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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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For the record, I merely pointed out that all anyone has to do is claim roleless, and with no Cops left, we can't prove otherwise without a death.

And to reiterate, there have been few player interactions with Sakaea - unlike with Dan - which means a lynch would give us little information outside of the obvious.

Party on.

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Bah - now were just going through motions.

Sakaea will just say she's roleless. Then we'll have one, maybe two more chances to run somebody up before the deadline, and whoever has the most votes on them an hour before the lynch is going to swing. That means that our third or fourth top suspect is the one that will get lynched - not our first.

If we lynch Sakaea, what info do we get? She isn't really connected to a lot of other players. Her train was started by folks trying to stop Dan's train - not be folks who stood by their guns and said they thought she was scum. The shopping comment was flip, and she's not overly helpful, but I feel like we really need to triangulate and tie players together, and that means lynching a nexus. I still think a Dan lynch will give us the most info.

having said that, Klecko is warming up for an emo meltdown without actually having played, and that could be prime entertainment.

No, you said that I would say that I'm roleless. Seems to me that's a rather large difference.

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No, you said that I would say that I'm roleless. Seems to me that's a rather large difference.

Seems to me that there's a rather large difference between providing a scenario vs. making a prediction.

But don't let me steal your thunder - if you have a reveal to share with us, by all means, share away...

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Seems to me that there's a rather large difference between providing a scenario vs. making a prediction.

But don't let me steal your thunder - if you have a reveal to share with us, by all means, share away...

I was actually going to say I thought Sakaea seemed to be grasping at straws a bit...but then you got all dirty with us again. You want her to reveal now? Didnt you just bitch about how everyone can just claim roleless? lol

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Wow...interesting day...DPR...dude...how goes it? Have anything to offer? Anyway Sakaea, how about you...wanna reveal?

I'm almost at the point to ask for a mass reveal...

While we chew on that...my current top 3:

DPR...he's earned the pressure he's getting the old fashioned way...he's earned it.

Hess...still don't like that quick vote on WWWWombat and his general tone throughout the day...although DPR turning scum would most likely change that.

80: moves up in my mind...just not helpful...could also look at Kleck and Brett...but really my third choice at this point.

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Competing trains? Lmfao. Sakaea has been the competing train the entire day with Dan X and its gone no where. We got a deadline looming and the rate this game is going, we're going to have a random lynch.

lol. Well it was better than me voting Klecko.

Sorry about your Gators tonight against Kentucky. Hate Calipari.

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lol. Well it was better than me voting Klecko.

Sorry about your Gators tonight against Kentucky. Hate Calipari.

I guess.

Kentucky is good. Really good. Gators have to play the perfect game to beat them on the road. Wasnt expecting a win, but wasnt expecting a blow out either.

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Dude, FOS me because I'm scummy, not because I suck at this game. Its a lame reason, and the same one used for the Ape in the past.

You come across as scummy...there...is that better?

Alright...maybe a little harsh...let me ask you...

What specific post made you find Dan scummy? or were you just following the masses?

What specific post made you find Kae scummy? or were you just following the JiF?

What's your take on the Lily/Migisi mason team? Legitimate or a scum team?

Appreciate your commentary...thanks!

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Alright...maybe a little harsh...let me ask you...

What specific post made you find Dan scummy? or were you just following the masses?

What specific post made you find Kae scummy? or were you just following the JiF?

What's your take on the Lily/Migisi mason team? Legitimate or a scum team?

Appreciate your commentary...thanks!

Following the masses, following JiF, legitimate, GFY.

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Wow...interesting day...DPR...dude...how goes it? Have anything to offer? Anyway Sakaea, how about you...wanna reveal?

I'm almost at the point to ask for a mass reveal...

While we chew on that...my current top 3:

DPR...he's earned the pressure he's getting the old fashioned way...he's earned it.

Hess...still don't like that quick vote on WWWWombat and his general tone throughout the day...although DPR turning scum would most likely change that.

80: moves up in my mind...just not helpful...could also look at Kleck and Brett...but really my third choice at this point.

I realize I put myself out there today with DPR. Whatever if he's town it's pretty much game over anyway unless we get help from the killers. He's my first choice so I'm fine with it either way.

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Personally I don't give a swear anymore, just want to see you dead. Reason is you played the EXACT same game as early converted scum in Lost Boys. So your tell is super duper easy or you're good at remaining the same condescending, evil, uppity bastard regardless. It's amazing you and CTM don't bowl together every thursday night.

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Personally I don't give a swear anymore, just want to see you dead. Reason is you played the EXACT same game as early converted scum in Lost Boys. So your tell is super duper easy or you're good at remaining the same condescending, evil, uppity bastard regardless. It's amazing you and CTM don't bowl together every thursday night.

unvote vote DPR

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Following the masses, following JiF, legitimate, GFY.

and you wonder why I should keep you around...the town is down big...but your willing to "follow thwe crowd" in a win or lose moment...GFY!

I'll vote your a$$ early and often from here on out...cause you do not have the discipline to make rationale choices...

At least join the conversation and put your thoughts at risk.

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I'll vote your a$$ early and often from here on out...cause you do not have the discipline to make rationale choices...

Translation: "I don't like how you play, so I'll make it personal."

Like I give a sh*t. I play Mafia for the lolz, no other reason. I wasn't blessed with the ability to read peoples' intentions from behind a keyboard like you obviously were. Come at me bro.

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I realize I put myself out there today with DPR. Whatever if he's town it's pretty much game over anyway unless we get help from the killers. He's my first choice so I'm fine with it either way.

Agreed! That's why I respect your vote...at this point he's my first choice as well...and if he turns scum...it changes my thoughts on your alignment as well.

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Translation: "I don't like how you play, so I'll make it personal."

Like I give a sh*t. I play Mafia for the lolz, no other reason. I wasn't blessed with the ability to read people's intentions behind a keyboard like you obviously were. Come at me bro.

Dumb is as dumb does!

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and you wonder why I should keep you around...the town is down big...but your willing to "follow thwe crowd" in a win or lose moment...GFY!

I'll vote your a$$ early and often from here on out...cause you do not have the discipline to make rationale choices...

At least join the conversation and put your thoughts at risk.

Damn. JC putting the smack down on bitches this game. I've never seen such moxy.

Side-effect of having a plastic tube in my a$$.

Dont act like you dont like it.

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Personally I don't give a swear anymore, just want to see you dead. Reason is you played the EXACT same game as early converted scum in Lost Boys. So your tell is super duper easy or you're good at remaining the same condescending, evil, uppity bastard regardless. It's amazing you and CTM don't bowl together every thursday night.

Actually, we do.


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You made a prediction, you didn't provide a scenario. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Your eagerness to jump on this point does worry me. I wasn't expecting an opportunistic move like this, but I'd say you've made your point...

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