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This Will Make You Puke...


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Penis King's MMQB:

A.) The new Brady Bunch.

This was just before 8 p.m. on Sunday night, and Brady sounded like the man who'd just lost a game to the Jets, not won. "This was a long day,'' he told me, winding down after New England's survivalist 24-17 win over the Jets. "I'm very tired.'' New England almost blew a 24-0 lead, enduring a late blocked field goal by Jonathan Vilma and a frenzied Jets rally to hang on.

Brady is the guy who has to make everything right on the field after all of the Patriots' free-agency losses and contract-related crap, and it's an exhausting job. But you know what? He just does it. No wonder the Patriots' management and coaching staff thinks they'll always be OK with Brady behind center. He bails them out continuously. Look at what happened in the fourth quarter of this one.

With 9:20 to go, New England was grimly trying to hold on to a 24-17 lead and took the ball at its 30. Bleed the clock. That was Brady's job. With 7:51 left, on third-and-five, he hit Reche Caldwell for six. With 6:00 left, from the shotgun, on third-and-five again, he dumped it to Kevin Faulk for six. Tick, tick, tick. With 4:08 left, from the shotgun again on third-and-seven, he threw to Troy Brown, who burrowed for eight. Notice the pattern?

They need five, they get six. They need seven, they get eight. They converted another first down, bled the clock some more, then got into position for the clinching field goal. It was blocked, but Brady had done his job. He'd taken new England 63 yards downfield, but more importantly, he'd taken eight minutes and 15 seconds off the clock ... and he'd done it, amazingly, with the Jets burning all three timeouts and the two-minute warning stopping the clock another time.

The numbers say Brady had a pedestrian game (15 of 29, 220 yards, one touchdown, one pick), but he led his team to a 24-0 lead on the road, then helped the Pats survive with that drive. "We're a long way from being where we need to be,'' he said. "A long way. There're times we don't look so good. We've got to be able to put the nail in the coffin. But that's what happens with a new team.'' That's what this group feels like, a new team.


B.) Kansas City's grit was impressive in Denver.

As was Herm Edwards' clothing. The man could be a male model in that Chiefs garb.

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With 9:20 to go, New England was grimly trying to hold on to a 24-17 lead and took the ball at its 30. Bleed the clock. That was Brady's job. With 7:51 left, on third-and-five, he hit Reche Caldwell for six. With 6:00 left, from the shotgun, on third-and-five again, he dumped it to Kevin Faulk for six. Tick, tick, tick. With 4:08 left, from the shotgun again on third-and-seven, he threw to Troy Brown, who burrowed for eight. Notice the pattern?

They need five, they get six. They need seven, they get eight. They converted another first down, bled the clock some more, then got into position for the clinching field goal. It was blocked, but Brady had done his job. He'd taken new England 63 yards downfield, but more importantly, he'd taken eight minutes and 15 seconds off the clock ... and he'd done it, amazingly, with the Jets burning all three timeouts and the two-minute warning stopping the clock another time.

And there are still delusional Jets fans who think PennyBoy had a better game yesterday.

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Tx, take you're jetbashing hat off for a minute. What are you're thoughts on penny's performance after 2 weeks. Does he have what it takes to lead a team to the superbowl?

Define lead?

If the Jets' D has a second coming of the Ravens 2000 defense and someone starts running the ball to take the pressure off Chad, Yes.

If he needs to win it with his arm and I mean carrythe team to three post season wins, No.

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Define lead?

If the Jets' D has a second coming of the Ravens 2000 defense and someone starts running the ball to take the pressure off Chad, Yes.

If he needs to win it with his arm and I mean carrythe team to three post season wins, No.

Chad has racked up a fair amount of points, despite nugents help in 2 games with absolute zero running game. Not sure I agree with you about the arm

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Chad has racked up a fair amount of points, despite nugents help in 2 games with absolute zero running game. Not sure I agree with you about the arm

Joe....that is the point.

Chad is on pace for 5000 yards after two games. :jawdrop:

I doubt he maintains that pace. He racked up 319 yards against one of the worst teams in the league. After two and a half quarters, he barely had 100 yards and was trailing 24-0 against the Patriots. He padded his stats and again racked up 300+ largely on two exceptional plays. I am not taking away anything from Coles or Crotchery. They have talent and made the plays. No doubt about it.

However, this team and in particular Chad has done little to convince me he could win anything with his arm. If the Jets' fans are correct and the Patriots' D is declining, short of two plays largely made on the legs of C & C, he did little with his arm when the game was on the line. C & C will make some more plays the rest of the season, but relying on them to make two plays like that every week is foolish and should not be counted on.

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Joe....that is the point.

Chad is on pace for 5000 yards after two games. :jawdrop:

I doubt he maintains that pace. He racked up 319 yards against one of the worst teams in the league. After two and a half quarters, he barely had 100 yards and was trailing 24-0 against the Patriots. He padded his stats and again racked up 300+ largely on two exceptional plays. I am not taking away anything from Coles or Crotchery. They have talent and made the plays. No doubt about it.

However, this team and in particular Chad has done little to convince me he could win anything with his arm. If the Jets' fans are correct and the Patriots' D is declining, short of two plays largely made on the legs of C & C, he did little with his arm when the game was on the line. C & C will make some more plays the rest of the season, but relying on them to make two plays like that every week is foolish and should not be counted on.

you are obviously not a member of the chad cult. some think of him from 2002, aka, the franchise. he's really just a hold-the-fort guy until clemmens is ready. you're right, he scares nobody with his arm. he reminds me of bledsoe back in 2000-1 with the pats. he's not going to win you anything, but he might get you into the playoffs with a superior team surrounding him.

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Define lead?

If the Jets' D has a second coming of the Ravens 2000 defense and someone starts running the ball to take the pressure off Chad, Yes.

If he needs to win it with his arm and I mean carrythe team to three post season wins, No.

PFSKISH whatever his name is, another basher..not a lot of objective talk outta him. in general, this guy sucks. But such is life, being from Boston and all

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Tx, take you're jetbashing hat off for a minute. What are you're thoughts on penny's performance after 2 weeks. Does he have what it takes to lead a team to the superbowl?


Great performance after 2 weeks, especially coming off the two surgeries. Even I am very impressed.

But no, he will never lead the Jets to the promised land.

PennyBoy will never be able to defeat a very good defensive team (did you see the Steelers and Jags go at it last night?) that takes away all his strengths.

Good defensive football teams do that.

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The Jags would be 0-2 instead of 2-0.

PennyBoy is now 3-14 against top 10 defensive teams.;)

That would be true except for the small detail that the Patriots are not a top 10 defensive team this year.

You really have to stop doing your own research..its embarrassing.

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That would be true except for the small detail that the Patriots are not a top 10 defensive team this year.

Going into last week's game, the Pats were the #6 ranked defensive team in the NFL.

It is now 3-14 for PennyBoy.

BTW CT, I miss your signatures.;)

You need to post here more often.

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Going into last week's game, the Pats were the #6 ranked defensive team in the NFL.

It is now 3-14 for PennyBoy.

BTW CT, I miss your signatures.;)

You need to post here more often.

With you doing your own research, you can count on it.

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You send me a link that shows the Pats are ranked 13th in defense in support of your claim that the Pats are a top 10 defense?:rolleyes:

Nice job.

Is this too hard for you to keep up with?


WTF are you doing over here?

You are like that pesky mosquito that never goes away.

My "facts" are as solid as the vote count in the state of Florida.

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