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To all the Haters...63.2%!


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So we have a overpaid, lowly rated QB that is on pace to having a 63.2% completion rate and projected to score 32 TD's standing behing a O-line that has not been up to par in pass protection! And the problem is ?

And considering Mark's chemistry with his new receivers will only get better I can only see this stats and impact improving.

If these projections are worth crowing about then they're worth betting, right? How much action can you stand on under 32?

Yo Denver, whatever he's offering I'll double it and give you 3/1.

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Did you really just use the word "rational" to describe anything related to an argument from a man who's spent the better part of the past two and half years looking for every means possible to criticize Sanchez, regardless of his performance? There's certainly plenty of rational critcism to be made of Sanchez, I'm just not so sure Aten qualifies.

Aten? He still post here? I thought he left mad.

I do agree that if anyone likes Mark more now then when he started they are fooling themselves.

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Sorry, but yeah...NO Interceptions accumulate (addition), while comp. % is a product of multiplication/division and does not COMPILE, but rather levels out. Surely you see this (and J Hector who liked his "no" response) I've listened to you talk football for some time now, dbates, I know you are intelligent. If you have If you complete 20-30 for 66% passes with 3 TDs in one game, and repeat that performance over, lets say, 5 more games, Your total number of TDs will not remain at 3, of course, it will be 15. However, your completeion percentage will not change. It will remain at 66%. Getting this, JH?

(of course, I'm sure you know this and just wanted me to waste 3 minutes of my life explaining it. Mission accomplished. lol)


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Did you really just use the word "rational" to describe anything related to an argument from a man who's spent the better part of the past two and half years looking for every means possible to criticize Sanchez, regardless of his performance? There's certainly plenty of rational critcism to be made of Sanchez, I'm just not so sure Aten qualifies.

This is kind of a strange thing to say considering his definition of rational would exclude me because I don't like him less now than before. Your suggestion that I've disregarded his performance is particularly ludicrous considering that I'm apparently the only one whose opinion of Sanchez has actually improved over the last two years. He's better than I thought he'd be. He's worse than others thought he'd be. He's not as good as you thought he'd be...yet! Pick the fundamentally irrational position. Try again. One more time.

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Sorry, but yeah...NO Interceptions accumulate (addition), while comp. % is a product of multiplication/division and does not COMPILE, but rather levels out. Surely you see this (and J Hector who liked his "no" response) I've listened to you talk football for some time now, dbates, I know you are intelligent. If you have If you complete 20-30 for 66% passes with 3 TDs in one game, and repeat that performance over, lets say, 5 more games, Your total number of TDs will not remain at 3, of course, it will be 15. However, your completeion percentage will not change. It will remain at 66%. Getting this, JH?

(of course, I'm sure you know this and just wanted me to waste 3 minutes of my life explaining it. Mission accomplished. lol)


You were both wrong in the first place and this is just gibberish. The corollary to holding C% constant is neither holding INT/G constant nor holding TD/INT constant. It's INT/A.

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Maybe someone should just create one single thread that surveys the question "Will the Jets win a Super Bowl with Mark Sanchez at QB".

This way everyone can stand up and be counted. The people who thinks he sucks can vote "No", and everyone who thinks he's good can vote "Yes".

Then, every member's stance can be clearly identified, so when the final results of his career are in 10 or 15 years from now, we know who was right and who was wrong, and one group can heckle the other group and say "I told you so" for the rest of eternity, because that what all this seems to be about ... who can say "I'm smarter than you".

But to bash a 3rd year QB who has already been to more championship games than any other QB in our 50 year history because he makes mistakes that even the great one's make 10 years into their careers, just to be able to say that "you're smarter than everyone else" is just moronic.

