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1 minute ago, Nynaeve said:

I just don't think JiF is scum.

me either but we've all been wrong before

Jif is my top town read facing off against my biggest scum read

I just don't bank anything as 100% in these games, people confuse this as being wishy washy, but I'm just trying to make the most informed decision as possible

gut says lynch ape, and it's been saying it since he revealed

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14 hours ago, JiF said:

Ape is the Doc, Ballin is something, Nyn is the cop.  Great first days, guys. 


14 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

CTM never unvoted.  

for timing purposes.  It was a joke.  I figured he'd flip scum.

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1 minute ago, AVM said:

4 scum with 12 players is unrealistic, imo -- this would basically be JiF giving up the game just to get the Ape lynched as doc.  Just don't see it.

it's a lizzie game.. i think he even warned it would likely be unblanaced

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5 minutes ago, CTM said:

you'd be trading yourself for doc and cop.. if there is 4 scum that might not be a terrible trade.

Again, i don't think this, i have to consider it though. We both know which way i'm leaning

True...but I'm the doc.  So whatevs.  Figure it out, I guess.  haha

Ape claimed Doc 2 minutes before deadline.  lmfao

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Just now, JiF said:

Dude, dont over think this.  Ape is scum.

Why would I do this right now as mafia? 

You weren't going to do it. You're doing it now, because I called you out, and Brett and CTM followed with good instinct.

The question that should be asked is why wouldn't you immediately counterclaim? If you are town, and confidently calling me a liar, that means scum would know you're the doc. The only ones guessing would be townies. Since you started suggesting I was lying in night phase, why aren't you dead, or Nyn dead? 

By simply going the route of confidently saying I'm lying, it gives you the chance to test the waters on whether town is willing to distrust me, and to see if you can pull of lynching the doc. If people turn on you, you could have shrugged it off, but because I called you out - you sort of have to own it. So trading 1 scum for 1 doc is your play now, because I boxed you into it.

Not because of anything you chose to do.

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for reference, this is the order of relevant posts. It's clear that jif did think ape was hammered, thus as the real doc, saying ape's doc actually makes sense to obfuscate his role

14 hours ago, CTM said:

was ape hammered?


i ask if i just hammered ape

14 hours ago, Lizard King said:

That's a hammer

mod confirms it

14 hours ago, JiF said:

Ape is the Doc, Ballin is something, Nyn is the cop.  Great first days, guys. 

jif makes his post chastising us for lynching ape, that i remembered, but not the context

14 hours ago, JiF said:

Yes.  You did. 

^ this is jif responding to me asking is ape a hammered..


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2 minutes ago, CTM said:

fair enough but i wish the freaken time stamps worked

Follow the first post with that little thingy at the top right corner of the quote.

Watch how quickly I turned.  I even asked 80 not to point out the unvote and then told you I agreed that the vote should still count.

Dont be a moron and let the Ape pull this out.  Dude.  Ape, the self proclaimed greatest D1 scum hunter and best player ever, waited 2 minutes before deadline to claim Doc while he was cursing us for being morons, watching his train build.

Seriously right now? 

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2 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

You weren't going to do it. You're doing it now, because I called you out, and Brett and CTM followed with good instinct.

The question that should be asked is why wouldn't you immediately counterclaim? If you are town, and confidently calling me a liar, that means scum would know you're the doc. The only ones guessing would be townies. Since you started suggesting I was lying in night phase, why aren't you dead, or Nyn dead? 

By simply going the route of confidently saying I'm lying, it gives you the chance to test the waters on whether town is willing to distrust me, and to see if you can pull of lynching the doc. If people turn on you, you could have shrugged it off, but because I called you out - you sort of have to own it. So trading 1 scum for 1 doc is your play now, because I boxed you into it.

Not because of anything you chose to do.

haha - you probably believe this too.  lmfao

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9 minutes ago, CTM said:

apes play has been far scummier, wanted to see if jif was going to counter on his own. Glad brett pushed him to i guess 

Brett? I'm the one that boxed him in by stating what he could be doing. Brett just put the cherry on top. The fact that you guys had to drag a reveal out of his is pathetic... he didn't want to commit until we forced it. 

