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Hockey Newb


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So I have never followed hockey before in my life and in fact any previous knowledge I have comes from me being addicted to NHL '96 on Genesis. But I decided this would be my hockey fandom debut.

90% of my friends are Ranger fans and all they have done, especially one of my boys, has talked sh*t about how the Rangers are the greatest team ever and will be going for a dynasty...blah..blah...blah. So I decided to be an Islander fan and equally as important a Ranger hater.

One problem though is my knowledge of the sport and the players is below average at best. Now I've tried NHL.com and the Islanders site but I can't find information regarding what players are on what lines. Is there a reason? Are the lines always changing or what? Also I know certain lines are supposed to have different abilities but what are they?

Also is Comrie a real threat to become a big player or is this just a matter of a fast start to a season? Who else should I really pay attention to? I'm going to make a serious attempt to catch as many games as I can and I know that's really the only way to catch up but I figured I could possibly get information from the board as well.

Those answers and any other info would be appreciated.

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Don't do it man, you'll never be able to turn back.

Hockey sucks, and you will suck too.

You hate hockey and yet you post in every hockey thread? Wow, sad sad little man.

Nyways JetLag:

The lines are often switched, and for that reason alot of teams don't have the lines listed. I'll look around and see if I can find some place that does list the lines for you.

Typically teams play four lines, two "top" lines, consisting of your best players or simply players that are hot at the moment, a third line which is typically your grind line, enforcers etc, and the fourth line which can be another grind line or rookies scrubs etc. Comrie's a annoying little player, and frustrating if your a fan of his, at times he plays at an exceedingly high level other times he floats. He seems to be in a good position with the Islanders so it's hard to say if his production will continue at it's present rate or not.

Any other questions just let me know.

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You hate hockey and yet you post in every hockey thread? Wow, sad sad little man.

Nyways JetLag:

The lines are often switched, and for that reason alot of teams don't have the lines listed. I'll look around and see if I can find some place that does list the lines for you.

Typically teams play four lines, two "top" lines, consisting of your best players or simply players that are hot at the moment, a third line which is typically your grind line, enforcers etc, and the fourth line which can be another grind line or rookies scrubs etc. Comrie's a annoying little player, and frustrating if your a fan of his, at times he plays at an exceedingly high level other times he floats. He seems to be in a good position with the Islanders so it's hard to say if his production will continue at it's present rate or not.

Any other questions just let me know.

Excellent stuff. I'll definitely have more questions as the season goes on, thanks.

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So I have never followed hockey before in my life and in fact any previous knowledge I have comes from me being addicted to NHL '96 on Genesis. But I decided this would be my hockey fandom debut.

90% of my friends are Ranger fans and all they have done, especially one of my boys, has talked sh*t about how the Rangers are the greatest team ever and will be going for a dynasty...blah..blah...blah. So I decided to be an Islander fan and equally as important a Ranger hater.

One problem though is my knowledge of the sport and the players is below average at best. Now I've tried NHL.com and the Islanders site but I can't find information regarding what players are on what lines. Is there a reason? Are the lines always changing or what? Also I know certain lines are supposed to have different abilities but what are they?

Also is Comrie a real threat to become a big player or is this just a matter of a fast start to a season? Who else should I really pay attention to? I'm going to make a serious attempt to catch as many games as I can and I know that's really the only way to catch up but I figured I could possibly get information from the board as well.

Those answers and any other info would be appreciated.

The only dynasty the Rangers own is one for futility. They went 52 years between cups and it looks like it'll be another 52 years before the next one. But I'll give Ranger fans credit, at least they know the game.

Jetlag, if your serious about becoming a hockey fan then my advice to you is to not stick to watching just one team play right now. Watch any hockey game that comes on. What I think makes hockey unique is that those that are fans can will watch just about any game regardless of whether its their team or not. Good, solid hockey is fun to watch whether its the Rangers, the B's, Wings, or anyone else. Different teams play different styles of hockey, which I think is what makes them so interesting. The Wings play a puck-possession type game which is skillful, but not overly physical, while other teams like the Sharks are more of an in-your-face style of physical play. I think you'll come to appreciate the type of skill it takes to be a hockey player. The more you watch, the more you'll come to find a style of play you like and a team you can identify with.

If you ever have any questions about rules or history, feel free to PM me.

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So I have never followed hockey before in my life and in fact any previous knowledge I have comes from me being addicted to NHL '96 on Genesis. But I decided this would be my hockey fandom debut.

90% of my friends are Ranger fans and all they have done, especially one of my boys, has talked sh*t about how the Rangers are the greatest team ever and will be going for a dynasty...blah..blah...blah. So I decided to be an Islander fan and equally as important a Ranger hater.

One problem though is my knowledge of the sport and the players is below average at best. Now I've tried NHL.com and the Islanders site but I can't find information regarding what players are on what lines. Is there a reason? Are the lines always changing or what? Also I know certain lines are supposed to have different abilities but what are they?

Also is Comrie a real threat to become a big player or is this just a matter of a fast start to a season? Who else should I really pay attention to? I'm going to make a serious attempt to catch as many games as I can and I know that's really the only way to catch up but I figured I could possibly get information from the board as well.

Those answers and any other info would be appreciated.

I have three things to say to you re: your post.

1- It doesnt get good until the Stanley Cup Playoffs. I dont waste my time watching the regular season anymore until March Madness is over. It's a seasonal thing.

2- FVCK THE ISLES! That was a douchbag decision on your part. You'll live to regret it.

3- Oh, Canada!


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