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Classic Bill Simmons on George Steinbrenner


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The media loves having it both ways. He makes mone-how awful!And he spends it on his team!Steinbrenner takes that money and pumps it into his team and therefore he's a villian. But about the Walton family-the richest family in America-running the Royals with revenue sharing money (from Steinbrenner)like the mom&pop stores they've extinguished with mega-Walmarts-we hear nothing. And if truth be told, if he owns your team, you love him. 3 losingse asons since he's owned the team; 6 titles and another 4 pennants.

Fred Wilpon?

The Dolan gang?


NFL teams, with revenue sharing, are totally different. So the comparison isn't even fair. though while Hess, nice a man as he was and a war hero to boot, was getting up there, Steinbrenner would've been better.

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