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Since posting thoughts on 63 pages is stupid I'll do it 10 pages at a time as I catch up..


Pages 1-10


- If Nolder isn't dead yet he should be.  He has gone from a little harmless flower early in his career to someone trying to overpower games out of the gate.


- AVM hasn't said anything funny


- Mild pings from TomGayne


- DPR unfunny but also unscummy


- Klecko playing the "I haven't played in awhile" card

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I would like to start off by tipping my hat to everyone who mods and keeps the vote counts up. Tuffer than it looks.

I am very busy today so if anyone has a minute to check it for me once in awhile it would be appreciated.


just open 2 tabs tubby..  1 for the last page where you update the vote count... the other to scroll through pages..  I would hope no one actually tries to do it on paper or some sh=t like that.

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Official Matrimonial Day 2 Vote Count:

Klacko (1) -  salami
Nolderp (2) - Hallia, Mish

Dan (5) - Verb, Ishy, Leelou,  80,  Nolderp
JVOR (1) - Darthe

Hellyeah (1) - JVOR

Verbal (3) - JC, Dan, AVM
Mish (2) - Lily, Hess

Pac (1) - Klacko


Not voting (1) - Pac 


With 17 alive, it takes 9 votes to kill.  Deadline tomorrow 4pm.

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Pages 11-20


- Salmonellas soft reveal at L4 sucked a nut.  If I was here at the time I would have curb stomped him


- Hess is shifting from his looney tunes and lucid personas  with regularity.  Cause for concern


- I didn't like how Gonhallia didn't say boo until her name was called out.  Then she popped in within a couple posts.


- AVM said one thing mildly funny on page 12 or so.


- Nolder is still playing the Columbo role straight from the APE as scum handbook.

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just open 2 tabs tubby..  1 for the last page where you update the vote count... the other to scroll through pages..  I would hope no one actually tries to do it on paper or some sh=t like that.

I did. Problem is I need new reading glasses. Like reading under water.
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Pages 21-30


- an overabundance of sloppy play.  Reveals with little or no pressure.


- Leelou pinging


- Verb giving the appearance of participating without saying sh-t


- TomShane sux at teh mafia


- JVoR doing his little hide and seek bs.


- Dan nowhere to be found


- Nolder still scummy


- JC too quiet


- AVM went from 100 MPH to 15...  and back to not saying anything funny

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Since posting thoughts on 63 pages is stupid I'll do it 10 pages at a time as I catch up..


Pages 1-10


- If Nolder isn't dead yet he should be.  He has gone from a little harmless flower early in his career to someone trying to overpower games out of the gate.


- AVM hasn't said anything funny


- Mild pings from TomGayne


- DPR unfunny but also unscummy


- Klecko playing the "I haven't played in awhile" card



Pages 11-20


- Salmonellas soft reveal at L4 sucked a nut.  If I was here at the time I would have curb stomped him


- Hess is shifting from his looney tunes and lucid personas  with regularity.  Cause for concern


- I didn't like how Gonhallia didn't say boo until her name was called out.  Then she popped in within a couple posts.


- AVM said one thing mildly funny on page 12 or so.


- Nolder is still playing the Columbo role straight from the APE as scum handbook.


I went back and looked, and in all honesty have no idea what you're talking about. 

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pages 31-40




- TomGayne may have played the single worst game in the history of mafia.  Completely nonsensical reveal.


- FOS Ishy for being the first to suggest that mow ron Shane didn't self protect when it's just as likely scum has a RBer.


- Town read on Salmonella


- Gonhallia hasn't said anything of substance to this point other than gravy training someone elses reveal.


- AVM watch:  no funny


- Nolder easing up around and after the lynch...  is this fracking guy still alive?

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- FOS Ishy for being the first to suggest that mow ron Shane didn't self protect when it's just as likely scum has a RBer.

I suggested that he shouldn't have revealed. Verb suggested that he should have self-protected.

Words are hard.

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Ok all caught up and have a pretty good handle on what's going on.  Without having the chance to engage anyone yet I think the most suspicious are:


JC, Leelou, Hallialujah, Ishy


actually, let me do it this way:


1. Leelou (PRIME SUSPECT) Scum hunting and game related posts have been sparse.  A willingness to to vote too many people.  1 post in particular where she basically asked hess to name 1 of 4 people she should vote for.  Why is she asking him?

