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Josh Baker Done For The Season With Knee Injury


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Cant Wait!!!!

..and yet we all are

Don't be silly. McElroy and Simms are ready to light some sh*t up this week.

Unless of course you're talking about the starting offense, then you might have a point there.

See you at the bye-week

Last time I checked, the motto was "A for effort", not "A for touchdown". So I am OK with it.

His eyes screamed touchdown.

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I really like the way our DL is looking too. Don't think Brady is going to have much time back there,

I really like the way the Jets offense is looking.

And I like this whole idea of quoting a person's post and entering a reply that has nothing to do with the quoted post. Might steal that from you.

Quit whining.

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I thought it was a cheap shot, actually. Who goes for a guy's knees when he is 5 yeards deep in the end one? You go for his hands or his head, trying to jar the ball loose. He just basically cut blocked him while the other guy was wrestling for the ball.

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