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Hollinger Ranks Bulls #1 in the East


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Despite the glaring lack of frontcourt scoring, the Bulls are a threat to be taken very seriously in the Eastern Conference this season. Chicago has more young talent than any other team west of the Cascades, and much of it is already paying dividends. They have great shooters, two go-to scorers in Deng and Gordon, an ace sixth man in Nocioni, and two of the best young big men in basketball in Thomas and Noah. They also were far better than last year's record showed, so they could move up several games in the standings if they don't improve at all individually.However, they have a few negative factors too. It's possible Gordon and Hinrich won't hold on to the sharp gains they made a year ago, and it's highly likely that Wallace's descent will continue. Additionally, they're not going to get so lucky with opponents bricking all their free throws again.

Perhaps the best thing I can say about the Bulls' chances is this: They have the best chance of being a better team in April than they are in November. Chicago has more trade assets than any other team in basketball, and although the base-year compensation issues are likely to complicate things considerably, the fact remains that they're a major player in most trade scenarios because they have so many young players whom other teams covet.

Additionally, the Bulls are sitting on nearly $7 million in expiring deals of three nonessential players -- Duhon, Viktor Khryapa and Adrian Griffin -- who can be used in almost the same way they tried to use Brown's expiring contract a year ago. While that isn't going to reel in a Kobe-sized contract, plenty of good players -- who aren't nearly as costly -- become available during the season.

And the fact is, Chicago has reached the point at which it doesn't take a Kobe to get them to the Finals. Although the Bulls aren't on par with the elite teams in the West, their ability to change course as the season goes on is a huge reason to consider them co-favorites with Cleveland in the East this year. If they can make one more roster move between now and February, it should put them over the top.

Prediction: 55-27, 1st in Central, 1st in Eastern Conference

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Where is Orlando curb?

4th in the east, not bad.


I'm not a big fan of the Lewis signing long-term, but in the immediate future one has to admit the prospects for the Magic look fairly bright. The team badly needed an outside gunner last season and has found it in Lewis; if Redick emerges as well that will give them a second one and really loosen things up for Howard. And while the losses of Hill and Milicic hurt, those are positions where the Magic are pretty well covered. Van Gundy should keep this team defending at a high level as well, even though Lewis was never much for defense in Seattle. And while losing Battie leaves a hole, it also might force the Magic to better utlilize Turkoglu and Lewis together at the forward spots. I don't think Van Gundy's instincts lean toward playing small, but it appears this is easily his best lineup, and if he doesn't have a choice it might work out surprisingly well.

But perhaps the biggest reason to like this team is their birth certificates. With several players in their early 20s, including Howard (21), Ariza (22), Redick (23) and Nelson (25), the Magic almost can't help but improve. On the flip side, the only rotation players on the wrong side of 30 are big men Foyle and Battie. Their age profile should gently push the Magic forward, and combined with the Lewis signing, will make the Magic a factor in the East.

One other thing to remember is that these guys were better than their record last season, having the scoring margin of a 44-win team. With the youth and the addition of Lewis, a five-game improvement doesn't seem outrageous, so you're looking at a team that's pushing 50 wins.

Thus, while I don't think they can win the conference and question how they'll manage their cap situation from here, the Magic have more than enough talent to win the division this season. After the struggles of the past couple years, that would be a nice story in itself.

Prediction: 49-33, 1st in Southeast, 4th in Eastern Conference

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Don't be surprised if the Celtics win the East this year.



So if a team has three All-Stars, how much of a supporting cast do they really need? Well, we're about to find out. Boston is hoping this unit can make a run at the Eastern Conference title, but they'll need their 30-somethings to combine for about 220 games if they want to challenge for the top seed. The bench is simply too weak to handle an extended absence from any of the three.Still, Boston has become a trendy pick, based mainly on the "Well, if Cleveland can win with LeBron and garbage

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what about the new jersey n-e-t-s nets nets nets

You asked for it...


The Nets still envision themselves as contenders in the East, but it's time for a reality check. They haven't won 50 games or made the conference finals in any of the past four seasons, haven't been more than a game over .500 in two of the past three, and their two best players are 34 and 30.Yes, they have some reasons to expect to be better than last season. The minutes they gave to three horrendous offensive players (Collins, Robinson and Wright) might go to somebody less horrendous this time around, and the recoveries of Krstic and Jefferson should allow the Nets to get much more from those two than last season. Plus, Boone and Marcus Williams both figure to improve on their rookie seasons, though in the latter's case it won't be for a few weeks since he broke a bone in his foot just before training camp.

But just as many factors point in the other direction. Age in the backcourt is a common thread among many disappointing teams, and the Nets have that in spades. The two most productive bench players from last season, House and Adams, are gone, and New Jersey can't count on another fluke year from Moore (or somebody of that ilk) again this time around.

Overall, I see the Nets as being a fringe playoff team battling for the final spot, with luck in close games likely being the deciding factor. Maybe they'll make the playoffs and maybe they won't, but one suspects this is the season that puts the Nets-as-contenders myth to bed for good.

Prediction: 39-43, 3rd in Atlantic, 9th in Eastern Conference

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1 loss to the atlanta hawks



thanks anyway ecurb

Jason Kidd is too busy groping 23 year old chicks at a club.

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