

Listen, supposing Hess is telling the truth and you're town, work with me. If you think I'm being confusing or whatever, ask me to clarify. I'll do my best. I had a scummy vibe on Dan and that sorta spilled over to you (of course), but I'm willing to go with the idea that you're town. Hess needing to get that out there doesn't seem like a scum maneuver at all.

@Hess - anything else the copier does? Are you supposed to pass it on tonight?

I know what you're thinking and I've asked questions and have been told PAFO. It's a Copier Machine with a message left behind. Maybe a scum trap but given the PM was sent by Dan I think it was left by the mod. Yep.

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Why would the mods leave the note when they could just tell you straight up? Did they confirm the veracity of the note?

You think the mods are leaving false clues?

Are you that suspicious of JiF, or the JVoR/Dan hybrid?

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Why would the mods leave the note when they could just tell you straight up? Did they confirm the veracity of the note?

I don't know but she did. I asked and was told PAFO. I think this was worth revealing. I had really no pressure on me at the time and I think it's better left out there so everyone knows instead of another possible town reveal. You can do with it what you want but I believe it.

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I'm suspicious of anything that isn't directly mod confirmed. I don't see how a note left in a copier is mod confirmed truth.

I don't know for sure either. The good news is we have another reveal and if it wasn't the mod than someone can step forward. If nobody does than it could have been sent by scum. Follow me?

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I don't know for sure either. The good news is we have another reveal and if it wasn't the mod than someone can step forward. If nobody does than it could have been sent by scum. Follow me?

Aaalso, The question that kept running through my head was why would scum have this item to start? Didn't make sense. Makes more sense if it came from the mod to start. I "send the copier to someone else but that it could be not make it to the intended person"....so therefore I think a "Theif" could steal it and start sending their own message. That it starts off right but can be changed/convaluted by scum as the game goes on.

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