There are times when even veteran QB's like Drew Brees and Tom Brady stare down receivers. It's usually a product of pass protection. When protection is good, you have time to go through progressions. When protection is bad, quarterbacks "lock on" a receiver because they don't have time to go through their progressions. Go back and look at the 2008 Super Bowl when the Giants were hitting Brady on every play and tell me if he wasn't locking onto his receivers in that game. At the same time, go back and look at some of the Jets postseason games over the past 2 years where the O-line was giving Sanchez time, and identify how many times Sanchez pumped to a receiver in one direction, and threw to another on the other side of the field. It happened pretty frequently.

For the record ... I like Sanchez and think the Jets will win with him. He may not be Brady or Manning or Brees, but that's OK, he doesn't have to be to win a Super Bowl or even multiple Super Bowls. And being one of the best passers in the league does not guarantee a Super Bowl (i.e. Rivers, Marino, Tarkenton, etc...), or multiple Super Bowls (i.e. Favre, Warner, Manning, etc...), even in today's NFL.

I'm not I'm saying I'm right, nor should anyone else at this point because there is still alot of football to be played.

I will say that I hope I'm right ... not so I can throw it back in anybody's face, but because if I am, we'll win some championships, which at the end of the day, is what we all want.

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Do you actually want to bring that back up now that you guys are banning/threatening to ban people right and left for far less or are you just rubbing my nose in it?

We are banning people for personal attacks and arguing with one another.

I already apologized to you for my insensitivity.. You just always seem angry. You should eat more.

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I'm referring to him as a QB, not a guy you might blame giving a hummer too cause someone slipped something into your drink.

He's won me over for what he's done on the field, he's always been the apple in my eye for his looks. So hawt and smexy.

You just always seem angry. You should eat more.

I'm dumb and I cant stand dealing with stupid people...it makes me angry. Cant imagine how someone as smart as Aten feels. So I'm not surprised by his anger at all. In fact, its just.

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Shoulda went with Cutler, right? I was against the move when it happened, but luckily I am able to objectively re-evaluate things. It is the opposite of what happened to me with Clemens, a pick I liked.

I thought Jet fans, of all people, recognized a crappy limited QB, guess not.

First off what the hells does Cutler have to do with anything? Cutler was drafted 3 years before and talking about trading for him at the time is completely pointless cause we weren't and shouldn't have paid multiple 1st rounders for him. Trying to bring Cutler into this argument is just trying to deflect from actual facts people are bringing up and discussing them, As for my post I was legitimately curious and forgot from the draft how it was going and why we needed to trade up to 5th for him. I wasn't criticizing it, just asking for the backstory which was already answered and done with.

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He's won me over for what he's done on the field, he's always been the apple in my eye for his looks. So hawt and smexy.

He's a winner? What about the two Super Bowls he already cost us? What about them?

I'm dumb and I cant stand dealing with stupid people...it makes me angry. Cant imagine how someone as smart as Aten feels. So I'm not surprised by his anger at all. In fact, its just.

Just or not I think a few extra midnight snacks and a pocket full of candy bars would help. Ever see the Snickers commercial. Yeah that.

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I already apologized to you for my insensitivity..

And now you're bringing it up again apropos of nothing just for laughs. Which sort of casts some doubt on the sincerity of said apology, but I don't especially care about that. I just want to know if we're doing this or not.

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And now you're bringing it up again apropos of nothing just for laughs. Which sort of casts some doubt on the sincerity of said apology, but I don't especially care about that. I just want to know if we're doing this or not.

Calling me a professional piece of sh*t is not called for. But whatever.

I was not bringing that up. Just making a joke about your anger and apparent frustration with us mouth breathers. I wish we could meet up for a box of snickers and just be friends.

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Please tell me the ban policy doesn't apply to imagined personal attacks.

First off I break balls too much to ban anyone for attacking me. It's more for new posters and sensitive types.

And now you're bringing it up again apropos of nothing just for laughs. Which sort of casts some doubt on the sincerity of said apology, but I don't especially care about that. I just want to know if we're doing this or not.

See right their. A "Pro" Piece of sh*t. It's cool I forgive you.

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