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...putting our heads in the sand is not actually helping...just saying...plus I had moved on...




Can we lynch Nolder or Verbal already?


Why does every game without the Ape slow down to a crawl?


Just saying...



Fine for now.  Still find you conspicuous for the gift.  Little unnerving.  Also, Verbal played that newbie Doc failed to self-protect BS to hide the fact that scum probably has a RBer.  But for now, I'll acquiesce to see if this dogs has any legs.   




Vote Dan



The only way to learn something is to propose a hypothesis and then test it to try and detect a pattern.  In this game, some people have Viagra and others do not.  We can ignore it and chase inactives but eventually we need to start testing to see if the Viagra pill indicates a pattern.



Look dude...sorry you didn't get a pill...but the pill or lack thereof...is info...part of a larger pattern?  I have no idea...but eventually we gonna have to test it.



Funny how JiF and Crusher hand out the Viagra and I'm considered the pervert.  


Hess is scummy.  Let's lynch this dude.



I usually policy lynch self-voters...not sure your death brings enough intel...


I actually thought more people insinuated they had Viagra then did not***looks at Nolder***...not sure of any others who denied getting it...plus Darthe did claim his was stolen...is that correct Darthe?  Maybe it was salami...



Any besides Nolder that denied it?  I had this discussion with Nolder the other day...personally I like his play...but can't think of another player who denied getting a pill...also, I know someone claimed to have theirs stolen...thought it was Darthe could have salami...my thought on the pill if/when we want to pursue this intel:

  • Lynch a player that has claimed to not have one.
  • By now, pretty sure everyone will say they got one.
  • Too close to deadline to discuss this strategy especially with the slow play from most everyone.
  • Willing to play mafia (as Nolder pointed out) to see what other patterns emerge.
  • Eventually we will need to test/determine if getting or not getting a pill factor into the scum equation.



Do you have a pill?

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Well, Ishy point out that five players had claimed to receive a pill...and to my knowledge only you have claimed to not...I was willing to let it rest...but eventually we knew people would make decision based off this piece of information...so yeah...go figure...I stated the obvious...



...putting our heads in the sand is not actually helping...just saying...plus I had moved on...so there's that...I just rather vote off the one who stated they did not have one versus one of the five or more who claimed to have...call me silly I guess.





Dude check out the score card...I am currently pursuing your lynch?


All is did is remind Ishy I'd rather not vote based upon the Viagra...while explaining...that eventually we'll see how the Viagra distribution plays out...so GFY!

Maybe if you had received Viagra there wouldn't be an absence...weird...maybe you drank saltpeter.



With you...its different...by your earlier exchange with Darthe I get the idea that maybe you no get gift of Viagra...not saying your scum...just saying...so I threw in the saltpeter reference...but you probably didn't get that...sorry...generational differences...you probably didn't google...so the short story...in basic training...military makes you drink two glasses of water before sitting down to eat at each meal...ensured a certain joint wouldn't salute in camp...many blamed saltpeter...military denies its use to this day...I never got a chubby in basic training...I know...TMI...but its true...just saying.



My best bet for scum:  Verbal, Nolder, Lily and AVM.  Could add 80 and or Pac.


Best play tomorrow is to lynch from those who did not get a gift of love.


Remember we are at a wedding...respect their wishes...blow bubbles or something...



Ape gone...someone had to stir the pot...weak sauce on your part...I think your scum from the interaction with Mish over discussing who/what/where/when viagra...uh...I'm not supposed to talk about that...guess its reserved for those in the scum QT...pretty sure they are talking about it plenty...


Nolder, AVM, and Verbal...highlight my logic...do with it as you will.


To the rest...don't forget to bring bubbles...Cardinals are cool birds.

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When did the town agree not to discuss Viagra...must have missed that conversation...now we've gone two days and I'm ready to return...and you dipstixs wants to put your head in the sand appear scummier and scummier...so there's that...your BS...is just that...so go suck a big bag of dicks!


Scum = Nolder, AVM, Verbal


Plus another from Lily, Pac or 80.


Book it Dano.

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Btw that's just from page 50 onward. Who knows how many times you went on and on about the ******* viagra before that point.


...and your point is...it doesn't matter...got it...coming pretty strong for a natural argument...but hey the New Nolder trying to bow up is pretty fun to watch...

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No. With you, it's mostly a feeling. I'm going to have to think on it some more. Maybe then I will have something for you. 


So you think one of us is town and the other scum.  Got it.  And you think JC is scum based on your stated reasons.  Got it.  So then wouldn't that make me town?  What is this gut feeling?  That I'm town or scum?  hehe**




Holy sh*t no wonder you usually lurk your way through to the endgame. You're a ******* awful liar.


I take back the mean things I was thinking about you.  It involved a pencil and your left eyesocket.  I take it all back.





**I'm so town now that I've used this enough times

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So you think one of us is town and the other scum.  Got it.  And you think JC is scum based on your stated reasons.  Got it.  So then wouldn't that make me town?  What is this gut feeling?  That I'm town or scum?  hehe**





I take back the mean things I was thinking about you.  It involved a pencil and your left eyesocket.  I take it all back.





**I'm so town now that I've used this enough times


She has not stated reasons for either of us, McScummy.

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When did the town agree not to discuss Viagra.

Leading me away from the point, which is that you discuss it excessively.

To other people it's a curiosity, a puzzle to be figured out later.

To you it seems to be of the utmost importance.

You either have something to do with these pills or you're just using them as an excuse to peddle bullsh*t.


and you dipstixs wants to put your head in the sand appear scummier and scummier.