2. Verb(LYNCHABLE) A pigs pig.  Typing a lot of words but not saying anything.  Not displaying a willingness to beat the bushes and try to get some answers.

3. Klecko - (WORTHLESS) Actually, less than worthless thus far.  Only contributions have been defending himself (which wasn't that stellar) and perseverating on me when I hadn't yet begun to participate.  He could very well be yellow scum but I'm willing to let it play out a bit more with him.  If he is scum it'll be a lot more fun torturing him later on.

4. Halia - (PRIME SUSPECT) Not so much for her meager contributions but because she is trying to use a shield of naivety ®.  This isn't her first time playing mafia and she knows half the players.  The only semi-case she's made was a blatant OMGUS vote against Nolder for calling her out.

5. Salami - (TOWNIE VIBE) Hated the unnecessary reveal but it did sound like something that idiot JiF would include in the game.  Scum would be foolish to couple an early reveal with a ludicrous explanation.  

6. Jetscode (PRIME SUSPECT) The methodical approach I normally associate with JC's townie games is absent.  Instead we're seeing what looks like an over medicated version of Jeff as he stumbles his way through the game.  I don't like it.

7. Hess (HARMLESS) Early game play was erratic and lynch worthy.  He seems to have rebounded with a townie approach and logical play.  I don't see the signs of bad hess yet but I reserve the right to change my opinion.

8. Mish (LYNCHABLE) No real advantage to keeping her around (sorry to say).  She has yet to call out anyone let alone take a position.  I will say my opinion can change were I to receive a couple pics via PM.


9. Ishy (PRIME SUSPECT) Scatter brained approach and sloppy play.  I can't recall the posts verbatim but there are a handful that stuck out to me during my read through. 

11. AwesomeVM (UNDECIDED) Stuck out early but the last 20 pages or so has drifted back into obscurity.  He could have reigned himself in as scum, or he could just have gotten busy.  I'll need to see more.

12. Lovely Lilly (UNDECIDED) I don't like that she hasn't done a lot of scum hunting but that doesn't necessarily mean she's scum.  She is admittedly a hard one for me to read until I see a vote pattern and her reasoning for her votes.

13. DAN. (UNDECIDED) Was ready to pile until she finally arrived and answered her detractors.  I don't think her defense was particularly astute but it did warrant more time for her to get involved.  The LF is also a teacher who's pretty much had the same schedule so I can understand her lack of participation thus far.

14. J80 (A DISRUPTIVE FORCE/ LYNCHABLE) Typical idiotic gameplay and voting.  Exhibiting a complete lack of awareness and no desire to find actual scum.  His alignment isn't important as he's shown countless times he can be just as destructive to the town when he is a townie.  I will principle lynch at any point in the game.

15. DPR - lol

16. Tomshane rotflmao

17. JVOR (SNEAKY) I've gone back and forth on him during the read through.  Just when I was prepared to light him up, he posts something that gives me pause.  I've got my eye on him but for now I'm fine with letting him live.

18. Nolder (SLOW TOWNIE)  I was most suspicious of him early on but then something strange happened.  He started showing erratic, anxious play I wouldn't associate with scum.  If he is dirty, he has me fooled for now.

19. Darthe (NINCOMPOOP) No strong read on this one yet.  He seems to have been laying low but that could be attributed to the fact that he's been the Day 1 whipping boy for a couple months now.  I don't remember any particularly salient points he's made, but I also don't remember any alarming posts either.








I own this sh-t.

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I suggested that he shouldn't have revealed. Verb suggested that he should have self-protected.

Words are hard.


Went back and double checked.  You are correct.


That part of my suspicion of you was just the icing on the cake though and doesn't change much.  It does however add a little more juice to the Verb situation.

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you basically told Darthe to gfh.  I giggled.


lulz -- good times


Pages 41-50


- Not much going on


- JC, Leelou, Hallialujah, Ishy all looking scummy to me


- AVM.....   you know.



