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Cimini: Sunday Notes


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This was a frugal man's offseason. Many good players could have been had for great prices, and we got in on NONE of it. 


i've been a skeptic this offseason but they did get good players at low prices. Goodson, Garay, Colon and Barnes all qualify as good and cheap. But don't believe the story that they can't afford Revis. They can afford him. Woody is feuding with the teams best player for whatever reason. 

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not a compelling reason to pay him as the top defender is it ? 


As good a reason to pay any defender in the league really.


 all he does is take aweay a player, not the whole side of a field.


It's pretty much a large chunk of that side of the field he's on. Nobody throws his way, and when they do he makes plays on the ball. His elite awareness and combined with elite strength and reactions allow him to play the ball as well as a receiver, and that's always been his game going back to his rookie year. 


I just don't see how that's any less valuable than a guy who hits the QB once a week, if that. Particularly with today's rules where if the QB falls too hard the offense gets free points or whatever it is now. 


Revis is a great player. He doesn't lock down half the field, though. He locks down one receiver. He does that better than anyone else in the league, but that's the extent of it. When the Jets face a team with a true #1 WR and few other options, Revis is a tremendous asset. 


Terrell Suyggs/DeMarcus Ware are great players. Each is maybe getting a sack, maybe 1.3 sacks per week. They do that better than pretty much everyone else in the league, but that's the extent of it. When the team has a wack OL or a QB who caves in to pressure easily, those guys are tremendous assets.


You can deconstruct any defensive player into nothing, and "Revis is a great player" is all that is truly significant. You might as well not pay defensive players at all...the game says defense is outdated, right? 


I'll say it again and again and again and again and again - taking points away matters in the whole W-L equation. Nobody cares how you do it when you win - just win. Revis makes it easier for the Jets to win. 


how will the jets cover gronk ?  



Teams with great pass rushers have the same exact question. Revis is one of the few guys with the strength and speed to make it a contest. Nobody in the league blanks Gronk, that makes him what he is. No linebacker is running with him and if the Jets find one it won't be on the FA market but the draft market. That player will be cheap for anywhere from 3-5 years.


Unfortunately, Revis isn't nearly as effective when the Jets are matched up against their biggest rival, the Patsies. 


Name a defense who has played the Pats better than the Jets, especially when Revis is on the field, over Revis' tenure with the Jets. There literally is not one except MAYBE the Giants, and that is SOLELY because they've won two headline games (one with a 25+ million dollar starting secondary that included three-four first round picks, a fallen star vet, and multi 2nd round picks) rather than having some kind of super secret plan. 


rolling a safety over helps with revis but lets face it, this league is so full of good TE's right now, and the jets LB's and S's will be bad again and so paying revis a new deal makes no sense on any level.  it will impact fantasy football, not real football



See, you're happy to concede defeat already and use that as leverage to come to the decision that paying him makes no sense on "any level." In fact, if you get to the level where defeat isn't a foregone conclusion - I know it's not easy to get there because Jets - then it impacts real football and real win/loss records. The Jets need to draft and develop good LBs and safeties, and draft picks are cheap, especially under the new CBA. None will price themselves out of the Jets' range during Revis' next contract. Why this gets so overlooked here so consistently is just beyond me...You speak in generalities when the Jets have a very specific situation as far as money is concerned and it's not something to just gloss over.


the focus needs to be scoring 28 a game


Yes, and the path to doing that is not handing out big money contracts to outsiders. It's by drafting. The ability to draft cheap talent to supplement star and superstar talent is what separates great organizations from the rest of the pack, and is also what keeps teams out of bad cap situations. A clever GM understands this and understands that the option to extend Revis is not only a very real one, but likely the best option for the Jets over the next 5 years. This is especially true if we're supposed to be turning over a new leaf with draft picks and not trading mid rounders for guys coming up on their next contract.


I would agree with you if this team already had a 20 million dollar QB or a 15 million dollar a year defender. They don't and they will not for at least 5 years when a draft pick hits extension time. From there, Revis has as much impact, if not more, on the passing game of teams as guys like Ware/Suggs/Allen/Hali do - even if it's a less obvious manner for fans to enjoy. 

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Clearly.  My point is that $5M is not nearly zero.  You can get a damn good starter for around that money.





in theory. In practice it's 5 Jets starters. 




Nice. General theory sucks and often runs into issues when put into practice. This is one of those instances. I like Mike Goodson, but not enough to want 2-5 versions of him. 5 million bought 0 "damn good" (whatever standard that is) this offseason that I can think of. 

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Nice. General theory sucks and often runs into issues when put into practice. This is one of those instances. I like Mike Goodson, but not enough to want 2-5 versions of him. 5 million bought 0 "damn good" (whatever standard that is) this offseason that I can think of. 


So because they didn't in an obvious rebuild season, it therefore means the Jets under Idzik will never add one.  Good thinking.

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Not even in the vicinity of what was said. 



It is exactly in the vicinity of what was said.  Certainly closer than what was said by me earlier, before you injected your comment, since we were talking about a residual cap hit to Sanchez in 2014 and you bring up who we have and haven't added in 2013. The obvious snarky insinuation is that it's a given that every future year would be the same.  


You are displeased with the lack of signing Revis to a longer contract - as well as the lack of uniformity of opinion here in agreeing with you - and it is tailoring your opinion about virtually all other things.  Anyone can see this.

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It is exactly in the vicinity of what was said.  Certainly closer than what was said by me earlier, before you injected your comment, since we were talking about a residual cap hit to Sanchez in 2014 and you bring up who we have and haven't added in 2013. The obvious snarky insinuation is that it's a given that every future year would be the same.  


You are displeased with the lack of signing Revis to a longer contract - as well as the lack of uniformity of opinion here in agreeing with you - and it is tailoring your opinion about virtually all other things.  Anyone can see this.


I've gone mad. 

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