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Lily's Angry Melons mafia game thread


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Shut your piehole.  My game is still sharp.  You've been reduced to creepy licking gifs on internet forums.


When you say "reduced", that almost implies that I used to do something different? 

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I'm pretty much done playing this game. Good luck everyone.


Don't be a baby.




Everyone satisfied now?


Don't be condescending - it doesn't suit you.



You hafta stay bro. Everyone else has been playing brain dead.


The pencil I jabbed in AVM's eye has outplayed you thus far in this game.  Now shush.




Yup..  Hess, Crush, Me, and JiF are town..  that is an immense help.


Thanks AVM!


^ This guy ******* knows.  Although I don't include you, Pac....I'd say Nolder is more likely instead.

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Don't be a baby.





Don't be condescending - it doesn't suit you.




The pencil I jabbed in AVM's eye has outplayed you thus far in this game.  Now shush.





^ This guy ******* knows.  Although I don't include you, Pac....I'd say Nolder is more likely instead.


Nolder is likely to be town?  why?

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Nolder is likely to be town?  why?


If I recall correctly, he had the same claim as Hess before AVM's role was made known.  For now, I'd put Nolder last in the "unknown" pool, but I'd put you in that pool as well.

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Nolder is likely to be town? why?

Nolder claimed backup singer on Day One, the same role Hess claimed on Day Two. Since Hess is cleared, I consider Nol to be cleared too. I realize claiming a member of the band means nothing regarding alignment, but you'd have to think that the exact same characters would have the same alignment.

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Nolder claimed backup singer on Day One, the same role Hess claimed on Day Two. Since Hess is cleared, I consider Nol to be cleared too. I realize claiming a member of the band means nothing regarding alignment, but you'd have to think that the exact same characters would have the same alignment.



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So your contribution to the game is taking what others say, and prettying up the language? Sweet. Glad you're here!

Hey, someone around here has to bring teh sexy, I can't count on you to do it.

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a : suffused with light : luminous
b : translucent <snorkeling in the lucid sea>
: having full use of one's faculties : sane
: clear to the understanding



Not lucid=pussy, paranoid town


dumb [duhm] Show IPA adjective, dumb·er, dumb·est, verb


lacking intelligence or good judgment; stupid; dull-witted.
lacking the power of speech (often offensive when applied to humans): a dumb animal.
temporarily unable to speak: dumb with astonishment.
refraining from any or much speech; silent.
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So your contribution to the game is taking what others say, and prettying up the language?  Sweet.  Glad you're here!


No, he's either scum or smart town who could read betweens the lines of 20 plus pages and see that in no way shape or form, did it make any sense for AVM to do what he did if he were scum. Not to mention how dumb it was to need his alignment today with other investigation roles probably still out there... as well as it only being D2. Anybody with a town brain would have foreseen the amount of pressure keeping everyone involved alive would have put on the scum team. His eventual death could have possibly been needed but not today. 


Go SK!

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That was ******* stupid

I don't understand AVM's play top to bottom

Why use his power on Hess? Why reveal? Why lie, come clean, and then dodge my ******* questions like he's trying to avoid making any statements for a Lie Detector?

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[duhm] Show IPA adjective, dumb·er, dumb·est, verb



lacking intelligence or good judgment; stupid; dull-witted.

lacking the power of speech (often offensive when applied to humans): a dumb animal.

temporarily unable to speak: dumb with astonishment.

refraining from any or much speech; silent.



You're either scum or the idiot that just lynched an obvious townie. Keep up the good work. 

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No, he's either scum or smart town who could read betweens the lines of 20 plus pages and see that in no way shape or form, did it make any sense for AVM to do what he did if he were scum. Not to mention how dumb it was to need his alignment today with other investigation roles probably still out there... as well as it only being D2. Anybody with a town brain would have foreseen the amount of pressure keeping everyone involved alive would have put on the scum team. His eventual death could have possibly been needed but not today. 


Go SK!


Jesus, Hess.  Did it ever occur to you that there are multiple reasons to pressure AVM on his reveal?


