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Dexter Mafia Game Thread


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he's such a twat, he "catches" lily every day 1 and didn't even vote me... what a clown, lol

My favorite Ape Gem from the dead thread:

"CTM will never win again... I've ruined him. I know I drive you all crazy, but its for the greater good of our society, and a small part of each of you (no, not that part) appreciates the fact that I single-handedly have destroyed CTM. He's the Matrix, and I'm mother****ing Neo. ******* his world up.

The Steve mother****ing Jobs of mafia... boom."

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BTW I could think of a 5 page Death Scene to end this that barely involves poor Lily except to say she was a victim of unfortunate circumstance. How she never asked for such a horrible fate being stuck with CTM and Pac. And then the rest would be an ultra longwinded diatribe about the inept, insufferable romantic failures of Dexter and Stepdad.

...I digress.

you are a despicable human being

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My favorite Ape Gem from the dead thread:

"CTM will never win again... I've ruined him. I know I drive you all crazy, but its for the greater good of our society, and a small part of each of you (no, not that part) appreciates the fact that I single-handedly have destroyed CTM. He's the Matrix, and I'm mother****ing Neo. ******* his world up.

The Steve mother****ing Jobs of mafia... boom."

The ape is so obsessed with me it's kind of sad.... poor little fella.. I won as scum 2 games ago, managed to survive to end game despite the ape "catching" our whole team on day 1

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he's such a twat, he "catches" lily every day 1 and didn't even vote me... what a clown, lol

I'm not trolling you, those are the people most responsible for my death

No, this isn't trolling at all. In fact you NEVER do this after a game ends... telling me I had nothing to do with the win... then I stupidly take the bait and I argue with you... then you'll follow up with the usual bit about me pounding my chest and not being able to let my play speak for itself... and round and round we go.

Sharrow, Verbal and SMC mvp'ed this, IMO. I just hope my D1 helped them, because I know my D2 didn't.

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The ape is so obsessed with me it's kind of sad.... poor little fella.. I won as scum 2 games ago, managed to survive to end game despite the ape "catching" our whole team on day 1

Just shush... you are embarrassing yourself now.

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The ape is so obsessed with me it's kind of sad.... poor little fella.. I won as scum 2 games ago, managed to survive to end game despite the ape "catching" our whole team on day 1

We would own the ape just like last time if given the chance. :D

That being said you owned me. And Hess made me watch myself get shot in the face.

At least I have teh Vicious and Lils.

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I hate that not a single person has given me MVP consideration when I SHOT JIF TWICE IN 1 GAME

You shot me too, lol... which was probably the worst thing you could have done there.

I was going to push Vic's lynch really hard, him Lily or JC. I probably would have derailed a lynch on you. Kept you alive.

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I wish I had cleared SMC and Crusher when I had the brain fart and told the game my BPV was gone. Apparently Brett/Hess were going to shoot me a 2nd time regardless of that post though. So I was dead meat either way. The only trail of information from my findings that I left was my complete 180 on Crusher when I found out he was town. When I talked about the butter fusion, I hoped people would recall it later. I never included SMC or Crusher in any of my posts when I was breaking up who was scum and who was SK just before I died, but it was too subtle. I should have just blurted it out and dared scum/SK to shoot me and vet my results. Oh well, learn from mistakes.

I had such a great list of quotes to test too... had posts to test Lily, Nolderp, JC, Leelou and a couple others all from D1. :(

I really underestimated the amount of killing there would be, and thought my D1 wifom about LD was okay to push... like I said, I'm prone to high-risk play. Its more fun that way... but partially retarded too. lol

JF80 this was an awesome setup, and lots of fun. Thanks!

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Dexter was dead, leaving his protoge Lumen all alone. Her vendetta over after the death of Jordan Chase, a man who orchestrated terrible rapes and murders of women like her....including her.

Now Miami Metro came to a decision.

"Time for you to die. We are unanimous."

"It's all right. I've made my peace."

"I'll do the deed," said Verbal.

And with that, Verbal took out a pistol, and took out his victim.


Lily, aka Lumen Ann Pierce (scum, BP as long as Dexter is alive, can only kill SK Jordan Chase), is dead.

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Guys are killing Ape for his self dick sucking, but he played well. His major mistake like he acknowledges is revealing he got shot and lost his BPV.

I believed his LD reveal and thats one of the reasons I was so explicit in my reveal. I wanted him to confirm me. There were also a lot of great quotes out there to test. SKs did well to kill him.

