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JN Mafia: Revenge of the Nerds

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Just now, CTM said:

at the end of the day, my death will clear some things up for town since I seem to be at the center of the latest question.

No my logic was flawed. They'd obvi holster RB to avoid contradicting 80's claim.

That was the only scenario where I could clear him, but I was thinking roles must be used.

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5 minutes ago, Jetscode1 said:

Ugh...this game

It comes down to this:


While the other nerds don't mind Wormser spying on the Pi's with them, Lamar is the only one who shows concern.

If Hess was right, then Ballin is the girl who hooks up with Louis. The last scum is likely Stan. Gilbert, Wormser and Poindexter are the remaining 3 nerds with prominence in the film. Wormser would be the one who "spied" and therefore the best bet for Watcher. 

So, without revealing who you are - against the rules - if you are Wormser, then 80 cannot be. Make sense?

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3 minutes ago, Jetscode1 said:

CTM or 80 or Ballin for final scum?

Hess played a good game. I am going to ride his theory about Ballin as the lost lover partner to Verbal. Also, his silence may have something to do with the penalty of Verbal dying as the lover partner or something. I dunno. 

It would be epically stupid if JIF made the girl recruitable by scum, for the record. If we do lynch scum here and game doesn't end, then you know it's Ballin as the 4th member of their team. I cannot see this making sense from a balance standpoint though.

So, the choice is 80 or CTM.

CTM has played cleaner - you know where I stand on that. 80 has many transgressions, but I cannot resolve them all into a decision right now.


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On 6/27/2017 at 9:43 AM, JiF said:

Official Vote Count:

80 (3) - JC, Crushlove, Leelou

DPR (4) - 80, Ape, Nol, Nyn

Nol (2) - Verb, DPR

Ape (1) - Hess

Nyn (1) - Smash

With 12 players, it takes 7 votes to remove from campus

Just looking back over some D1 vote counts.

This one is interesting to me... this was the vote at the very moment that the first deadline was lifted. So, with a deadline staring us in the face, this is how votes were distributed. 

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On 6/27/2017 at 8:29 AM, D P R said:

I may or may not be back for DL and I need to rr, but here's my reads:

1. Nolder - Best pick for scum. Pushing a joke vote case speaks for itself.

2. Crushlove - Seems fine so far.

3. Leelou - Seems fine so far.

4. 80 - No bueno. Didn't like his following Nolder on my train. Could jut be terrible play, but...

5. Hess - Seems fine so far. 

6. DPR - heh

7. Ape - No bueno. Another one that followed Nol onto my train. New style is annoying.

8. Smash - Seems fine so far.

9. Verb - Seems fine so far.

10.  Nyn - Eh, hopped on my train but isn't pushing the case like Nol, 80 or Ape. 

11. BallinBP - Seems fine so far, but not around much.

12. Jetscode - Seems fine so far. 

Going back to DPR's play. The post I nabbed him on was the one where he said 1 of Nolder or 80 is scum.

Here, his list of scum is Nolder, 80, and me. On D2, DPR defends 80 by advocating that we vet him.

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2 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

It comes down to this:

If Hess was right, then Ballin is the girl who hooks up with Louis. The last scum is likely Stan. Gilbert, Wormser and Poindexter are the remaining 3 nerds with prominence in the film. Wormser would be the one who "spied" and therefore the best bet for Watcher. 

So, without revealing who you are - against the rules - if you are Wormser, then 80 cannot be. Make sense?

I like Hess, wish he was here now but Hess could be wrong.  I'm still leaning heavily toward CTM as scum.

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1 minute ago, Jetsfan80 said:

So Ape has an innocent on JC.

Ballin is likely Lover.

Hess is playing a strong townie game and I won't be voting him.

I know I'm town.


Didn't think CTM would lay down as scum, but it seems to be the only place left to go.

Vote CTM

Hess is dead.

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11 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:


For starters...there'd have to be 2 scum left in that instance.


And how would I know that "Inconclusive" is what RB'd people got as a result? Lucky guess?


No one else has reported that result until now.

Going back to these:

1. Would not require 2 scum. 1 remaining scum who is the RBer would be allowed to submit his RB action + the team's NK action. On the same or separate targets. We all know this. This is a false statement.

2. JIF confirmed, if scum had foresight to ask what result would be, then they'd know. Not a lucky guess, just due diligence by scum.