Him calling me liar immediately would have signaled to scum that he's the doc, if he's actually telling the truth. So, if you were to believe him, you'd have to believe that JIF is doc and wanted to keep it from town, but not from scum. STUPID.

8 minutes ago, JiF said:

He waited till 2 minutes till deadline to claim.  I honestly didnt think I need to counter, especially with my reaction to his fake claim. 

Not true. I stated my role after I thought I was hammered. I was rubbing the stupidity in town's faces... you're reaction was genuine, and this is revisionist history.

4 minutes ago, JiF said:


for timing purposes.  It was a joke.  I figured he'd flip scum.


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2 minutes ago, JiF said:

Follow the first post with that little thingy at the top right corner of the quote.

Watch how quickly I turned.  I even asked 80 not to point out the unvote and then told you I agreed that the vote should still count.

Dont be a moron and let the Ape pull this out.  Dude.  Ape, the self proclaimed greatest D1 scum hunter and best player ever, waited 2 minutes before deadline to claim Doc while he was cursing us for being morons, watching his train build.

Seriously right now? 

ninja'd you.

Listen, I remembered you chastising us for lynching the doc I just didn't remember the timing. I knew today you were representing like you had  a counter claim coming and wanted to see how it played out before mentioning

Once I went back and looked I realized that it was during the time we all thought ape was dead, so you chastising us for lynching doc makes sense if you are the doc.

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**** this. Town doesnt' even deserve to win... cop reveals with 2 ******* votes, and then you lynch a doc that went uncountered, until scum got boxed in and had to counter... horrible ******* play.

Done for a while after this one. This is DM level of stupid.

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Just now, Integrity28 said:

**** this. Town doesnt' even deserve to win... cop reveals with 2 ******* votes, and then you lynch a doc that went uncountered, until scum got boxed in and had to counter... horrible ******* play.

Done for a while after this one. This is DM level of stupid.

Yes, we lynched a countered doc who botched the original reveal.  Truly awful DM-level play there.

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Just now, Integrity28 said:

**** this. Town doesnt' even deserve to win... cop reveals with 2 ******* votes, and then you lynch a doc that went uncountered, until scum got boxed in and had to counter... horrible ******* play.

Done for a while after this one. This is DM level of stupid.

convincing bit of emo here gaype.. want a tissue?

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2 minutes ago, CTM said:

ninja'd you.

Listen, I remembered you chastising us for lynching the doc I just didn't remember the timing. I knew today you were representing like you had  a counter claim coming and wanted to see how it played out before mentioning

Once I went back and looked I realized that it was during the time we all thought ape was dead, so you chastising us for lynching doc makes sense if you are the doc.


Between you thinking this out and your willingness to self sacrifice on D1, your my best town read. 

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3 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

**** this. Town doesnt' even deserve to win... cop reveals with 2 ******* votes, and then you lynch a doc that went uncountered, until scum got boxed in and had to counter... horrible ******* play.

Done for a while after this one. This is DM level of stupid.

You're a good sport and funny too! 

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Just now, Jetsfan80 said:

Pure gamesmanship there from the Ape, which I can respect.  

i'm dead, you outplayed me... don't have to spin it anymore... You, JIF and Lily. I'm betting Lily is GF, and was begging for a viewing with the way she played D1, especially that little interaction she had with Hess after he was dead. The whole "we" thing that I quoted.

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1 minute ago, JiF said:


Between you thinking this out and your willingness to self sacrifice on D1, your my best town read. 

Ooh... this is going to be an interesting post to revisit after I flip town. It's like you're pissing in their faces now.

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12 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Yes, we lynched a countered doc who botched the original reveal.  Truly awful DM-level play there.

Already setting up for the backpedal... now it's my fault that I "botched my reveal". 

There you go.

Maybe if I build a ******* neon sign this derp town will eventually be able to see this sh*t for what it is.

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