No one is putting their heads in the sand. Do you have something new to enlighten us with about the pills? No?

Then why do you keep bringing it up constantly? You're trying to drive up it's importance while insinuating I must be scum because I don't have a pill.

You want to focus on flavor and theme sh*t instead of scumtells and voting patterns.

You're trying to distract the town and nudge a bullsh*t lynch. Don't think I don't see what you're doing.

You did it first with the ******* 8 ball and people caught on to it so you've switched your routine to the pills.

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Leading me away from the point, which is that you discuss it excessively.

To other people it's a curiosity, a puzzle to be figured out later.

To you it seems to be of the utmost importance.

You either have something to do with these pills or you're just using them as an excuse to peddle bullsh*t.


No one is putting their heads in the sand. Do you have something new to enlighten us with about the pills? No?

Then why do you keep bringing it up constantly? You're trying to drive up it's importance while insinuating I must be scum because I don't have a pill.

You want to focus on flavor and theme sh*t instead of scumtells and voting patterns.

You're trying to distract the town and nudge a bullsh*t lynch. Don't think I don't see what you're doing.

You did it first with the ******* 8 ball and people caught on to it so you've switched your routine to the pills.


I've obviously over played my hand...please NK me tonight...don't want to get in the way of your obviously brilliant adventure.

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Okay, I read Pac's account and he looked really town, but I disagreed with quite a bit of what he said so I reread this game and... I've been ******* idiotic thus far.


This has been a sh*t load of work, but the short summation of it is that

JVOR is only middling to me based on his posts (there may be bias here)

Nolder looks town trying to curb his meta

JC1 surprised me by looking scummy

Ishy strikes me as a late jumper on the viagra issue train, and his self vote makes me agree with Pac's assessment.

Csarmi looks to be backing up JC1 and Ishy without doing much more and his "reads" are terribly fake looking so FOS for now

I don't see a problem with Leelou, but I suck at reading her

Tomshane is useless

80 looks town

Hess is almost certainly town

Smash I have no clue about tbh

Verb is getting mired in sh*t but his opinions look genuine to me, thus slight town imo

Hally is being her typical D1 self tbh.. it won't fly her, but that doesn't make her scum

AVM looks town

Lily I can't read worth a damn either

Dan's train was meh and she hasn't given a ton, null

I haven't seen DPR in a while, what gives?

Mish looks town to me


Thus, Vote Ishy.  If he wants to die he can.

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She has not stated reasons for either of us, McScummy.


Orly?  Let's see.....




During my catching up today, it became obvious that either Verbal or JC are scum. I just can't figure out which one. A gambit is possible, I guess, but not likely, imo. 


Her stating one of us is scum.




Strong assertion...care to offer any evidence...guess not...well...cool.


You responding.





You're not your usual logical self. This is how you play as scum. Not exactly evidence, but that's what I've got. 


Her reason.  Maybe you don't think it is a good one, but it is still something.  I happen to agree with her, btw.  I'm sure you knew that, though.

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Okay, I read Pac's account and he looked really town, but I disagreed with quite a bit of what he said so I reread this game and... I've been ******* idiotic thus far.


This has been a sh*t load of work, but the short summation of it is that

JVOR is only middling to me based on his posts (there may be bias here)

Nolder looks town trying to curb his meta

JC1 surprised me by looking scummy

Ishy strikes me as a late jumper on the viagra issue train, and his self vote makes me agree with Pac's assessment.

Csarmi looks to be backing up JC1 and Ishy without doing much more and his "reads" are terribly fake looking so FOS for now

I don't see a problem with Leelou, but I suck at reading her

Tomshane is useless

80 looks town

Hess is almost certainly town

Smash I have no clue about tbh

Verb is getting mired in sh*t but his opinions look genuine to me, thus slight town imo

Hally is being her typical D1 self tbh.. it won't fly her, but that doesn't make her scum

AVM looks town

Lily I can't read worth a damn either

Dan's train was meh and she hasn't given a ton, null

I haven't seen DPR in a while, what gives?

Mish looks town to me


Thus, Vote Ishy.  If he wants to die he can.


OMG I don't know where to start......

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Okay, I read Pac's account and he looked really town, but I disagreed with quite a bit of what he said so I reread this game and... I've been ******* idiotic thus far.


This has been a sh*t load of work, but the short summation of it is that

JVOR is only middling to me based on his posts (there may be bias here)

Nolder looks town trying to curb his meta

JC1 surprised me by looking scummy

Ishy strikes me as a late jumper on the viagra issue train, and his self vote makes me agree with Pac's assessment.

Csarmi looks to be backing up JC1 and Ishy without doing much more and his "reads" are terribly fake looking so FOS for now

I don't see a problem with Leelou, but I suck at reading her

Tomshane is useless

80 looks town

Hess is almost certainly town

Smash I have no clue about tbh

Verb is getting mired in sh*t but his opinions look genuine to me, thus slight town imo

Hally is being her typical D1 self tbh.. it won't fly her, but that doesn't make her scum

AVM looks town

Lily I can't read worth a damn either

Dan's train was meh and she hasn't given a ton, null

I haven't seen DPR in a while, what gives?

Mish looks town to me


Thus, Vote Ishy.  If he wants to die he can.


1.  I would think so, Tomshane is ******* dead.

2.  Smash left the game to be replaced by Pac.

3.  You haven't seen DPR because he's dead.

4.  Yeah, it is night.

5.  You're an idiot.

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