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Empire State Mafia: Game Thread


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9 minutes ago, StraightCash said:

Jifs posting isn't enough to make me full on vomit, just enough where the puke kinda comes up into your mouth but then you swallow it. 

Well, you are used to swallowing so this shouldnt be too unfamiliar. 

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6 minutes ago, AVM said:

So...now you want me to defend to one guy (at the time) voting me off a hunch?

Because here earlier when I started addressing you and Decker (who was no longer on me, point conceeded) I was "getting all bent out of shape"

Still ignoring the point he's made and now I've made, even after I quoted them by your request...and you're sticking with "JiF is voting me because Ape called his shot".

You're doing my work for me, bubba. 

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Just now, Integrity28 said:

Good, we're finally playing mafia.


Vote AVM

JIF's defense is alright. He just needed a push to stop being a lazy slapdick.

I was never defending anything, fwiw.  

What I did, was substantiate a vote by the request of AVM and you for that matter.  That vote was admittedly based on someone else's observations while recognizing it's not much.

Ironically, it's made me more convicted on my vote with AVM's reactions to it all and lack of reaction to anything else.  

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Just now, JiF said:

I was never defending anything, fwiw.  

What I did, was substantiate a vote by the request of AVM and you for that matter.  That vote was admittedly based on someone else's observations while recognizing it's not much.

Ironically, it's made me more convicted on my vote with AVM's reactions to it all and lack of reaction to anything else.  

Defense/explanation... in this case, it's all perspective. I get what you're saying.


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Just now, Verbal said:

I'm here just for the innyourendo.

Kinda lame. You were super gay about trying to make something from the whole Leelou, Lily thing... which was the first blip of game play... now, you don't want to take a position?

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Official Vote Count

Spoot (4) - Brett, Lily, decker, No Penis

Lily (3) - Verbal, Leelou, Spoot

AVM (2) - JiF, Ape

JiF (1) - AVM

Verbal (1) - Hess

CTM (1) - Crusher


Not Voting (3) - Pac, Ballin, CTM


With 15 Alive it takes 8 dumbasses to lynch.


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1 hour ago, JiF said:

It was predictable that no matter what I posted, it wasnt going to be good enough.  What you're creating here, is false narrative.  He made direct opinions about your play or lack there of, regarding the Leelou situation.

Just so happens I just pointed out how you havent even paid any attention to her claim, while you made this post, which goes in line with his original point, no? 

Game play or sexually?

You can call it a false narrative all you want -- you quoted posts that were more Ape v Leelou than concerning me and it comes across as that's the "great case" on me.  You've still yet to list more than the half and half bit that the Ape made as "great points."

You did finally bring up Leelou -- which didn't seem to bother you when you originally voted me, or I would imagine you would have said so.  Now your best point is that I haven't commented on Leelou -- who should follow-through and say what she's trying to get at -- when that didn't bother you before.


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And please stop using the plural form of words if you don't know what it means.  When you add an "s" on to something, such as "opinion-s" that means there is more than one opinion.  He had one -- that I wasn't directly engaging him, but was posting memes and making jokes.  What you're trying to spin as a second one, my lack of commenting on Leelou, was not brought up to the point you started that diatribe by either him or you.

For example -- GFY (no s) is what I would say directly to you.  GFYs (with an s) is what I'd say to you AND at least one other person.  Preferably, but not limited to, 80.

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2 hours ago, JiF said:










So, I basically found myself nodding my head agreeing with Ape on these quotes and what he was building with Leelou before the fear mongering soft claim b.s she pulled. 


I don't like the fear mongering soft claim from Leelou either. There was heat from other players to anyone voting her after that bs too. Her train slowly disappeared after too. I can't now but this should be discussed more.  

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1 hour ago, Integrity28 said:

Kinda lame. You were super gay about trying to make something from the whole Leelou, Lily thing... which was the first blip of game play... now, you don't want to take a position?

***throws hands in air, nods heads, points at Verballs

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Official Vote Count

Spoot (4) - Brett, Lily, decker, No Penis

Lily (3) - Verbal, Leelou, Spoot

Verbal (2) - Hess, Ape

AVM (1) - JiF

JiF (1) - AVM

CTM (1) - Crusher


Not Voting (3) - Pac, Ballin, CTM


With 15 Alive it takes 8 dumbasses to lynch.


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45 minutes ago, AVM said:

You can call it a false narrative all you want -- you quoted posts that were more Ape v Leelou than concerning me and it comes across as that's the "great case" on me.  You've still yet to list more than the half and half bit that the Ape made as "great points."

You did finally bring up Leelou -- which didn't seem to bother you when you originally voted me, or I would imagine you would have said so.  Now your best point is that I haven't commented on Leelou -- who should follow-through and say what she's trying to get at -- when that didn't bother you before.