I know, I know.  You missed me.  Don't worry...I'll be bringing the lulz yet again tomorrow and Wednesday

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Ok all caught up and have a pretty good handle on what's going on.  Without having the chance to engage anyone yet I think the most suspicious are:


JC, Leelou, Hallialujah, Ishy


actually, let me do it this way:


1. Leelou (PRIME SUSPECT) Scum hunting and game related posts have been sparse.  A willingness to to vote too many people.  1 post in particular where she basically asked hess to name 1 of 4 people she should vote for.  Why is she asking him?

2. Verb(LYNCHABLE) A pigs pig.  Typing a lot of words but not saying anything.  Not displaying a willingness to beat the bushes and try to get some answers.

3. Klecko - (WORTHLESS) Actually, less than worthless thus far.  Only contributions have been defending himself (which wasn't that stellar) and perseverating on me when I hadn't yet begun to participate.  He could very well be yellow scum but I'm willing to let it play out a bit more with him.  If he is scum it'll be a lot more fun torturing him later on.

4. Halia - (PRIME SUSPECT) Not so much for her meager contributions but because she is trying to use a shield of naivety ®.  This isn't her first time playing mafia and she knows half the players.  The only semi-case she's made was a blatant OMGUS vote against Nolder for calling her out.

5. Salami - (TOWNIE VIBE) Hated the unnecessary reveal but it did sound like something that idiot JiF would include in the game.  Scum would be foolish to couple an early reveal with a ludicrous explanation.  

6. Jetscode (PRIME SUSPECT) The methodical approach I normally associate with JC's townie games is absent.  Instead we're seeing what looks like an over medicated version of Jeff as he stumbles his way through the game.  I don't like it.

7. Hess (HARMLESS) Early game play was erratic and lynch worthy.  He seems to have rebounded with a townie approach and logical play.  I don't see the signs of bad hess yet but I reserve the right to change my opinion.

8. Mish (LYNCHABLE) No real advantage to keeping her around (sorry to say).  She has yet to call out anyone let alone take a position.  I will say my opinion can change were I to receive a couple pics via PM.


9. Ishy (PRIME SUSPECT) Scatter brained approach and sloppy play.  I can't recall the posts verbatim but there are a handful that stuck out to me during my read through. 

11. AwesomeVM (UNDECIDED) Stuck out early but the last 20 pages or so has drifted back into obscurity.  He could have reigned himself in as scum, or he could just have gotten busy.  I'll need to see more.

12. Lovely Lilly (UNDECIDED) I don't like that she hasn't done a lot of scum hunting but that doesn't necessarily mean she's scum.  She is admittedly a hard one for me to read until I see a vote pattern and her reasoning for her votes.

13. DAN. (UNDECIDED) Was ready to pile until she finally arrived and answered her detractors.  I don't think her defense was particularly astute but it did warrant more time for her to get involved.  The LF is also a teacher who's pretty much had the same schedule so I can understand her lack of participation thus far.

14. J80 (A DISRUPTIVE FORCE/ LYNCHABLE) Typical idiotic gameplay and voting.  Exhibiting a complete lack of awareness and no desire to find actual scum.  His alignment isn't important as he's shown countless times he can be just as destructive to the town when he is a townie.  I will principle lynch at any point in the game.

15. DPR - lol

16. Tomshane rotflmao

17. JVOR (SNEAKY) I've gone back and forth on him during the read through.  Just when I was prepared to light him up, he posts something that gives me pause.  I've got my eye on him but for now I'm fine with letting him live.

18. Nolder (SLOW TOWNIE)  I was most suspicious of him early on but then something strange happened.  He started showing erratic, anxious play I wouldn't associate with scum.  If he is dirty, he has me fooled for now.

19. Darthe (NINCOMPOOP) No strong read on this one yet.  He seems to have been laying low but that could be attributed to the fact that he's been the Day 1 whipping boy for a couple months now.  I don't remember any particularly salient points he's made, but I also don't remember any alarming posts either.








I own this sh-t.


I was 98% sure I was wrong on Dan and you both were scum...and she typed this up for you til I got to DPR (and DEFINITELY Darthe, lmao).  Color coordinated lists? Who is this Pac? 

