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Tony Romo 6yr $108 Million extension, $55 Mil guaranteed. So...

Villain The Foe

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These big money contracts don't really prove anything. Flacco already won a super bowl. So did Rodgers. Brady won Super bowls when everybody couldn't believe a 7th round QB was winning. If none of these QBs even gets back to a super bowl and teams need to cut players like the Drumervil's over 4 million bucks, it kind of means no matter what position you play, paying somebody $20-25 million in a $120 million cap league kind of hurts the team.

It's also a business decision. Players like Rodgers and Manning and Brady bring big money to these teams. Big money to the NFL. Non football fans know these guys. There are casual football fans in California who have no clue who Revis is. People in Oakland or San Diego or Kansas City, etc will buy tickets because Rodgers or Brady or Manning is on the other team. I've never heard anybody say they were buying a ticket because Revis was playing.

So it's more than just winning. Hell, Romo was on the news a few years back for dating Jessica Simpson. That is the power of a QB. Believe it or not.

As bad as Mark Sanchez has been, there are still people who think he's better than Romo. If Sanchez won a super bowl the first two seasons, even if it had little to do with him, people would let him play for the next 20 years and never care that he sucked. Whereas Revis would be loved, but not loved like a super bowl winning QB.

I mean damn, Brady wasn't impressive in his first postseason and Manning sucked in his super bowl winning year. Guys like that can have off games or postseasons and get the benefit of the doubt. If Revis comes back and looks a step slower, nobody in their right mind would think he's worth even 8 million a year, much less 15.

Yeah, clearly the QB can give you the best return on investment so they'll get the most money. Matt Ryan, Rodgers, Stafford, and Cutler will all cash in now at the Romo level, so it seems that as long as your QB is better than average, his price has jumped about 20% over the last week alone. That's a lot of cap dollars. It remains to be seen how much that elevates the next level of quarterback--Schaub, Newton, Kaepernick--who will need contract next year. Bottom line--it got more expensive to field a decent QB and the cap likely won't go up at the same rate. It's belt-tightening time unless you're scoring TDs or sacking somebody.

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So an injured 30 year old CB gets T0m's made up going rate (IGNORE THE BAILEY EXTENSION IT ALSO sh*tS ON WHAT IM SPEWING), and still he thinks that this is a sign that teams are devaluing the CB position.

You're a hoot T0m. Passing league? Best defensive pass defenders are non-factors! Wide receivers? Pay 'em, they're vital to the pass! The sheer laziness makes me wonder if you even believe you.

I need to check: Did I change my stance here too?

<looks at contracts for FA CBs this year>

<looks at contracts for all CBs overall>

<looks at CBs who will be coming into their second deals>

<looks at Revis' demands>

<giggles at likelihood that Gato asserts Revis doesn't have demands.>

<look at corners of teams that were in playoffs>

<looks at corners wearing recent Super Bowl rings>

<ponders why Nnamdi, Winfield, and Woodson are unemployed>

Nope. Nope. Pretty sure you're talking out of your ass.

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Yeah, clearly the QB can give you the best return on investment so they'll get the most money.


I have no idea why you consider this a new development. If anything the increase in QB play coincides with the increase of salaries for positions across the league. Asomugha was a 15 million dollar CB. Nicks is a 13 million dollar guard. Allen, Hali, Ware, Suggs, etc are 15 million dollar pass rushers. 


-it got more expensive to field a decent QB and the cap likely won't go up at the same rate.


It's always been expensive to field a decent QB and as much as I'd like to take your word you've missed so many details that I can't trust your point on the cap. The cap, IIRC and I may be totally wrong, was set to not increase much from 2012-2014, but no one knows the future there. I doubt QBs are getting 20-25 million a year for teams to operate in a world where the cap is permanently at 123, particularly when salaries for all players who survive in the league have generally gone up.


OTOH - Sean Smith only got 6 million as a top 50 CB. PROOF'S IN THE PUDDING. 

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^The Asomugha contract is a standard-bearer for one of the worst contracts ever handed out to anyone ever, and now Asomugha is on the street. Then you listed other players who have gotten giant contracts at positions that haven't changed--tackles, wideouts, pass rushers will get paid and corners won't. You're helping my argument here, Keanu.

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<looks at contracts for all CBs overall>


<closes eyes, plugs ears, and speed glances at the names most relevant when discussing the specific CB>


<looks at Revis' demands>




<Fails to find anything but NY Post anonymous source quotes>


<look at corners of teams that were in playoffs>


<Ignores the 9 first round picks used on the position, multiple top 10 picks, and contracts to certain players that would continue to dump on his narrative>


<ponders why Nnamdi, Winfield, and Woodson are unemployed>




<Doesn't bother to check birthdays - fails to note the youngest between them is 4 years older than Revis> 



Nope. Nope. Pretty sure you're talking out of your ass. 




