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NFL Network is officially on Cablevision!!!!!!!


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I just left Fios. Service was a ton worse, and cost was almost twice that of everyone else. So yeah, the worst.

Maybe it just depends on the area, but I can tell you I've had Cablevision in numerous places, and everywhere I went their service was absolute dog sh*t. FiOS has been great for me, not a single complaint yet. No idea where you're getting the prices from though, because I've never seen or heard anything to go along with that. I'm paying significantly less with FiOS than I was with Cablevision for FAR more services (countless more channels, multi-room DVR, home phone, much faster internet). And that was even after I told Cablevision I was going to switch to FiOS and they gave me what they claimed their best possible deal was. After the 30 minute long argument I had to have with them when I canceled my service, I knew I would never again go back to that piece of sh*t company. The one thing more than anything is Cablevision is historically notorious for treating their most loyal customers the absolute sh*ttiest. The longer you're there, the harder they'll try to screw you over.

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Maybe it just depends on the area, but I can tell you I've had Cablevision in numerous places, and everywhere I went their service was absolute dog sh*t. FiOS has been great for me, not a single complaint yet. No idea where you're getting the prices from though, because I've never seen or heard anything to go along with that. I'm paying significantly less with FiOS than I was with Cablevision for FAR more services (countless more channels, multi-room DVR, home phone, much faster internet). And that was even after I told Cablevision I was going to switch to FiOS and they gave me what they claimed their best possible deal was. After the 30 minute long argument I had to have with them when I canceled my service, I knew I would never again go back to that piece of sh*t company. The one thing more than anything is Cablevision is historically notorious for treating their most loyal customers the absolute sh*ttiest. The longer you're there, the harder they'll try to screw you over.

I actually had Cablevision years ago and left cause it was terrible. Fios was great at first, and then the prices went up after the first year or two.... up a lot. Then I found that my internet speeds were really slow in comparison to everything else out there, and that I was paying a ton more for cable channels when other people were getting them for free. Fios won't cut you a deal after the initial agreement. They want you to continue paying the new high price. When I said I would leave, they showed me the door and said I couldn't be eligible for any of the new prices until a year after I had left them.

I went to Cablevision and my bill is literally half what I paid at fios, and now I get more channels (premium), I get 60mb down speeds! and DVR, and free international calling. And customer service is a local operation open 24 hours with a drop center near by! I am in love so far.

lol. Funny. It seems like we had the same experience just with the other company that we each hated. haha!

I just got back with Cablevision so don't know about them screwing me over long term. Did you just get back with Fios? Cause I feel the same about them.. screwing over long term customers.

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I actually had Cablevision years ago and left cause it was terrible. Fios was great at first, and then the prices went up after the first year or two.... up a lot. Then I found that my internet speeds were really slow in comparison to everything else out there, and that I was paying a ton more for cable channels when other people were getting them for free. Fios won't cut you a deal after the initial agreement. They want you to continue paying the new high price. When I said I would leave, they showed me the door and said I couldn't be eligible for any of the new prices until a year after I had left them.

I went to Cablevision and my bill is literally half what I paid at fios, and now I get more channels (premium), I get 60mb down speeds! and DVR, and free international calling. And customer service is a local operation open 24 hours with a drop center near by! I am in love so far.

lol. Funny. It seems like we had the same experience just with the other company that we each hated. haha!

I just got back with Cablevision so don't know about them screwing me over long term. Did you just get back with Fios? Cause I feel the same about them.. screwing over long term customers.

Well that is one thing that I'll freely admit I don't know about yet with FiOS as I'm only a year in so still have all of the promotional rates they gave me. However, I still feel they've been better to me than Cablevision ever was. Like when I signed up for FiOS there was two different promotions they had going on, I asked them about it and so they ended up giving me both. This was just weeks after Cablevision mailed me about a new promotion they said I was eligible for and when I called about it, they refused to give it to me, giving me some horse sh*t story about how that promotion wasn't available for where I was located. Meanwhile, when I called to cancel my service with Cablevision shortly after that, after I refused all of their other garbage offers they gave me, the last thing they offered was what they had just told me they weren't allowed to give me. That was pretty much the nail in the coffin for them with me.

And even though I still have a lot of my promo rates with FiOS, I feel they've been pretty good to me so far even with the stuff that's changed over time. Like I had a promo of some free premium channels and when that expired, I called to get rid of them, at which point they gave me an awesome offer that included every single premium channel with all of the on demand channels (while Cablevision is the only cable company I have ever heard of that charges you extra for the f'n on demand channels after you already are paying for that premium channel).

Now granted I know part of the situation is that Cablevision pulled this sh*t for years because they knew they could get away with it and there wasn't a damn thing any could do about it, as they had absolutely no competition in the cable market. So it's very possible they've started to get their sh*t together given the waves of people that left when FiOS came around, but I'm at the point that it's too little, too late for me. I've got about a year until all of my current offers expire and so we'll see what I have to say then, but it'd take a lot to get me to go back to Cablevision.

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Well that is one thing that I'll freely admit I don't know about yet with FiOS as I'm only a year in so still have all of the promotional rates they gave me. However, I still feel they've been better to me than Cablevision ever was. Like when I signed up for FiOS there was two different promotions they had going on, I asked them about it and so they ended up giving me both. This was just weeks after Cablevision mailed me about a new promotion they said I was eligible for and when I called about it, they refused to give it to me, giving me some horse sh*t story about how that promotion wasn't available for where I was located. Meanwhile, when I called to cancel my service with Cablevision shortly after that, after I refused all of their other garbage offers they gave me, the last thing they offered was what they had just told me they weren't allowed to give me. That was pretty much the nail in the coffin for them with me.

And even though I still have a lot of my promo rates with FiOS, I feel they've been pretty good to me so far even with the stuff that's changed over time. Like I had a promo of some free premium channels and when that expired, I called to get rid of them, at which point they gave me an awesome offer that included every single premium channel with all of the on demand channels (while Cablevision is the only cable company I have ever heard of that charges you extra for the f'n on demand channels after you already are paying for that premium channel).

Now granted I know part of the situation is that Cablevision pulled this sh*t for years because they knew they could get away with it and there wasn't a damn thing any could do about it, as they had absolutely no competition in the cable market. So it's very possible they've started to get their sh*t together given the waves of people that left when FiOS came around, but I'm at the point that it's too little, too late for me. I've got about a year until all of my current offers expire and so we'll see what I have to say then, but it'd take a lot to get me to go back to Cablevision.

Yeah man. Definitely same experience. I am curious how you feel when the promo stuff ends though. Cause thats when Fios really didn't do me any favors. In promo, they were awesome. Its when it ended that I was slighted.

Cablevision definitely has upped their game cause of the competition. And I am benefiting from it. When I left I thought I'd never go back, but right now I am glad I did. They actually sent a rep to my house to say "thanks for coming back to Cablevision". Pretty nice of them. He gave me his name and business card and said to call him anytime if I had any issues. Very nice!

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Yeah man. Definitely same experience. I am curious how you feel when the promo stuff ends though. Cause thats when Fios really didn't do me any favors. In promo, they were awesome. Its when it ended that I was slighted.

Cablevision definitely has upped their game cause of the competition. And I am benefiting from it. When I left I thought I'd never go back, but right now I am glad I did. They actually sent a rep to my house to say "thanks for coming back to Cablevision". Pretty nice of them. He gave me his name and business card and said to call him anytime if I had any issues. Very nice!

Well that's good to keep in mind, but we'll have to see how things go when these deals end.

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