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Arkham Villains - Game Thread


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O.o what the heck happened in my absence?


Obviously you guys need me




Cause I'm the best




Probably the best ever









...now I'm gonna eat some bacon



Hiya, Handsome <3

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You two rejects have been on me non stop all game. I've made attempts for serious posts and in return get spam. I reread the game and shared my thoughts with honesty and get snide spam in return from who else but you two. So I troll back at your trolling. I haven't even done anything peculiar this game except supply you two with a dose of your own medicine. At this point my final answer is Nae.


This is pitiful. You haven't posted anything remotely resembling a serious post, you slapdick around, bounce your vote here and there and then say stupid sh*t, that most of the dumb-asses here think is profound, they just aren't sure why, but the reality is... you're just a ******* idiot.


I'm barely hanging on here btw. As I've mentioned I don't have the tolerance for this kind of game lately. I've either been auto signed up or tried helping out the mod but I just don't have the patience right now. Can we ******* end this already?


Now, I don't even care about your alignment. This emo sh*t from you is a disgrace. Punch yourself in the face, you've earned it.



Vote Hess

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This is pitiful. You haven't posted anything remotely resembling a serious post, you slapdick around, bounce your vote here and there and then say stupid sh*t, that most of the dumb-asses here think is profound, they just aren't sure why, but the reality is... you're just a ******* idiot.

Now, I don't even care about your alignment. This emo sh*t from you is a disgrace. Punch yourself in the face, you've earned it.


Vote Hess

Yeah, this is what I mean. I'm not interesting in taking things this far anymore.

I'm done playing. Sorry dudes it's just not remotely fun anymore.

Hopefully we're all still cool on JN.

unvote vote hess

It's not Ape or any one person or anything. It's just me. Not interested in talking to people like this. The insults just seem darker now or something.

Again, it's probably just me. Sorry.

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Yeah, this is what I mean. I'm not interesting in taking things this far anymore.

I'm done playing. Sorry dudes it's just not remotely fun anymore.

Hopefully we're all still cool on JN.

unvote vote hess

It's not Ape or any one person or anything. It's just me. Not interested in talking to people like this. The insults just seem darker now or something.

Again, it's probably just me. Sorry.


Yeah, okay.

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Are you ******* retarded?


Fling your poop on some who likes it. I don´t. 


Yeah, this is what I mean. I'm not interesting in taking things this far anymore.

I'm done playing. Sorry dudes it's just not remotely fun anymore.

Hopefully we're all still cool on JN.

unvote vote hess

It's not Ape or any one person or anything. It's just me. Not interested in talking to people like this. The insults just seem darker now or something.

Again, it's probably just me. Sorry.


Don´t do this. 

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No one agrees with me about Ape so unvote. Taking a closer look at Lily and Nae.


The Day Crusher got lynched: Ape and Hess voted Crusher and Crusher voted Hess. Lily then decides to even it out. So for no particular reason she votes Hess.



We have trains on the two hardest guys to lynch. This ought to be fun.


Vote Hess


Shortly after Ishy votes Hess too. Would all scum vote Hess here? (Btw. I don´t understand why Crusher and Ishy both would bus another scum at this point. Sure, Crusher was watcher but the scum also have a rb (most likely) and I think that is more worth than a watcher.) 




Sadly some of you act like this every game.  I've been questioned in past games because I left my vote on someone that turned out later to be town like I was magically supposed to know that.


The only comment from Nae. Doesn´t vote. 


Even I'm getting burned out and planning a break after this game. 


I thought Nolder was giving us a cop soft-claim, but this is Nolder, and he does out-and-out false claim sometimes, so I don't know what to think. 


I'll go with it. I might be sorry, but I'll go with it.



Vote Crusher


Nolder, if you aren't the cop, tell us now. 


Lily switches. 


I'm a Tracker

I followed Crusher to SMC N1

Hess went nowhere N2


I thought SMC was self protecting doc but I guess Tina was just lucky

After SMC flipped I continued poking at Tina hoping mafia would leave me alone for another night

Note that when day broke I went straight after Crusher again


At the moment my scum list is: Crusher, Ape, Darthe/Ishy



How does that make Crusher scum in your eyes? 