Rotfl. From the same guy telling me they can't pay Revis because Aaron Rodgers got 25 million a year nearly 10 years into the league? Oh T0m...you used to be so good at bullsh*tting...Wha' happened? This is really bad. 

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I'm on a train, so I'll play.

<closes eyes, plugs ears, and speed glances at the names most relevant when discussing the specific CB>

Like whom? Champ Bailey who is getting $10.5 this year on a deal he signed two years ago? Who else? Brent Grimes' bad knee ruined his market value? Guess who else missed time for a bad knee.

<Fails to find anything but NY Post anonymous source quotes>

<giggles> So...the media all colluded to make these numbers up again, and Revis only really wants a fair, equitable, easy to manage contract because that's how Revis rolls.

<Ignores the 9 first round picks used on the position, multiple top 10 picks, and contracts to certain players that would continue to dump on his narrative>

You've been telling me all week that QBs in their rookie deals make pennies, which is true. But it's also true for rookie deals at every position. Where is the CB going into his second contract that's going to make anything close to Revis? Is someone giving Pat Peterson $13 mil? Considering every corner who came up for a payday this offseason had to settle for one year deals at $5-$6 million dollars, I'd guess not.

<Doesn't bother to check birthdays - fails to note the youngest between them is 4 years older than Revis>

Hang on...corner is a vital, game-changing position. Shouldn't teams be climbing all over each other trying to sign three great corners, even on a two-year deal? Shouldn't there be a bidding war driving their salaries up? ALAS, there's not. BUT WHY NOT OMG THESE PASSING LEAGUES.

Rotfl. From the same guy telling me they can't pay Revis because Aaron Rodgers got 25 million a year nearly 10 years into the league?

Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. You should teach both reading comprehension and macroeconomics to foreigners.

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Like whom? Champ Bailey who is getting $10.5 this year on a deal he signed two years ago? Who else? Brent Grimes' bad knee ruined his market value? Guess who else missed time for a bad knee.


You can't even get Grime's injury right. 






Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. You should teach both reading comprehension and macroeconomics to foreigners. 




Just gauging from this conversation - my students would best your students for this little case study. 


<giggles> So...the media all colluded to make these numbers up again, and Revis only really wants a fair, equitable, easy to manage contract because that's how Revis rolls.



Rotfl. A typical T0m either/or situation! No T0m see, the media...by media we're talking NY Post...got their numbers from anonymous sources familiar with his thinking and it went out as an AP report. No reporter has ever nailed a specific number from the Revis camp, no. In fact, just the other week the media was throwing out 12-13, an extremely reasonable number. I know I know...it doesn't fit your point of view and your narrative so let's shove that aside and go to the other extreme that Revis is totally asking for the most fairest deal in all the land. Lol this is joke level bad man, just stop already.


You've been telling me all week that QBs in their rookie deals make pennies, which is true.



Gotta save up THO, amirite!?!?!? I mean Woodson was a huge roadblock in paying Rodgers, can't have that! 



But it's also true for rookie deals at every position. Where is the CB going into his second contract that's going to make anything close to Revis?



Weren't you...juuuust a couple of weeks ago talking about how much Patrick Peterson is going to make? How many first contract CBs are even in Revis' neighborhood? Two tops (Peterson and Haden - maybe Claiborne will make it three)? 


Is someone giving Pat Peterson $13 mil?


Is someone not going to give it to him? Let me guess...Sean Smith! 


Considering every corner who came up for a payday this offseason had to settle for one year deals at $5-$6 million dollars, I'd guess not.


Yep. Sean Smith. Rotfl. Not only a cap genius, but what an eye for talent! 

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If Romo is worth $55 million guaranteed on one playoff win (1-3) then is Mark Sanchez worth $200 million+ guaranteed on 4 playoff wins (4-2)?

That's just a ridiculous contract.


Edit: And for those who would say that Sanchez won because of our defense then I'll counter with Romo losing with a much better offense and a pretty good defense.


Do not get caught up in the hype.


Dallas' D has been Top 10 in points allowed during Tony's time once.  And it has not been close.  20, 13, 20, 2, 31, 16 and 24.


His playoff numbers are ok. 


Tony is not the main problem in D.  Romo has never had a D that was as good as the Sanchez.  He also has not had a Coach as good as Rex and that is saying something. 

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