Like Dan said awhile ago (I miss her and hope she plays again soon) Im like a streaky shooter in basketball. To Ape it, I gotta say I was totally spot on the last 2 games, but fair warning--Im likely going to totally suck the next game.

Thats how I roll.

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Scum Team

Dexter Morgan (Godfather, 1-time BPV, in charge of NK's) --- Pac

Harry Morgan (watcher, dies in place of Dexter) --- CTM

Lumen Ann Pierce (bulletproof as long as Dexter is alive, only can kill Jordan Chase) --- Lily

SK Team

Arthur Mitchell a.k.a. Trinity Killer (kills three phases in a row, i.e. D1, N1, D2, then doesn't kill for a full D/N phase) --- Hess

Brian Moser a.k.a. Ice Truck Killer (kills during the night only) --- Smash

Jordan Chase (kills during the day only) --- Brett


Lt. Maria LaGuerta (cop) --- Leelou

Sgt. Angel Batista (1st deputy) --- Crusher

Debra Morgan (2nd deputy, 1-time BPV) --- JiF

Joey Quinn (tracker) --- AVM

Vince Masuka (day-time doc) --- Vic

Brother Sam (night-time doc) --- Verbal

FBI Agent Frank Lundy (Lie Detector. 1-time BPV) --- Optimus Primate

Captain Tom Matthews (1-time BPV) --- JetsCode

Rita Bennett (Reviver, can revive a dead player once) --- Song

Sgt. James Doakes (miller, 1-time BPV) --- SMC

Miami Tribune reporter Christine Hill (PR, must post unofficial vote counts) --- Nolder

Jamie Batista (bulletproof as long as Angel is alive) --- Sharrow

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No, this isn't trolling at all. In fact you NEVER do this after a game ends... telling me I had nothing to do with the win... then I stupidly take the bait and I argue with you... then you'll follow up with the usual bit about me pounding my chest and not being able to let my play speak for itself... and round and round we go.

Sharrow, Verbal and SMC mvp'ed this, IMO. I just hope my D1 helped them, because I know my D2 didn't.

Just because I wasn't trolling you in that post doesn't mean I don't enjoy trolling you, you're the easiest mark.. you HAVE to respond.. it's hilarious

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You are Dexter Morgan (Godfather, scum).

You are a forensics expert and blood spatter analyst employed by the Miami Metro Police Department, but have a double life as a serial killer As young boys, you and your older brother Brian witnessed the murder of your mother, and were left for two days in a shipping container filled with blood.

You alone are in charge of night kills for your scum team. However, fear not. If you are attacked, you have a 1-time bullet proof vest. Additionally, if you do get killed, your father Harry (CTM) dies in your place the first time around. Any investigations by the police will also result in an innocent result.

You win when all threats to your scum team are eliminated. Your teammates are CTM (watcher) and Lily.


You are Harry Morgan (Watcher, scum).

As Dexter's adoptive father and former detective (now deceased), you appear regularly to Dexter (Pac) as a "ghost" who comments on and gives advice on all the problems Dexter faces.

Each night, you can choose one player to watch, and will be notified if said player receives a visit during night phase. You may watch during the day if you would like, but keep in mind that you will need to wait a full day/night cycle to watch again regardless of which you choose.

You win when all threats to your scum team are eliminated. Your teammates are Pac (Godfather, 1-time BPV) and Lily.


You are Lumen Ann Pierce (bulletproof as long as Dexter lives, scum)

You witnessed Dexter (Pac) killing Boyd Fowler, a man who kept you captive and tortured you. You joined Dexter not long after he saved your life in order to help kill Jordan Chase (SK), who was ultimately responsible for your capture as well as the torture and murder of dozens of other young women. Your vendetta soley focuses on Mr. Chase.

Each night, you will choose one player who you believe to be Jordan Chase. If you find him, he will be killed, removing an important threat to your team.

Also, being that you are under the tutelage of Dexter himself, you are bulletproof, meaning that all kill attempts will fail, as long as he remains alive.

You win when all threats to your team are eliminated. Your teammates are Pac (Godfather, 1-time BPV) and CTM (watcher).

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Role PM's, SK TEAM


You are Arthur Mitchell, aka the Trinity Killer (SK).

