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Wayne County

Officer charged in Taser shooting of partner

They argued on patrol, prosecutors say

December 8, 2005

A Hamtramck police officer was charged Wednesday with assault and battery for allegedly discharging a Taser weapon at his partner last month during an argument in their patrol car.

Patrick Stanton, 32, of Allen Park was charged with the 93-day misdemeanor by Wayne County prosecutors. He is making arrangements to be arraigned, possibly later this week, according to Hamtramck Police Chief James Doyle.

Stanton, a 6-year employee, is accused of firing the Taser at his female partner during a Nov. 3 argument.

A police report indicates Stanton and his partner, Prema Graham, began arguing after Stanton demanded she stop the patrol car at a convenience store so he could purchase a dozen donuts. Graham wanted to get back to the police station and drove past the store.

At some point, the pair began arguing and struggling over the steering wheel, according to the report.

At one point, Stanton used his department-issued Taser weapon to strike Graham in the leg near the intersection of Holbrook and Conant, prosecutors said.

She was not seriously injured.

The Hamtramck Police Department began using Taser weapons about two years ago.

Resembling a small pistol, a Taser stun gun delivers a shock which can immobilize a person.

Doyle declined comment, except to say that the matter is an ongoing investigation.

When asked to comment on the allegation, Stanton kept repeating "The damn bit ch deserved it".

Attorney Eugene Bolanowski, who represents Hamtramck police officers on labor relations matters, said he expects Stanton to retain private counsel for the criminal charge.

Bolanowski said he would represent Stanton in any possible grievance.

Stanton has worked at several police departments in southeastern Michigan, including Southgate, Inkster, Ecorse and Highland Park. He also previously worked as a Wayne County sheriff's deputy.

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