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CEO Saleh 9/29/23 Press Conference


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Okay Saleh first of all KC is not loaded at WR they are sh*t they have one threat and that's Kelce he's a god damn TE and you better find a way to double his ass and let Reed and Sauce do their thing in man to man. No freaking excuses no gaping hole zone bullsh*t that guys like Kelce demolish.

Also Jermaine Johnson sucks get Huff more snaps and McDonald something .

KC's defense is playing good this year tell your OC to find a way to scheme players open like Andy Reid does with his sh*t WR's ...Only problem there is Zach is too busy looking at the pass rush like the pussy he is for any scheme to be effective.

Last but not least I can't believe this organization is going with Trevor Semen over a guy like Carson Wentz Its mind boggling. Replacing one SOFT QB with another SOFT QB. Joke

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