1.  I really didn't believe it at first


2.  If telling the truth, scum could try to overplay the "townie defense" card....like some have ;-)


3.  If not telling the truth, and you had some awesome scum power he was willing to protect, then it helps out more scum players by looking at who distanced from the whole fiasco



For a "lucid" player, I'm surprised none of that was apparent for you.  So stop being a brat.

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btw I think your guys theory that I'm clear because I have the same role as Hess is BS. I would not trust someone in this game if they have the same role.

I think this is a game where anyone can have any position and still be mafia.

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btw I think your guys theory that I'm clear because I have the same role as Hess is BS. I would not trust someone in this game if they have the same role.

I think this is a game where anyone can have any position and still be mafia.


People seem to ignore me when I try mentioning that. 

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4.  If town and the whole situation is outed and talked about, it clears multiple townies, making the job of the town much easier going forward.



AVM made the right move in the end, and I salute that play.  He added more to the game than any other current player.

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btw I think your guys theory that I'm clear because I have the same role as Hess is BS. I would not trust someone in this game if they have the same role.

I think this is a game where anyone can have any position and still be mafia.



People seem to ignore me when I try mentioning that. 



To be fair, I did say he should be at the bottom of the unknown list.

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Jesus, Hess.  Did it ever occur to you that there are multiple reasons to pressure AVM on his reveal?


1.  I really didn't believe it at first


2.  If telling the truth, scum could try to overplay the "townie defense" card....like some have ;-)


3.  If not telling the truth, and you had some awesome scum power he was willing to protect, then it helps out more scum players by looking at who distanced from the whole fiasco



For a "lucid" player, I'm surprised none of that was apparent for you.  So stop being a brat.


Considering I was right and you were wrong (or scum), yep, that pretty much makes me the lucid one here.

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Considering I was right and you were wrong (or scum), yep, that pretty much makes me the lucid one here.


You're still forgetting a very large point.  I have no idea of your alignment.  You know it, so you can believe AVM 100% when he does that.  I can't.  I can't take your word for it, or his.....not without a coroner report.


I really don't know why you're ignoring this, Hess.  I can't just assume - I need to play it out in a way that provides the most value.  Pac saw the same thing, and so did the others on AVM's lynch.


Stop being narrow-minded because you had more information on your alignment (and therefore likely AVM's even though you couldn't be sure he wasn't scum anyway) than I did.

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You're still forgetting a very large point.  I have no idea of your alignment.  You know it, so you can believe AVM 100% when he does that.  I can't.  I can't take your word for it, or his.....not without a coroner report.


I really don't know why you're ignoring this, Hess.  I can't just assume - I need to play it out in a way that provides the most value.  Pac saw the same thing, and so did the others on AVM's lynch.


Stop being narrow-minded because you had more information on your alignment (and therefore likely AVM's even though you couldn't be sure he wasn't scum anyway) than I did.


Me knowing my alignment would have zero to do with AVM being any more believable to me as he would to you. Obviously he could have just as easy been scum to me as he'd known my alignment either way as scum. 


Amazingly the entire issue is how narrow minded you played it (along with Pac) if town. Not to mention the information would have eventually come out anyway. I wasn't saying keep him alive the entire game. My point was let's keep him alive and see how the PRs and Scum want to play this. There were much better lynch candidates. 


Take out your 4 bullets points of over paranoia and just read the dame game, the way AVM was posting and what was actually going on, and actually try and think through any good reason for scum to out multiple players on D2 with one already dead in a 16 person game and the answer was somewhat pretty clear. 

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You're using hindsight to force your point. I used a risk-based approach before the information was available.

Agree to disagree?


I can continue. No, you were using paranoia and hindsight would have been if I changed my stance after the fact.


I agree that your logic was probably based more pragmatically vs. mine which was probably more emotionally based...BUT not meaning b/c I was involved in the scenario.  I'm talking about reading the reactions or feel in his actual posts and others vs. just hedging my bets on worst case scenarios. 


What are the actual odds of Scum making that move? 5-10%%? You basically made you're decision off that percentage, not to mention things were to eventually be vetted anyway. There was no need to NEED an answer today. 

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