And here you are, still doing it.  I never said Ape had a great case.  I said he made a couple great points and observations.  I have openly admitted, now for the hundredth time, I was basically following the Ape because all I've got is gut reads and I like what Ape was selling and I sited his D1 scum hunting ability.

You have now, falsely represented my positoin and the quotes I used.  

AND, I commented on Leelou.  YOU DID NOT. haha.  Unreal.

This is pathetic.  You need to die. 


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39 minutes ago, AVM said:

And please stop using the plural form of words if you don't know what it means.  When you add an "s" on to something, such as "opinion-s" that means there is more than one opinion.  He had one -- that I wasn't directly engaging him, but was posting memes and making jokes.  What you're trying to spin as a second one, my lack of commenting on Leelou, was not brought up to the point you started that diatribe by either him or you.

For example -- GFY (no s) is what I would say directly to you.  GFYs (with an s) is what I'd say to you AND at least one other person.  Preferably, but not limited to, 80.

This cant be serious...

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20 minutes ago, HessStation said:

I don't like the fear mongering soft claim from Leelou either. There was heat from other players to anyone voting her after that bs too. Her train slowly disappeared after too. I can't now but this should be discussed more.  

I was ready to go there but didnt because of the soft claim.  It's D1.  I'll let her get away with it for now...but it doesnt sit well with me at all.

13 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

Wanna vote him?


Vote Verbal

Really?  AVM is flailing like a little bitch creating pure bull sh*t to defend what is now, 1 vote.  lmfao

This is a no-brainer at this point. 

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44 minutes ago, AVM said:

You can call it a false narrative all you want -- you quoted posts that were more Ape v Leelou than concerning me and it comes across as that's the "great case" on me.  You've still yet to list more than the half and half bit that the Ape made as "great points."

You did finally bring up Leelou -- which didn't seem to bother you when you originally voted me, or I would imagine you would have said so.  Now your best point is that I haven't commented on Leelou -- who should follow-through and say what she's trying to get at -- when that didn't bother you before.



1 minute ago, JiF said:

And here you are, still doing it.  I never said Ape had a great case.  I said he made a couple great points and observations.  I have openly admitted, now for the hundredth time, I was basically following the Ape because all I've got is gut reads and I like what Ape was selling and I sited his D1 scum hunting ability.

You have now, falsely represented me positoin and the quotes I used.  

AND, I commented on Leelou.  YOU DID NOT. haha.  Unreal.

This is pathetic.  You need to die. 


Even you can't be this F'ng stupid

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Just now, JiF said:

I was ready to go there but didnt because of the soft claim.  It's D1.  I'll let her get away with it for now...but it doesnt sit well with me at all.

Really?  AVM is flailing like a little bitch creating pure bull sh*t to defend what is now, 1 vote.  lmfao

This is a no-brainer at this point. 

If you whine it loudly enough, does it make it true?

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23 minutes ago, HessStation said:

I don't like the fear mongering soft claim from Leelou either. There was heat from other players to anyone voting her after that bs too. Her train slowly disappeared after too. I can't now but this should be discussed more.  


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Just now, AVM said:


Even you can't be this F'ng stupid

You're a complete waste of time at this point.  Literally no reason to explain myself to you if this is all you've got.  

Lying, spinning, misrepresenting, false narratives...yo name it.


Its out there for the game to see.  You're flailing and trying to cling to some weak bullsh*t. 

My vote will stay put.

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3 minutes ago, JiF said:

You're a complete waste of time at this point.  Literally no reason to explain myself to you if this is all you've got.  

Lying, spinning, misrepresenting, false narratives...yo name it.


Its out there for the game to see.  You're flailing and trying to cling to some weak bullsh*t. 

My vote will stay put.

You can't name one thing I've lied, spun, or misrepresented -- just like you can't name the multiple points Ape made that were "great" -- because they don't exist.

So yeah...not trying to explain yourself is a pretty damn good idea at this point.

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2 minutes ago, AVM said:

You can't name one thing I've lied, spun, or misrepresented -- just like you can't name the multiple points Ape made that were "great" -- because they don't exist.

So yeah...not trying to explain yourself is a pretty damn good idea at this point.

You have to be kidding me, I've pointed it out in numerous posts.  

Seriously dude, **** off.  I'm done responding to you.  You're being an a$$hole at this point.  

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5 minutes ago, AVM said:

If you whine it loudly enough, does it make it true?

This is pinging. You aren't arguing logically, you are latching onto a bit of semantics in order to hurt JIF's credibility, rather than earn credibility for yourself as a townie. 

Either way, glad I forced this action. Game is at 40+ pages an all anyone was going on was the first flicker of activity between Leelou and Lily.


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