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Geno has more upside then Kaepernick, RG3 and Wilson and is less likely to slump as they have

Jimmy IRisH

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The good news is that all of Geno's flaws are fixable.  The things he has (Good arm, good accuracy, big, decent speed, poise) are things that are far more difficult to teach.  He came to us with the label of being raw, but already has shown more often than not that he looks a little bit like a middle-of-the-pack NFL veteran with upside to be really good.

Yeah, like you said, the issues he has are coachable and he has physical gifts such as big arm which cant be taught.

That said, he needs a full offseason in an NFL weight training program because he doesnt look like he has a pro body yet. He definitely needs to bulk up his lower body.

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Geno is obviously coming off his best performance of the season, and there's reason to be encouraged. However, he completely melted down in the Jets' two losses this year, and really hasn't faced any genuine adversity yet. Comparing him to the big three of last year just seems a tad bit premature to me.

But carry on.

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The one thing you can't teach thou is comfort in the pocket, you either have it, or you don't.  That doesn't mean you will have it from day 1, what I am saying is you can't teach a pussy to be well not a pussy, it's just who he is, and the guy who runs into the burning building with out thinking, well that is who he is, and you can't teach that.  Geno doesn't look like a pussy on the field, but he also doesn't look like the guy who runs into the burning building, he is somewhere in between, and while I don't think he can be taught this skill, but I do think he can develop it on his own by playing more NFL games, and getting comfortable inside that pocket, and stop the panicing even when there is imagined pressure.  This is what will define what kind of QB Geno truley turns into, and if he does get comfortable with this, then it is a matter of how long that takes, 8 games like it took Wilson, or maybe 2 years like it takes some other QB's.


One of the biggest criticisms so far has been his holding of the ball too long.  A pussy doesn't hold the ball too long, looking for a receiver.  A pussy throws it away or tucks & runs.


Also there have been some big-time throws downfield with the pressure approaching him from the front.  Right as he's about to get clobbered, he let it loose & stepped into his throws (which went for completions).  Very un-pussy-in-the-pocket-like.


So I don't agree with the assessment.  There's a big difference between being a scared sissy and not having a feel for the pro game just a few games into a career.  He's given plenty of examples of displaying how not-perfect he is so far.  But this standing back there and waiting for the deep receiver to get open is new to him, from what I understand of his college career. Therefore I don't expect him to show a good veteran's savvy in the pocket just yet.


I think a lot of comparisons are being made to veteran QBs who have matured.  VERY few QBs showed such magnificent pocket presence as rookies. 

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One of the biggest criticisms so far has been his holding of the ball too long.  A pussy doesn't hold the ball too long, looking for a receiver.  A pussy throws it away or tucks & runs.


Also there have been some big-time throws downfield with the pressure approaching him from the front.  Right as he's about to get clobbered, he let it loose & stepped into his throws (which went for completions).  Very un-pussy-in-the-pocket-like.


So I don't agree with the assessment.  There's a big difference between being a scared sissy and not having a feel for the pro game just a few games into a career.  He's given plenty of examples of displaying how not-perfect he is so far.  But this standing back there and waiting for the deep receiver to get open is new to him, from what I understand of his college career. Therefore I don't expect him to show a good veteran's savvy in the pocket just yet.


I think a lot of comparisons are being made to veteran QBs who have matured.  VERY few QBs showed such magnificent pocket presence as rookies. 

Could not agree more. He does stand in and deliver despite knowing the hammer is about to come down. Lets hope he can survive this. A very good friend who is a rabid Bills fan says EJ Manuel, (whom I thought was the better prospect, what do I know), was doing the opposite, throwing it away too soon, not stepping up, moving much etc.

Maybe due to knee injury who knows.

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Woah woah woah. Lets all STICK to the point here. I said " Less Likely" I didnt say he wouldnt slump, I merely believe he will not have as much of a drop off in production as Kap and Wilson because Geno is not running the Read option in addition to passing and defenses will have less film to study and his habits will be less viewable to the naked eye. He is in the pocket learning and yes its only been 5 games. so after 11 more. he will be experienced (good or bad aside) and then next year, i feel we will see improvement rather than slumping. and i said all this is because he isnt two dimensional.