Oh. Good catch. I don't know how I missed that. I read the part where he was going on vacation. 


Vote Crusher


And back.



Initially it looks like Lily might try to save Crusher by voting Hess but then I think she acts "townie". Nae on the other side doesn´t vote at all.

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Vote Lily



Much too quiet and not much out of her.  I agree with Ishy that Jif is being uncharacterristically quiet as well.


Like others have commented, Lily is more active this game than she usually is. 


Hess why do you keep jumping on and off vo... nvm.



Vote Count


Ishy (4): Darthe, Hess, JiF, Ape

JiF (1): Ishy

Lily (1): Nae



With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.




Vote Ishy


Seriously.. wtf is with you and Hess voting and unvoting constantly?


Ishy is at L-2 and this is her only comment. 



I think I will vote Nae. 

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a furious 5 minute read through was enough to show me this game should be napalmed. 


wait till I get my mafia mojo back in may or something.



It's really not fair to Lily, 80% of these people shouldn't have signed up - they either need a break, or need to take their routine back to DM. 

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Fling your poop on some who likes it. I don´t. 



Don´t do this. 



Technically, you are flinging poop at me. The insult is my way of letting you know I'm not going to let you derail the day with a stupid case on me. It is a game-based insult though, please don't take offense to it like Hess is pretending to do.


Also, don't buy Hess's whining for a second. He's been taking pot shots at me and JIF all game. Now he's got feelings? He can GF himself.

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TinaHel, on 27 Mar 2013 - 05:45, said:

No one agrees with me about Ape so unvote. Taking a closer look at Lily and Nae.

The Day Crusher got lynched: Ape and Hess voted Crusher and Crusher voted Hess. Lily then decides to even it out. So for no particular reason she votes Hess.

Shortly after Ishy votes Hess too. Would all scum vote Hess here? (Btw. I don&acute;t understand why Crusher and Ishy both would bus another scum at this point. Sure, Crusher was watcher but the scum also have a rb (most likely) and I think that is more worth than a watcher.)

The only comment from Nae. Doesn&acute;t vote.

Lily switches.


And back.

Initially it looks like Lily might try to save Crusher by voting Hess but then I think she acts "townie". Nae on the other side doesn&acute;t vote at all.


Nolder viewed Hess and said he didn't "go anywhere". Combine that with both Crusher and Ishy distancing from Hess, and you virtually chauffeur Hess to end game. This is JN mafia, where busing each other is religion.

I'm more inclined to thing they bussed Hess, than Lily "tried to save" anyone.

I can count on one hand the amount of times I've seen scum try to save scum here at JN. I did it once, I was decimated for it. CTM did it once for Lily, he was also decimated for it. It doesn't work, the veteran players here know it's a fools endeavor. Maybe you are onto something with Lily, maybe not, but I wouldn't for one second dismiss Hess because bussing is a way of life here.

You may be onto something with Nae too, but the problem I see is that you are applying the layer of guilty with hindsight. Hess comes out looking good. To me, it means he KNEW how to handle that situation to make sure at this point in the game he looked good... while Lily, me, Nae all did wonky things that didn't necessarily reflect us already knowing Crusher's alignment and knowing the right thing to do to avoid suspicion.

Hess was catching heat with Crusher since D1. That alone is enough reason for Crusher and Ishy both to distance from him.

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Not to piss Ape off again with "metagaming" although he just said in a post earlier "this happens every game" so pot.  Meet kettle...


When, in my entire jn mafia time, have I ever NOT been mostly quiet?  This has become an overly used and tired fos on me.  Get some new material jackasses.


I have this horrid thing called a job that I can't play around on the internet at.  Sucks but it's life.  I also work overnights so when you all are diddly do dahing and active I'm ASLEEP.  I have never ever ever in my like 5 years of playing mafia been one to reply to every little fart while catching up.  I don't do it.  I'm not going to start.  Get over it.


