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An open Letter to Bud Selig


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Dear Mr Selig,

Go F**k yourself. What is this horsesh!t that you want a player to give up people. Because you didnt do your job and stop this insane crap from happening, you want others to take your fall. You knew what was going on and did nothting to stop it. You wanted to make money for yourself and for the league, but at whose expense? The players. Who cares, take a pill, hit a homer. Know that Congress is up your a55 you dont give a f**k about the said players who did the stuff and brought baseball back to where it is now. You are worse than Vince McMahon when it comes to steroids. He at least admitted he knew what was happening. I hope you choke on a f**king hot dog at your next Brewers game.

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Mitchell has stock in the Red Sox.

He was just last week in the Sawx dugout at Fenway with his son getting autographs.

If they can prove Giambi was dirty and a suspension is warranted, so be it. But this investigator is totally compromised. ANd his investigtion is an expensive embarrasment. If you're not going to suspend Bonds or demand he speak to Mitchell like this, it's a complete joke.

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Mitchell has stock in the Red Sox.

He was just last week in the Sawx dugout at Fenway with his son getting autographs.

If they can prove Giambi was dirty and a suspension is warranted, so be it. But this investigator is totally compromised. ANd his investigtion is an expensive embarrasment. If you're not going to suspend Bonds or demand he speak to Mitchell like this, it's a complete joke.

To make this a Sox/Yanks thing is a stretch. And a ridiculous one. Its time for someone, anyone to come clean and get this all in the air. If Giambi could figure out a way to keep his trap shut he wouldn't be in the situation.

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To make this a Sox/Yanks thing is a stretch. And a ridiculous one. Its time for someone, anyone to come clean and get this all in the air. If Giambi could figure out a way to keep his trap shut he wouldn't be in the situation.
If they were hauling in numerous players with similar ultimatums, I'd agree. But it just happens that they single out Gaimbi and so far no one else? That's crap. Again, if they hauled him and the cast of "The 10 Commandments" in also and found him dirty, so be it. But why is it they first guy to get singled out just happens to be a Yankee?
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If they were hauling in numerous players with similar ultimatums, I'd agree. But it just happens that they single out Gaimbi and so far no one else? That's crap. Again, if they hauled him and the cast of "The 10 Commandments" in also and found him dirty, so be it. But why is it they first guy to get singled out just happens to be a Yankee?

He opened his mouth. That is why they are going after him. Not because he is a Yankee. :rolleyes:

I am not knocking Giambi for this, but there are obviously repercussions when you come out and say what he said. His vague half admission/apology only fueled the fire. Then he opened his mouth again.

I do not see McGwire, Rafael, Bonds or Sosa doing this. While it is commendable for him to do this, especially when you have hundreds and maybe thousands of players being quiet until they come up hot.

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