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Logo of the day!!!


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Whoo hooo!!

A new day and a new logo here at JN.

Is it to make the TGG refugees feel at home?


One of the refugees made it for us. GreenMachine, thank you!

We have a new banner ready to go but we are hanging on to it until we launch the new front page. The forums and site will have the same header again.

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Did the JN logo just changed? now vilma is in the middle.

Hopefully we replace that martin pic soon after he gets cut, I hope.

I'm thinking Mike Nugent should replace Curtis. :D

Did it change or are you cross eyed...We'll never know:p

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I think Barton just had a great idea!


It should be:

Left: Nugent

Middle: Vilma

Right: Pennington or Martin


Hmmmm.... I dunno about that.

Maybe the players can rotate. After all, we own the #4 pick, and we have a shot at some top talent. How would a picture of D'Brick or Cutler look up there after the draft?

Besides, Nugent has yet to make a big kick. Put players up there who have contributed, past and present.

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