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The biggest disappointment, IMO, has been McKnight. If the Jets draft a RB early, it's hard to see how he even makes the roster. He's earned zero role on an offense desperate for big plays and, sure, he's done well returning kicks, but who doesn't under Westhoff?

I am thankful you're not a Pats fan.

If you're disappointed in McKnight, we'd have to pull you off the ledge with some of Belly's late round draft blunders

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The biggest disappointment, IMO, has been McKnight. If the Jets draft a RB early, it's hard to see how he even makes the roster. He's earned zero role on an offense desperate for big plays and, sure, he's done well returning kicks, but who doesn't under Westhoff?

Meh, I'm not sure about that. Hell, he at looks a whole lot better than Powell who seems to struggle to make it more than one yard on a carry. Frankly, I find it tough to judge him solely based on not earning a role on the offense, considering 6 years of history tells us this offense simply doesn't ever allow young RBs onto the field until they're absolutely forced to. Just like Leon and Greene before him, McKnight won't be allowed to see the field unless the guys ahead of him on the depth chart are hurt. The two times he's actually had a chance to get more than a couple of garbage time carries (Denver this year and Buffalo last year), he's actually looked pretty good. Not that I think he's anything spectacular, but could certainly earn his keep as a 4th rounder.

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Meh, I'm not sure about that. Hell, he at looks a whole lot better than Powell who seems to struggle to make it more than one yard on a carry. Frankly, I find it tough to judge him solely based on not earning a role on the offense, considering 6 years of history tells us this offense simply doesn't ever allow young RBs onto the field until they're absolutely forced to. Just like Leon and Greene before him, McKnight won't be allowed to see the field unless the guys ahead of him on the depth chart are hurt. The two times he's actually had a chance to get more than a couple of garbage time carries (Denver this year and Buffalo last year), he's actually looked pretty good. Not that I think he's anything spectacular, but could certainly earn his keep as a 4th rounder.

Good point. Hopefully, it's just the pass pro thing holding him back.

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As far as the other picks from last year, I don't really know how you could argue against Ducasse being a bust. The guy is a dozen different kinds of awful. Is there a chance he turns it around? I guess so (although I wouldn't bet on it) but that doesn't change what he is right now, and that's pure crappola. On the flip side, trying to trash the Wilson pick is kind of ridiculous at this point. The guy has had a fantastic year for this team and the re-signing of Cromartie proves nothing but Rex's hard-on for CBs and that Wilson had a disappointing rookie year. A nickelback is an important player on any team, but in this defense the guy is even that much more important, and Wilson's been great there. Frankly, Wilson would probably be starting over Cromartie by now if not for the fact that Cro would get destroyed trying to play the nickel.

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Good point. Hopefully, it's just the pass pro thing holding him back.

That's definitely a legit point, as that's obviously still an issue. While he has looked a little better this year in that regard on the few chances he's had, he was still getting pulled off the field some in the Denver game for Powell in blocking situations (which his blocking in that game is probably the most impressive thing I've seen out of the kid yet). If he can show some real improvement in that regard through the offseason I'm guessing he probably will step into LT's role.

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He was the 61st overall pick, a LATE 2nd rounder...I would say closer to a high 3rd rounder.

You still have yet to answer the question who you would have drafted there? You seem to be one of those guys. You know, one of those draft revisionists. Don't be one of those guys


He was a 2nd round pick, and a bad one.

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I admire the attitude that Tanny and Rex know what they want and do what it takes to get it... in the 3rd/4th/5th rounds. I could care less how many bottom of the draft picks we lose... but we need to quit trading away our 2nd and 3rd rounders. Those are critical picks.

Perfect draft strategy is a balance between tanny and NE.

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Quick, name me a GM that has a perfect drat record?

Name a GM that gets to fire his first, hand-picked head coach, hire another coach, burn through six drafts after serving as co-GM for six prior drafts which (12 drafts producing a total of two All-Pros) all the while not winning a Super Bowl at any point during that span.

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Name a GM that gets to fire his first, hand-picked head coach, hire another coach, burn through six drafts after serving as co-GM for six prior drafts which (12 drafts producing a total of two All-Pros) all the while not winning a Super Bowl at any point during that span.

If I tell you, will you get his name on your chest?

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Name a GM that gets to fire his first, hand-picked head coach, hire another coach, burn through six drafts after serving as co-GM for six prior drafts which (12 drafts producing a total of two All-Pros) all the while not winning a Super Bowl at any point during that span.

Ozzie Newsome

Rick SMith (Houston)

Gene Smith (Jags)

AJ Smith (Bolts)

Howie Roseman (Eagles)

Jerry Angelo (Bears)

Marton Mayhew (Lions)

Rod Graves (Cards)

Thanks for playing

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Big Tanny fan here. But had a really bad off season. And I think I might be the minority here on this, but not happy giving Holmes and Cro such huge deals.

Holmes has had exactly one season as a premiere receiver. And now that season is looking like an outlier. He is a very solid #2, so we are vastly overpaying him.

Don't know where to begin with Cromartie. Seems the story here is he looks bad because he plays opposite of the great Revis. But I believe that is actually what is giving him a pass. He is being paid to be a top flight, shutdown corner. Something he's obviously not. But since he plays second fiddle to Revis, he gets a break. Well actually he's just a number 2 corner so it doesn't matter that he's not that great or so I guess people must be thinking. But we are paying him to be a number 1.

That all comes back to Tanny investing so much in Aso, who we didn't need, and getting forced into Cro. Who I don't even think they really wanted back.

Also missing on a workout wonder in Ducasse so close after missing on one of the drafts all-time work out wonder (Gholston) busts is unexcusable.

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