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Dexter Mafia Game Thread


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I can't believe I'm even being considered for a lynch

will you guys please switch and lynch this scumbag already

Nolder (3) - SMC, Vic, Lily

SMC (3) - Pac, Nolder, Sharrow

Vic (1) - Verbal

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

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I can't believe I'm even being considered for a lynch

will you guys please switch and lynch this scumbag already

Nolder (3) - SMC, Vic, Lily

SMC (3) - Pac, Nolder, Sharrow

Vic (1) - Verbal

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

This vote count is too legit to quit.

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Not that hard. There's a thing that called "unvoting". I think Pac invented it.

So wait, you wanted me to unvote CTM and ninja hammer him and deprive Pac of the kill like what Nolder did. Is that it?

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it's SMC

and maybe Vic

Vic got pretty worried as the train on SMC grew and switched off when he thought he might be able to get me lynched

Lol wut.

I was the first vote on SMC's train after LL came forward, then bounced off when SMC mentioned you who I was going to vote out of the gates day 1.

Holy scumtard.

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So this Lumen girl is Dexter's teammate too. So we're looking for those two. I wonder if there will still kill or have become survivors.

interesting catch.. 80 can you confirm if this scene was flavor or to be taken literally?

If there's 2 then I can definitely see a scenario where SMC and Nolder are BOTH scum doing some more greyhounding. What a scum team lol.

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You're the only one that gets me.

///hugs and squeezes extra tight

*hugs back extra tight and includes Crusher in the love fest*

Your words cut me. They cut deep.

I sorry, ten seconds.

I'm gonna be Apesque here and say I told you so about Brett. And SK Hess try to cast suspicion on me in the end. These are the remaining players:

1. Vic

2. Lily

3. Jetscode

4. Pac

5. SMC

6. Leelou

7. Crusher

8. Sharrow

9. Nolder

10. Song -- confirmed reviver

11. Verbal

CTM is the only known scum and this is his final vote train:

I'm leaning Nolder as CTM's scummate. Potentially Pac for his failure to hammer. They have to have more than a watcher. I think it's at least a 2 player scum team.

An sk has nothing to do with another person. Just because they try and throw suspicion on you, doesn't mean they know you are town *rolls eyes*

No you do it after I say this.

Hockey isn't a real sport because the athletes are mediocre and the game is boring. Also, the dolphins are gay.


Dude, at the point you hammered, only CTM was in range. And Pac had posted about 9 times to ramp up....he's done it before. Even if you've never seen it, it was sorta obvious with everybody daring the next person to hammer. It was a foregone conclusion, and you're being sloppy right now in defense.


Two people I wouldn't vote for are already dead. One twice dead with a third shot taken at him. I forgot about SMC's miller claim earlier in the game. Notes are at home, I'm at work. Was just going over what I read quickly this morning and made a decision.

Nol, CTM is known to have teammates do the whole bus thing. I could see him having you hammer him to have you come off looking like a brave townie.

So you would vote me? *sad face*

And Nolder, my train wasn't even valid anymore because of my claim, the only reason people were still on it was because they weren't there for deadline, or are scum/sk.

VOTE NOLDER I are down

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you voted him early so it wouldn't be as suspicious when you jumped off


So let me get this right. Voting early was a pre-meditated attempt I made that is scummy but hammering a self-proclaimed bomb to use as the cornerstone of your innocence defense is.... town.

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It seems likely that we're looking for the last 2 scum players, CTM's teammates.

Nolder is the best bet and then we can go from there.

Leelou likely has a BPV so she'll be clear tonight for the investigation. With SKs dead, she'd, at worse, get only one shot at her. That means she'll be able to reveal her result tomorrow.

I'm a miller and if you know the show it makes sense. Nolder saying he can't think of it is suspect, along the long line of suspect things about him.

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interesting catch.. 80 can you confirm if this scene was flavor or to be taken literally?

If there's 2 then I can definitely see a scenario where SMC and Nolder are BOTH scum doing some more greyhounding. What a scum team lol.

Oh, jeesh, you're going to be this dumb again? Didn't you learn your lesson before with Crusher? I'm 100% telling the truth and I said it when Ape was alive and known as the LD.

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And Nolder, my train wasn't even valid anymore because of my claim, the only reason people were still on it was because they weren't there for deadline, or are scum/sk.

VOTE NOLDER I are down

Song I'm pretty sure you hadn't claimed at the time I was supporting CTM's lynch


So let me get this right. Voting early was a pre-meditated attempt I made that is scummy but hammering a self-proclaimed bomb to use as the cornerstone of your innocence defense is.... town.

how are the two events even comparable?

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It seems likely that we're looking for the last 2 scum players, CTM's teammates.


Dexter and Lumen

who's my partner? because it's looking to me like Vic is yours

Nolder is the best bet and then we can go from there.


I'm a miller and if you know the show it makes sense. Nolder saying he can't think of it is suspect, along the long line of suspect things about him.

I do know the show

and while I wont claim to be the brightest guy ever I feel like if the miller claim fit I'd be able to figure it out

a character who is a "good guy" but looks "scummy"

honestly the only person that comes to mind is Quinn but iirc he already died

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By the time you hammered you did and that's your whole argument about there being valid trains at the end. There wasn't any valid trains only ctms

but why would that even matter?

BEFORE you revealed there was a possibility you would be lynched

at that time I supported CTM being lynched

it doesn't matter if the other two trains were "invalid" later because they weren't at the time and that's the point

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but why would that even matter?

BEFORE you revealed there was a possibility you would be lynched

at that time I supported CTM being lynched

it doesn't matter if the other two trains were "invalid" later because they weren't at the time and that's the point

shhhh... it'll all be over in a minute.

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I'm going to fight it

I'm not mafia and I'm not going down without trying my hardest to make you all realize this

look at the rabbits Nolder... see them... they're so so pretty... and you get to live with them forever.. shhh..



Vote Nolder

adieu, farewell.... tell CTM hello.

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Dexter and Lumen

who's my partner? because it's looking to me like Vic is yours


I do know the show

and while I wont claim to be the brightest guy ever I feel like if the miller claim fit I'd be able to figure it out

a character who is a "good guy" but looks "scummy"

honestly the only person that comes to mind is Quinn but iirc he already died

SMC is talking about Doakes I think.

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