You are an unassuming suburbanite man who has been living a double life as one of America's most prolific and deadly serial killers, dubbed the Trinity Killer by FBI agent Frank Lundy. You have been known to kill in groups of three, typically by murdering a married couple and their young boy.

Your kills, as such, will come in groups of three in the game as well. You may submit a kill three phases in a row (i.e. Day 1, Night 1, Day 2), but then must take a full day/night phase off (i.e. off Night 2 and Day 3).

You win when all threats to your team are eliminated. Your SK teammates are Smash and Brett.


You are Brian Moser, aka the Ice Truck Killer (SK, night killer).

You are Dexter's biological brother. As children, both you and Dexter witnessed the chainsaw murder of your mother, Laura, and afterward were left for two days with her body in a shipping container until the police found you both. In the aftermath of the killings, Harry Morgan, the officer-on-scene, adopted Dexter, while you were left in the state's care. You suffered severe psychological trauma in the container and were left in a mental institution, where over time you became a violent sociopath and becoming a brutal murderer.

Each night, you may submit a kill.

You win when all threats to your team are eliminated. Your SK teammates are Hess and Brett.


You are Jordan Chase (SK, day killer).

You are a highly intelligent and well known and highly regarded author and motivational speaker. Alongside your books, you are also famous for his audiotapes and seminars, encouraging people to "take what they think they deserve". In private, you are actually a misogynist, misanthropic, cynical person, and the leader of a ring of men who torture and murder young women.

Each day phase, you may submit a kill.

You win when all threats to your team are eliminated. Your teammates are Hess and Smash.

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Role PM's, TOWN


You are Lt. Maria LaGuerta (town, cop).

You are a tough, determined woman in command of the Homicide division at Miami Metro. As lieutenant, you are an extremely important person in a city with a high-murder rate such as Miami. But you are not alone in finding the many threats to cops and civilians alike. You can count on 1st deputy Sgt. Angel Batista (Crusher) and 2nd deputy Debra Morgan (JiF). If you are killed, they take over in your stead.

Each night, you may choose a player to investigate, and I will notify you if that player is either TOWN or NOT TOWN.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated. Good luck!


You are Sgt. Angel Batista (town, 1st deputy).

You are a former detective in Miami Metro Police Department's Homicide Division. With a good-nature, dry sense of humor, and a reputation for complete honesty, you play a valued role in ridding Miami of it's many murderous citizens, which is why you were promoted to Sargent.

While you operate as a vanilla townie to begin the game, you will take on the role as cop if and when your Lieutenant, Maria LaGuerta (Leelou), dies. You will also receive all of her investigation results. If YOU are killed, fear not. Your information will then be passed on to 2nd deputy Debra Morgan (JiF).

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.


You are Debra Morgan (town, 2nd deputy, 1-time BPV).

You are the younger foster sister of Dexter and biological child of Harry Morgan. Inspired by your father's legendary police career, you joined the police and desperately yearned to become a Homicide Detective at Miami Metro. Upon being transferred to the homicide department, you show instincts that clearly make you a policeman's son.

While you begin this game as a townie with a 1-time bullet-proof vest, you will be thrust into the role of cop if your two superiors, Lieutenant Maria Laguerta (Leelou) and Sergeant Angel Batista (Crusher) are killed.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.


You are Joey Quinn (town, tracker)

You are a detective who transferred to the Homicide division of Miami Metro after being in narcotics. A solid detective and partner of Sergeant Angel Batista ( ), you have distinct abilities to uncover murderers in Miami.

Each night, you can choose one player whose movements you would like to track. You will be notified of who, if anyone, that player visits. You may track during the day if you would like, but keep in mind that you will need to wait a full day/night cycle to track again regardless of which you choose.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.


You are Vince Masuka (town, day-time doc).

You are the Miami Metro Police lead forensics investigator and work alongside Dexter in the lab and in crime scenes. Though you often crack jokes of a sexual nature on the job, you are also excellent at your job. Sometimes, you are able to keep others out of trouble.

Each day phase, you may choose a player you wish to protect from any kill attempts.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.


You are Brother Sam (town, night-time doc)

You are a reformed criminal who runs an auto-body shop in Miami where you try to extend your good luck to other ex-convicts by giving them a place to work and providing protection from Miami thugs.

Each night phase, you may choose a player you wish to protect from any kill attempts.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.