I'm a vanilla townie and I, for one, HAVEN'T seen Lily post as much as she usually does.  Pardon the **** out of me for seeing something in the game different than others.  Good god that must mean I'm scum.  -facepalm-  I'm not quiet cause I'm hiding.  I'm quiet because that is how I've always played.   The only one with a valid reason for thinking that might mean something is Tina.  And that's because she hasn't played much with me before.


/end psycho babble "emo" rant


Vote Lily

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I'm barely hanging on here btw. As I've mentioned I don't have the tolerance for this kind of game lately. I've either been auto signed up or tried helping out the mod but I just don't have the patience right now. Can we ******* end this already?


lmfao.  Not sure if I've seen emo from you before, so not sure if serious....but this is such utter bull sh*t that I cant stop laughing at you for both the stupidity of this and you're emo melt down.

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Not to piss Ape off again with "metagaming" although he just said in a post earlier "this happens every game" so pot.  Meet kettle...


When, in my entire jn mafia time, have I ever NOT been mostly quiet?  This has become an overly used and tired fos on me.  Get some new material jackasses.


I have this horrid thing called a job that I can't play around on the internet at.  Sucks but it's life.  I also work overnights so when you all are diddly do dahing and active I'm ASLEEP.  I have never ever ever in my like 5 years of playing mafia been one to reply to every little fart while catching up.  I don't do it.  I'm not going to start.  Get over it.


I'm a vanilla townie and I, for one, HAVEN'T seen Lily post as much as she usually does.  Pardon the **** out of me for seeing something in the game different than others.  Good god that must mean I'm scum.  -facepalm-  I'm not quiet cause I'm hiding.  I'm quiet because that is how I've always played.   The only one with a valid reason for thinking that might mean something is Tina.  And that's because she hasn't played much with me before.


/end psycho babble "emo" rant


Vote Lily


Wow. You're bordering on unlikeable right now.


You seem only capable of "just joking around" or emo meltdown, great way of avoiding accountability for anything game related.

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lmfao.  Not sure if I've seen emo from you before, so not sure if serious....but this is such utter bull sh*t that I cant stop laughing at you for both the stupidity of this and you're emo melt down.



Couldn't agree with you more on this.

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Wow. You're bordering on unlikeable right now.


You seem only capable of "just joking around" or emo meltdown, great way of avoiding accountability for anything game related.

Probably because, thru no fault of Leelou, this game has blown the entire time.  The only fos you ever throw at me is my activity level and silly nuances like "nae didn't vote blah"  and never, when I try to explain why, is it ever anything anyone listens to.  So I stopped bothering.  I legitimately was asleep when a vote got ran up and someone got lynched but actually I was apparently hiding.  I'm sorry that the most active times people are on is when I have to sleep.  My job is a lot more important than keeping up with the game and I sleep during the day because of my job.  Go beyond the game and dislike me if you want.  I can't make anyone like me... I'm just so very tired of basically having to play the same game over and over no matter my alignment and no matter my role because I'm always explaining the exact same things.  

1. I can't get online at my job.  Have never been able to and that's not likely to change any time soon.

2. I'm never that active.  Never.  Why is this a surprise every game?

3. Sometimes people legitimatly miss a vote because.. they weren't here.  I've seen others get jabbed on for this too.. or if they come in late on a vote or vote after a hammer.  Sometimes people just didn't catch it in time or tried to get their vote in before catching up so it would count.


If you want to scum hunt... then do it.  Don't blame my activity level or not being here 24/7 and therefore not able to pipe in during a speedy lynch because I was asleep.  Look for something I said that was off.  Like those who are pointing out why I asked you why you and Hess were voting and unvoting so much as Ishy was nearing a lynch.  That's a legitimate question and I can see why it looked fishy.  I was just honestly wondering why you seemed to change your mind every other post but I can understand the suspiciousness.  Most have been more quiet than usual this game and I've certainly said enough that you should be able to gage if I might be suspicious or not based on more than how active I've been.


Like I said.. like me or not if you wish... I keep my actual opinions of you guys separate from the game.  I don't hate anyone here outside the game.. even Vic, depsite all of our battles.

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