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Zander and Nyn's Ebolaids Mafia Game

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As far as I can tell there is no middle ground between "assuming scum in there" and "assuming no scum in there" for you for some reason.

I am not going to make reads on people who moved/lived because of movement based on this inexplicable assumption of this idea of them having been saved by their teammates without flips of involved people.

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On 12/16/2016 at 10:50 PM, Lizard King said:

I am. 

Vig claim makes me feel ok on you, though I don't get where you in general are coming from.

On 12/16/2016 at 10:52 PM, Lizard King said:

Why does Hallia get shot, scamper off nowhere to be found, Lissa has a mental breakdown and yet none of the DM Pokenerds who were up my ass all day yesterday are asking any questions, either about Hallia being absent all day or question Lissa about her odd behavior. I find this all very very odd 


On 12/17/2016 at 10:18 AM, Lizard King said:

Do you have any thoughts about these new players and how they're interacting...specifically im curious what you think about Shart's list, the fact we haven't seen Hallia in a week, and that this Rand guy doesn't even log in anymore after all of these guys except for Shart were ignoring the request to compile lists after complaining that nobody is giving reads. Just would like your thoughts. I feel you're operating in a comfort zone of JN players 

In a week?  Full of it.  It's the weekend, you're gonna have to deal with it; so aside from me, who are you actually wanting to vote?

23 hours ago, OH NO.....ITS ZANDER!!!!!! said:

Someone got kind of tired reading and rereding Verb's posts
First to last and up and down the thread
Maybe Verb living was never meant to be
But someone think of him once in awhile

Heading down that highway to hell
Leaving you all behind
Hardest thing he ever had to do
Broke his heart in two
But Baby, pay no mind
The price for playing in Zander's Ebolaids Mafia Game was high.

Grammar helps him hide his Spiderman fetish feelings
Far away from normal and feelin' low
It's gettin' late my friend, I will not miss you so
So go **** YOURSELVES, I've gotta go

Frands, if you've ever wondered
Wondered whatever became of Verb
He's no longer living on the air in this game, this game, JN

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Ewok- Just a common putz like the rest.



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20 minutes ago, Hallia said:

Vig claim makes me feel ok on you, though I don't get where you in general are coming from.


In a week?  Full of it.  It's the weekend, you're gonna have to deal with it; so aside from me, who are you actually wanting to vote?


Up to 62

Your welcome...now let's lynch Leelou.

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2 hours ago, Hallia said:



1 hour ago, Hallia said:

 so aside from me, who are you actually wanting to vote?

Here's something I realized after quoting you the first time. ITA winners aren't supposed to share on thread what they won. Are you breaking the rules or are you Piggybacking earlier guesses made by others?

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On 12/15/2016 at 6:30 PM, The Crusher said:

He did. 80 will be gone till Monday. Perfect time to vote him. LOL



On 12/15/2016 at 9:11 PM, Jetscode1 said:

1.  We can follow the rabbit hole called Verbal and Leelou


2.  Vote 80


3.  Vote JiF


Pew, pew pew... 

I hate all of these ideas.  Except Verbal in hindsight. 


On 12/15/2016 at 9:15 PM, Jetscode1 said:

whatevs...how about 

Vote DPR

Hate this idea too.  Why would you pick a Top 3 then vote away from it?


On 12/16/2016 at 0:17 AM, Shad said:

Caught up and I have no idea how to parse so many scummy people.

It's a legit crapshoot.  Let's Vote: Smash inactives can't entertain me.

^^^ Don't mind this post


On 12/16/2016 at 8:43 AM, D P R said:

We need to hear from the inactives.

^^^ Or this one


On 12/16/2016 at 8:53 AM, Leelou said:

I forgot Smash was playing. He only has 7 posts.

^^^ Yep. 


On 12/16/2016 at 9:21 AM, Verbal said:

Vote: JC


Had you pegged as scum yesterday off of very little, and now you're continuing the trend today.

^^^ Hmm.  I was gonna pick JC or Smash until I read this post.  F*ck.  Now it's just down to Smash. 


On 12/16/2016 at 9:53 AM, JiF said:

Vote Smash - same logic as D1.  He's playing his scum game right now.  He even came and didnt argue with me when I pointed it out on D1.  That's not town Smash.

I agree that JC is focused on some flimsy stuff but not sure it makes him scum.

Shad's play has been interesting.  Not sure what to make of it.  Confrontational yet emotional. Kind of weird.

Pac is another I could lynch today.  He's not trying, has a vote buried on me and is the exact type of player that plays a coward scum game.



^^^^ Town


On 12/16/2016 at 0:20 PM, Pac said:

A vote buried on you?  I just voted you like a couple hours ago lol.

^^^ Sucks at this game


On 12/16/2016 at 2:13 PM, D P R said:

This is all based on EOD movement and assumes that OF COURSE the timing had everything to do with the moves. And - 1 to Alissa for trying to pull off the bullsh*t she's been spreading.

Start at the 5:54 VC:

I was the first to vote after that, putting my vote on Shat. I didn't have a vote down prior to that. I'm happy to answer why I voted there if anyone wants to know.

Crusher votes next, moving his vote from Hallia to Lizzie. 

Now, this important - at this point, Lee is going back and forth with Nolder and winding up her pitch to vote him. But...

lissa wouldn't have known that, and she pulled her vote from Dice to throw on Nolder just before Lee pulls her vote form JC to throw on Nolder.

Nolder flips town, and the rest is history.


Crusher protecting Hallia or Dice.

Lee protecting Dice.

lissa protecting Dice or Hallia.

One of these three is scum. I'm trying to avoid the "us vs. them" scenario, but I gotta go with lissa here based on her point that the timing of these votes had nothing to so with the votes themselves.

Vote lissa



^^^ Don't like the attempts to link everyone together, but I do appreciate the effort.  I also admit I had to mostly skim Lissa's posts because I don't understand wtf she/(he?) is talking about. 



On 12/16/2016 at 10:17 PM, Jetscode1 said:

you're still not hunting...do you have a Friday favorite...or should we wait till Wednesday?

^^^^ Has spent all game accusing people of not trying.  Had Verbal not flipped scum you'd be getting my vote.  Instead you're just an annoying townie, probably.



Vote Smash

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