You are FBI Agent Frank Lundy (town, lie detector, 1-time BPV)

You were a high-ranking and illustrious FBI Special Agent; serving as one of their manhunters and the Bureau's top agent. You were recruited by Miami Metro's Cpt. Matthews to lead the task force dedicated to identifying and arresting a serial killer known as the Bay Harbor Butcher.

Each day phase, you may choose one statement made by a player that you would like to check for its sincerity. I will let you know if the statement made by the player is TRUE or FALSE. You also have a 1-time bullet proof vest protecting you from any kill attempts.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.


You are Captain Tom Matthews (town, 1-time BPV)

You are a high-ranking Miami Metro PD police official who serves as its Captain. Previously, you served as commanding officer and then Deputy Chief of Miami Metro PD Homicide Department and the immediate superior of Lieutenant María LaGuerta. You were also a good friend of Dexter's father, Harry Morgan.

You are equipped with a 1-time bullet-proof vest, offering you one escape from a kill attempt.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.


You are Rita Bennett Morgan (town, reviver)

You are Dexter's wife. You have two chidren, Astor and Cody, and have a third child, Harrison, with Dexter. All of this while remaining unaware of Dexter's extra-curricular activities.

During a night phase, you have the one-time ability to revive a player that has been killed.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


You are James Doakes (town, miller, 1-time BPV)

You were a sergeant serving as lead case investigator to Miami Metro PD's Homicide. You also have killer impulses which drove you to divorce you wife. Unfortunately for you, you have recently been framed for the many murders Dexter has committed.

If you are investigated by the town cop, your result will come up as NOT TOWN. You do, however, have a 1-time bullet proof vest to protect you from any kill attempts.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


You are Christine Hill (town, PR – must post vote counts)

As a sexy Miami Tribune reporter who often seduces classified police information out of boyfriend and Miami Metro detective Joey Quinn, you have the enviable ability to keep up with the goings-on of Miami.

Given you abilities, and the fact that I am a first-time mod, you will help me by posting unofficial vote counts as often as will please me.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.


You are Jamie Batista (town, bulletproof as long as Angel is alive).

You are Angel Batista's sister and Dexter's nanny. Since your brother is a Sargent with Miami Metro and also has a tendency to be over-protective of you, you will be bulletproof (immune to all kill attempts) as long as he remains alive.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

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First of all, thank you for playing in Dexter Mafia. I hope you had as much fun as I did modding it. If not, die in a fire.

At this time I would like to recognize the MOMENT OF THE GAME.

This is the easiest award of all to hand out. The winner is......

JiF getting shot at twice Day 1 (by Brett and then Hess), dying, getting revived by Song, then getting shot again by Brett.

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Just because I wasn't trolling you in that post doesn't mean I don't enjoy trolling you, you're the easiest mark.. you HAVE to respond.. it's hilarious

I choose to respond. I play into it because your usually pretty funny, and I don't mind laughs at my own expense. I've always been sure you understood this.

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Next up, we have the LeBron James Award.


This award goes to the player on the losing team who most embodied LeBron James. A talented player who ended up looking like a complete and utter douchebag. This player exhibited these qualities by:

1) While he killed 2 SK's in impressive fashion, this ended up backfiring, as he needed those very SK's to hang around and do his dirty work.

2) Dancing around a lynch of scummate CTM on Day 1, which later sealed his doom. This can be easily compared to LeBron waffling on his decision to stay in Cleveland or, ultimately, leave for Miami.

3) Complaining about balance throughout the game. Much like LeBron did when he described to reporters how shocked he was at the vitriol he received from fans and media alike.

4) Self-hammering to seal his fate and going out like a disgraced loser, much like LeBron did in the NBA Finals. F*** you man.

The winner of the LeBron James Award is.........


Now go eat a bag of dicks, loser.

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Our 2nd award is the Jason Kidd Award.


This honor goes to the player(s) who provided the most assists to the winning team (town). This award will be handed out to TWO players.

The first played his role perfectly. Despite being given the unenviable role of town miller, this first award winner revealed early to get his distracting role out of the way early. Though he was later investigated by the misinformed cop (Leelou), this was by no fault of his own. Later, he helped lead the final lynches on Pac and Lily to finish off the scum team.

Another player worthy of this honor was not able to use his role of nighttime doc effectively because of all the killing roles being taken out. However, his gameplay was excellent. He was a big proponent of the mass reveal which helped seal Lily and Pacs' fate.

And the winners are...........

SMC and Verbal!!!!!!!!


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