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Wilkerson can't wait to meet Bart Scott


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Jets first-round draft pick Muhammad Wilkerson can't wait to meet Bart Scott, other teammates

By Kristie Ackert


Saturday, May 21st 2011, 12:11 PM

GLADSTONE, N.J. - Muhammad Wilkerson has not met Jets linebacker Bart Scott yet, but he "can't wait!," to be his teammate. The defensive end out of Temple, the Jets' first-round draft pick last month, said that he is thinking of joining Scott and other Jets in a workout in Miami this week.

"I spoke with Bart a few days ago, he told me that (a few players) were going to be heading out to Miami sometime this week, I believe," said Wilkerson who was at the Sybase Match Play Championship at Hamilton Farm Golf Club.

The Linden, N.J. native walked part of the course Saturday with girls from local LPGA-USGA groups as part of the LPGA-Blue Diamond 'Walk a Healthy 18' campaign.

"I am just here supporting these women, the athletes, and the program, showing kids that it's important to live a healthy life," Wilkerson said.

"And I am getting to see my first golf match."

The call from Scott was the first contact Wilkerson has had with his future teammates because of the owners' lockout.

"I am going to call him sometime and I might go down there with the rest of the guys."

After a brief stay of the lockout, Wilkerson was able to go to the Jets training facility and meet the staff. For all intents and purposes, however, Wilkerson has been on his own.

"It's a little weird ... just working out and trying to stay in shape," said Wilkerson. "Hopefully soon this lockout will be over, I and everybody can meet their new teammates and get things rolling."

Because of the lockout, Wilkerson's life has not changed much since he was picked 30th overall.

"I've just been lifting. I lift four or five times a week and try to get out on the field and do football drills on my own," Wilkerson said.

He keeps up with the negotiations between the NFL and NFLPA through the media. He has had no contact with the union.

"I haven't heard anything," Wilkerson said. "I am just training, working hard and ready to be a Jet. I can't wait to be a Jet."

Wilkerson, who is part of the Jets' efforts to bulk up their defensive front line, said he was excited to play for a defensive-minded coach like Rex Ryan. During the brief stay of the lockout, Wilkerson was one of the few rookies able to get his hands on a team playbook and is able to study.

He said he wants to hit the ground running.

"Once training camp comes around, I am really looking forward to impressing my teammates," Wilkerson said. "I want to make a good impression. I am here about business and I want to help out the team as best as I can."

Wilkerson said he was looking forward to playing with the likes of Scott, the outspoken veteran, whose WWF-like "can't wait!" answer to an interview question last year has become his catch phrase.

"I've never met him, you know, I just know what I have seen from watching him on TV," Wilkerson said.

"But I can't wait to meet him," Wilkerson said with a laugh.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/jets/2011/05/21/2011-05-21_jets_firstround_draft_pick_muhammad_wilkerson_cant_wait_to_meet_bart_scott_other.html#ixzz1N0ryXsYt

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my friend is working there and she said that she got his number... so if u guys want to send him some texts.... stalking is only a call away

I would not want to get in the way of your friend getting the deep dicking from an NFL player she probably wants.

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You mean Bart Scott, the one that does the dirty work while others get the stats?

No, Bart Scott, the one whos too busy runnin his mouth and starting fights while David Harris makes up for his miss tackles. Harris > Scott

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^^^^^ This D isn't where it is without Scott. I firmly believe that. He could any LB spot in any scheme.

I actually agree. It may not be the best source to back this up, but Rex speaks glowingly of Bart in his book. Says his attitude, energy and intelligence makes this D tick.

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