Luck is not a freak. He has a good scheme to fit his strengths, he has great pocket awareness and he uses his legs in an emergency not in design.

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Geno is obviously coming off his best performance of the season, and there's reason to be encouraged. However, he completely melted down in the Jets' two losses this year, and really hasn't faced any genuine adversity yet. Comparing him to the big three of last year just seems a tad bit premature to me.

But carry on.


Im comparing him to the Big 3 of this year. He could have a year similar to theirs if he wanted to run, but he doesnt...he is diciplined and all about the pocket.


RG3 and Kap have melted down this year too. Worse then Geno actually.


My point is Geno has more upside then a running QB period.


Why am i getting so much resistance on such a simple concept? Its not like i said Geno is better than Brady

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One of the biggest criticisms so far has been his holding of the ball too long.  A pussy doesn't hold the ball too long, looking for a receiver.  A pussy throws it away or tucks & runs.


Also there have been some big-time throws downfield with the pressure approaching him from the front.  Right as he's about to get clobbered, he let it loose & stepped into his throws (which went for completions).  Very un-pussy-in-the-pocket-like.


So I don't agree with the assessment.  There's a big difference between being a scared sissy and not having a feel for the pro game just a few games into a career.  He's given plenty of examples of displaying how not-perfect he is so far.  But this standing back there and waiting for the deep receiver to get open is new to him, from what I understand of his college career. Therefore I don't expect him to show a good veteran's savvy in the pocket just yet.


I think a lot of comparisons are being made to veteran QBs who have matured.  VERY few QBs showed such magnificent pocket presence as rookies.

So I guess you didn't read my post then, I specifically stated Geno does NOT look like a pussy, AND just as you stated VERY few QB's show pocket presence as rookies, and that it's just a matter of how long it takes him (if he ever does get comfortable), if its quick like Wilson last year then this season could be a little longer than we all thought, but if its 2 years then we will have another year of flashes of brilliance, and some bad games, but year 3 should be the year he takes the next step.

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So I guess you didn't read my post then, I specifically stated Geno does NOT look like a pussy, AND just as you stated VERY few QB's show pocket presence as rookies, and that it's just a matter of how long it takes him (if he ever does get comfortable), if its quick like Wilson last year then this season could be a little longer than we all thought, but if its 2 years then we will have another year of flashes of brilliance, and some bad games, but year 3 should be the year he takes the next step.


I did, and my response was based in the basic pessimistic tone of it.  I'm neither optimistic or pessimistic about Smith.  He has the tools and I would be no more shocked at him being a great QB than if he turns into a failure who once had a great game.


What, in your opinion, is an example of a "guy who runs into a burning building" and who showed this trait in his first 5 games and why has Geno not shown it.  I'd say getting passes off as he's about to take a full frontal beating, and stepping into those throws, would qualify as showing he's "a guy who runs into a burning building."  You disagree, and claim this is a skill he doesn't have (or likely doesn't have) and I'm curious for your explanation as to what this skill looks like on the field.  Basically, I don't understand the metaphor.  Not saying it's invalid, mind you; I'm just saying I don't understand it.

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I did, and my response was based in the basic pessimistic tone of it.  I'm neither optimistic or pessimistic about Smith.  He has the tools and I would be no more shocked at him being a great QB than if he turns into a failure who once had a great game.


What, in your opinion, is an example of a "guy who runs into a burning building" and who showed this trait in his first 5 games and why has Geno not shown it.  I'd say getting passes off as he's about to take a full frontal beating, and stepping into those throws, would qualify as showing he's "a guy who runs into a burning building."  You disagree, and claim this is a skill he doesn't have (or likely doesn't have) and I'm curious for your explanation as to what this skill looks like on the field.  Basically, I don't understand the metaphor.  Not saying it's invalid, mind you; I'm just saying I don't understand it.