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Ok all caught up and have a pretty good handle on what's going on. Without having the chance to engage anyone yet I think the most suspicious are:

JC, Leelou, Hallialujah, Ishy

actually, let me do it this way:

1. Leelou - (PRIME SUSPECT) Scum hunting and game related posts have been sparse. A willingness to to vote too many people. 1 post in particular where she basically asked hess to name 1 of 4 people she should vote for. Why is she asking him?

2. Verb - (LYNCHABLE) A pigs pig. Typing a lot of words but not saying anything. Not displaying a willingness to beat the bushes and try to get some answers.

3. Klecko - (WORTHLESS) Actually, less than worthless thus far. Only contributions have been defending himself (which wasn't that stellar) and perseverating on me when I hadn't yet begun to participate. He could very well be yellow scum but I'm willing to let it play out a bit more with him. If he is scum it'll be a lot more fun torturing him later on.

4. Halia - (PRIME SUSPECT) Not so much for her meager contributions but because she is trying to use a shield of naivety ®. This isn't her first time playing mafia and she knows half the players. The only semi-case she's made was a blatant OMGUS vote against Nolder for calling her out.

5. Salami - (TOWNIE VIBE) Hated the unnecessary reveal but it did sound like something that idiot JiF would include in the game. Scum would be foolish to couple an early reveal with a ludicrous explanation.

6. Jetscode (PRIME SUSPECT) The methodical approach I normally associate with JC's townie games is absent. Instead we're seeing what looks like an over medicated version of Jeff as he stumbles his way through the game. I don't like it.

7. Hess (HARMLESS) Early game play was erratic and lynch worthy. He seems to have rebounded with a townie approach and logical play. I don't see the signs of bad hess yet but I reserve the right to change my opinion.

8. Mish (LYNCHABLE) No real advantage to keeping her around (sorry to say). She has yet to call out anyone let alone take a position. I will say my opinion can change were I to receive a couple pics via PM.

9. Ishy (PRIME SUSPECT) Scatter brained approach and sloppy play. I can't recall the posts verbatim but there are a handful that stuck out to me during my read through.

11. AwesomeVM (UNDECIDED) Stuck out early but the last 20 pages or so has drifted back into obscurity. He could have reigned himself in as scum, or he could just have gotten busy. I'll need to see more.

12. Lovely Lilly (UNDECIDED) I don't like that she hasn't done a lot of scum hunting but that doesn't necessarily mean she's scum. She is admittedly a hard one for me to read until I see a vote pattern and her reasoning for her votes.

13. DAN. (UNDECIDED) Was ready to pile until she finally arrived and answered her detractors. I don't think her defense was particularly astute but it did warrant more time for her to get involved. The LF is also a teacher who's pretty much had the same schedule so I can understand her lack of participation thus far.

14. J80 (A DISRUPTIVE FORCE/ LYNCHABLE) Typical idiotic gameplay and voting. Exhibiting a complete lack of awareness and no desire to find actual scum. His alignment isn't important as he's shown countless times he can be just as destructive to the town when he is a townie. I will principle lynch at any point in the game.

15. DPR - lol

16. Tomshane rotflmao

17. JVOR (SNEAKY) I've gone back and forth on him during the read through. Just when I was prepared to light him up, he posts something that gives me pause. I've got my eye on him but for now I'm fine with letting him live.

18. Nolder (SLOW TOWNIE) I was most suspicious of him early on but then something strange happened. He started showing erratic, anxious play I wouldn't associate with scum. If he is dirty, he has me fooled for now.

19. Darthe (NINCOMPOOP) No strong read on this one yet. He seems to have been laying low but that could be attributed to the fact that he's been the Day 1 whipping boy for a couple months now. I don't remember any particularly salient points he's made, but I also don't remember any alarming posts either.


I own this sh-t.

"Perseverating" isn't a word.
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UNOfficial Matrimonial Day 2 Vote Count:

Klacko (1) -  salami
Nolderp (2) - Hallia, Mish

Dan (4) - Verb, Ishy, Leelou, Nolderp
JVOR (1) - Darthe

Hellyeah (1) - JVOR

Verbal (3) - JC, Dan, AVM
Mish (2) - Lily, Hess

Pac (2) - Klacko, 80

Ishy (1) - Pac 


With 17 alive, it takes 9 votes to kill.  Deadline today, 4pm EST.

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