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Goodell & Tapes: A cruel irony?


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The NFL can make its own rules and policies, but like I said you're not exactly right, they're subject to certain sanctions because of the antitrust exemptions they're given. If they do something illegal or something that threatens the integrity of the game, i.e match-fixing, rampant cheating, other things that threaten the integrity of competition, they run the risk of losing those exemptions and open themselves up to Federal Antitrust laws. The NFL teams are legalized cartels essentially so no, they're not just like a regular corporation and yes, the government can interfere in certain situations.


e.g.  http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3225539


Secondly, you nor I have no idea what was on those tapes so please save me the rationalization of how it wasn't actually a big deal and that it's just like baseball players stealing signs. We actually don't know what's on the tape and if it was something bad enough to have them destroy evidence almost immediately then I have to imagine it wasn't exactly harmless.

The NFL is as per the USFL case an illegal monpoly.And one that depends on TV ad revenue subject to FCC regulation. to  says nothing of the various huge TV companies and advertisers it has to keep happy to continue to print money. It also has 31 different states and municipalities which it depends on for various tax relief. Remarkably(ridiculously!)  it claims  that the league (not the owners) is anot for profit organization,  which is beyond laughable.


The media firstorm to fire Goodell is just beginning. It will get louder. Either he saw the tapes and is a liar or he didn't and is an idiot;bad either way.




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Only problem is he or someone in the NFL office saw that tape. The Revel is a casino. Everything except your room is (was since it went out of business last month) taped. The NFL never passes a chance to tell us how their security personnel are tight with local police departments. THE NFL SAW THE TAPER BEFORE THE 2 GAME BAN. Whether Goodell saw it may be in doubt, but all the media reports at the tiem of the 2 game ban certainly indicated he had. And on that one point Goodell becomes toxic, bad for business, a liability. And given that he burned a whole host of media people who are not happy(one exception being his personal fluffer Peter King), the negative stories about Goodell are about to flow like a sewage pipe after a thundestorm. If there's one thing we know in America if the media sets you up as the daily boogie man, you will be subject to the 2 minutes of daily hate and then discarded. You're done. 


Remarkably King got the story right, and is now backing off those assertions that Goodell saw the tape prior to the 2 game ban to protect his pal. Not sure how either cashes a paycheck from their current employer past February. The NFL is about TV ad revenue, and Goodell now jeaopardizes that. This is about money, not morality. 


Of course Goodell and the NFL saw the tape prior to the 2 game ban.  No doubt.


They took a calculated risk that the elevator tape would not come out.   They were wrong, so Goodell falls on his sword during the backlash.  He will be public enemy #1 for this news cycle.  Next week, different cycle.  With Americas attentions span.. "Hey, what's that shiny thing over there?"


Two weeks from now, Goodell will be sitting in his office like it never happened.  Count on it.

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I heard the casino was basically going out of business and shutting down soon after they were there.  Whoever had the tape held onto it for money, and finally got what they wanted, then TMZ probably sat on it until opening weekend to get maximum clicks


I don't think the NFL ever saw it.


with that said


was it ever a mystery what happened ?  why did the video really change anything ?

I believe this was an assault investigation. If this is the case then stealing witholdingevidence is criminal. You cannot tell me they didn't know there was surveillance cameras in the elevator. Reporters really need to bring the heat to Goodell.

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The NFL can make its own rules and policies, but like I said you're not exactly right, they're subject to certain sanctions because of the antitrust exemptions they're given. If they do something illegal or something that threatens the integrity of the game, i.e match-fixing, rampant cheating, other things that threaten the integrity of competition, they run the risk of losing those exemptions and open themselves up to Federal Antitrust laws. The NFL teams are legalized cartels essentially so no, they're not just like a regular corporation and yes, the government can interfere in certain situations.


e.g.  http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3225539


Secondly, you nor I have no idea what was on those tapes so please save me the rationalization of how it wasn't actually a big deal and that it's just like baseball players stealing signs. We actually don't know what's on the tape and if it was something bad enough to have them destroy evidence almost immediately then I have to imagine it wasn't exactly harmless.

first paragraph I do not see it appling to spy gate, if so why only a one governor was so up and arms about it?  Steroids in Baseball was taken further  than what MLB handed down.


you right, ultimately I do not know what was on those tapes but as I said, I do know  plenty of coaches and players to come out to put the whole "spy gate" thing in it's own proper analytical prospective.


but honestly it's a lost cause discussing it to an opposing fan', the rest of the world has moved on and it had no long term effect on anything and they also proved in 07 "spy gate" had no barring on how they won games (obviously jet fans will say otherwise)


waste of time debating "spy gate" to an opposing fan, especially a rivals fan. and my original point Goodell's issues are more than doing away with evidence.

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Greg Hardy is a convicted wife beater. He is playing for the Panthers this season because..?
"“He looked me in my eyes and he told me he was going to kill me,” Holder said, according to the Charlotte Observer."
While Goodell is an idiot, I don't here anyone in the media decrying that Floyd Mayweather, a guy who has a criminal record and a history of treating ladies like speedbags, has a PPV event this weekend. Is anyone demanding this event be stopped, or boycotted? 
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Greg Hardy is a convicted wife beater. He is playing for the Panthers this season because..?
"“He looked me in my eyes and he told me he was going to kill me,” Holder said, according to the Charlotte Observer."
While Goodell is an idiot, I don't here anyone in the media decrying that Floyd Mayweather, a guy who has a criminal record and a history of treating ladies like speedbags, has a PPV event this weekend. Is anyone demanding this event be stopped, or boycotted? 



Hypocricy, thy name is Sports fan.


Had it been Muhammed Wilkerson instead of Ray Rice, I'm willing to be a minimum of 50% of Jets Fans would be stridently defending him right now.

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