I was using it to explain only pocket comfort, and fearlessness, nothing else, Big Ben is a guy I would put into the run into the burning building category as far as pocket presence, only a handful of guys have ever had that. Yes Geno has shown the balls to take a hit and deliver a strike no doubt, but that's a different thing then actually being comfortable sitting inside that pocket without being scared of your surroundings, I can see why you misunderstood, and still might misunderstand, I'm very bad at explaining myself sorry.

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I was using it to explain only pocket comfort, and fearlessness, nothing else, Big Ben is a guy I would put into the run into the burning building category as far as pocket presence, only a handful of guys have ever had that. Yes Geno has shown the balls to take a hit and deliver a strike no doubt, but that's a different thing then actually being comfortable sitting inside that pocket without being scared of your surroundings, I can see why you misunderstood, and still might misunderstand, I'm very bad at explaining myself sorry.


Why doesn't Smith qualify when he's standing there, stepping into a throw, & throwing (on target) with a defender descending upon him from the front, and then popping him?


Roethlisberger just takes a lot of sacks, and wiggles out of a lot because he's so big & strong.  I don't necessarily think he's so much tougher than so many others.  Just that physically, he's better able to ward off pass-rushers.  Being big doesn't make one "run into a burning building" tough.


So I still don't quite understand the analogy.  If Smith is standing there in the pocket for 5+ seconds and NOT leaving a good pocket and NOT just throwing it away or dumping it off (even when he sometimes should), how is that less "tough" than someone else?  I really don't get it.


He seems plenty tough in the pocket to me.  The problem has been the turnovers and losing his form when he's not totally under duress.  But that's happened to the best of the best while still in the "gaining experience" stage.

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Why doesn't Smith qualify when he's standing there, stepping into a throw, & throwing (on target) with a defender descending upon him from the front, and then popping him?


Roethlisberger just takes a lot of sacks, and wiggles out of a lot because he's so big & strong.  I don't necessarily think he's so much tougher than so many others.  Just that physically, he's better able to ward off pass-rushers.  Being big doesn't make one "run into a burning building" tough.


So I still don't quite understand the analogy.  If Smith is standing there in the pocket for 5+ seconds and NOT leaving a good pocket and NOT just throwing it away or dumping it off (even when he sometimes should), how is that less "tough" than someone else?  I really don't get it.


He seems plenty tough in the pocket to me.  The problem has been the turnovers and losing his form when he's not totally under duress.  But that's happened to the best of the best while still in the "gaining experience" stage.

It's mentally I'm talking not physically, Geno has bailed out of the pocket even when there is no pressure, just because he doesn't run doesn't mean he hasn't bailed on the pocket, the minute a QB moves out of the pocket I mean pulls the ball down, but not to run, like say Geno instead of stepping up into the pocket he bails, and takes 5 steps backwards OUTSIDE the pocket still looking to throw, when the proper action should have been to step up into the pocket, that's a comfort thing not all QB's are comfortable stepping up even thou that's the best way to avoid the rushers around them.

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It's mentally I'm talking not physically, Geno has bailed out of the pocket even when there is no pressure, just because he doesn't run doesn't mean he hasn't bailed on the pocket, the minute a QB moves out of the pocket I mean pulls the ball down, but not to run, like say Geno instead of stepping up into the pocket he bails, and takes 5 steps backwards OUTSIDE the pocket still looking to throw, when the proper action should have been to step up into the pocket, that's a comfort thing not all QB's are comfortable stepping up even thou that's the best way to avoid the rushers around them.


I don't think that is mental toughness.  I think that's experience.  There's a fine line between holding the ball long enough and holding it too long.


In QB years he's just a baby.  I'll see more than 5 games from him before I call him anything.  Especially in a rebuilding year.  Perfect opportunity to let him take his lumps.

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I don't think that is mental toughness.  I think that's experience.  There's a fine line between holding the ball long enough and holding it too long.


In QB years he's just a baby.  I'll see more than 5 games from him before I call him anything.  Especially in a rebuilding year.  Perfect opportunity to let him take his lumps.

No sh*t it's experience I said that in my first post, I also said there are some pussies who will never get comfortable no matter how much experience they get, and said I don't see Geno as one of those pussies, but I also said there are a select few who just have it from day 1, the running into the burning building mentality, IE Ben Rapburger.

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