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Rex opening his mouth again


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I believe some have already said it, however I do believe some of us did not mind the talk or the over the top talk, until we got our asses kicked, or that our team's record does not reflect the brash talk. I know Rex is our coach and I do believe he is a very good coach, but sometimes as a fan you get kicked in the balls buying into the hype-talk from monday to saturday and then come game time it looks like the team doesn't know what its doing and then get's hammered in a game. Some of us have been taught that if you talk you back it up no matter what. And when the performance doesn't meet the talk, some of us take that as being a "pussy".

I believe that's where the frustration comes from. I for one am not calling for Rex's head. I just want our team to win. Make the playoffs, go to the SB and win it so I can take my kids to see the team's parade up Braodway, that's all I am saying.

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This is a smart move by Rex.

So instead of the world and media talking about the a$$ kicking in Philly the focus now shifts to the bravado of a loud mouth coach.

The media hasn't seem to realized that is his motivation yet.

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I believe some have already said it, however I do believe some of us did not mind the talk or the over the top talk, until we got our asses kicked, or that our team's record does not reflect the brash talk. I know Rex is our coach and I do believe he is a very good coach, but sometimes as a fan you get kicked in the balls buying into the hype-talk from monday to saturday and then come game time it looks like the team doesn't know what its doing and then get's hammered in a game. Some of us have been taught that if you talk you back it up no matter what. And when the performance doesn't meet the talk, some of us take that as being a "pussy".

I believe that's where the frustration comes from. I for one am not calling for Rex's head. I just want our team to win. Make the playoffs, go to the SB and win it so I can take my kids to see the team's parade up Braodway, that's all I am saying.

Guys...see above....

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The media hasn't seem to realized that is his motivation yet.

It's true, and the thing I found so funny is he essentially flat out admitted it earlier this week when he made a comment along the lines of when the players win it's all about them, but when he loses he's going to make sure it's all about him, just as it should be. It's the one reason it doesn't really bother me as much, because he really is doing it for more of a purpose than just running his mouth for sh*ts and giggles.

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