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The 2006 New York Jets

nj meadowlands

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I agree Mangini is very smart. But this is the Jets. This will always be the Jets. This team will never stop being the same old Jets.

The Jets will be to Mangini what Cleveland was to BB

Suck it up ,you god damn snitch. How can we ever shake that "Same old jets " **** with fans who quit before the season started? You are a disgrace to this Mod team and I expect a complete turnaround if you think Im coming on a road trip to your house!!:Nuts:

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Don't you ever shut up bitch. You're just Super Fan I guess. Shut the f*ck up, you don't like what I have to say, tough sh*t, I don't care

Settle down Cocheese. Im sure he's just bucking the system and the man. Someday you will put The Real 80 in handcuffs and you will both laugh about today.

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