3. I reported that result on N3. If 80 is scum, false claiming watcher, and they know they have a RB ability on their team - then they holster the RB, 80 claims to be blocked, thus allowing them to prevent town from vetting 80 the way I suggested on D1. And, most notably that DPR advocated on D2, then Smash on D3.

11 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

So CTM, for me to be lying scum, Ape and I would have to be teammates running a gambit.

Sent from my iPhone using JetNation.com mobile app

4. Nope. 80 lying here is not contingent upon anything from me.

Other points:

  • On D1, 80 camped on DPR the entire day - just about - until close to deadline where he partook in the CFD. Now, we've confirmed that JC and Leelou two other major contributors to the CFD are town. My theory that Smash moved off 80, and chose Nolder over DPR was that he was protecting both 80 and DPR in one move.
  • On D1, 80 over-reacted and over-argued about being called out for consolidation a day before the deadline.
  • On D1, DPR cited 80 and Nolder and me as scum. It's rare for scum to ever make a list without including at least one teammate for distancing purposes. Nolder and I are town.
  • On D1, Smash knew IMMEDIATELY to call bullsh*t on 80. He protested anything pragmatic about considering what to do to vet 80. Smash also worked to connect me to 80 at that point, like we were teammates.
  • On D1, 80 said he put me on ignore - but subsequently used my arguments (specifically towards crusher about catching 80 in 1 post, and about vetting him) to defend himself. He has routinely done this throughout the game.
  • On D2, DPR advocated vetting 80 when the tided turned back to calling bullsh*t on him, because of his first night of results.
  • On D3, Smash did a complete 180 after calling 80 a liar and scum about his reveal - and then promptly put him in his town list.
  • On D3, with Smash facing peril, 80 refused completely to vote Smash citing town tells - then never validated those tells.

So, here's where I'm at.

CTM hasn't really pinged much. Crusher caught my attention on D1, but he was distraught over bad news. I've learned over the years that a clean CTM is a concern, and I'll often apply the "Ape's Dan X theory" to him late in games. That said, I'm not feeling it here. 

I feel like 80's had transgressions that go outside the bounds of town looking bad towards the end of a game. I feel as though he's working with an agenda. The scum team has done well to make this a hard choice, but I'm leaning 80. Heavily.

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8 minutes ago, Jetscode1 said:

I like Hess, wish he was here now but Hess could be wrong.  I'm still leaning heavily toward CTM as scum.

Expound upon why CTM. Please. I mean, if you're have confirmation - then I've got your back. I haven't actually used the pocket protector yet, I said that just to mess with scum, hoping they'd take a shot at me tonight and I could block it. That said, if you've got a role that's useful and we don't win right here, I can protect you - and force them to shoot me or another townie - which makes the pool smaller for you to lynch from tomorrow.

Also, how wrong do you think Hess was? 

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6 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

Expound upon why CTM. Please. I mean, if you're have confirmation - then I've got your back. I haven't actually used the pocket protector yet, I said that just to mess with scum, hoping they'd take a shot at me tonight and I could block it. That said, if you've got a role that's useful and we don't win right here, I can protect you - and force them to shoot me or another townie - which makes the pool smaller for you to lynch from tomorrow.

Also, how wrong do you think Hess was

Confidence is high.  CTM played clean but Crusher looked to avoid the DPR train. More gut than anything...80's been off all game as well...at least in regards to hunting scum...he has sucked at it and really his whole game was the watcher claim and try to buddy up to people.

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6 minutes ago, Jetscode1 said:

Confidence is high.  CTM played clean but Crusher looked to avoid the DPR train. More gut than anything...80's been off all game as well...at least in regards to hunting scum...he has sucked at it and really his whole game was the watcher claim and try to buddy up to people.

Fair enough - wanna flip a coin?

Or call it a draw, lynch Balling - and move on to the next game?

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I cannot recall ever seeing CTM self-vote. Pretty patty-cake move if he's scum. I would have hoped he'd go down fighting... especially with Smash and DPR in his ear, and me being the protagonist of both their lynches, and my history with CTM in these games.

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3 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

Fair enough - wanna flip a coin?

Or call it a draw, lynch Balling - and move on to the next game?

No.  I just need to re-read a little.  JiF needs to replace Ballin.  Really sad the dude bailed.  Makes it harder on the remainders.  

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