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yea but one of them (preferably Harris) could have moved to OLB

Harris is a monster right where he is! as a rookie and shortened season(when Vilma went down) he led the Jets in tackles. Vilma's gone, thank god, sick of seeing him pushed around!!

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yea but one of them (preferably Harris) could have moved to OLB


harris to OLB? are you kidding me? Harris is the only good linebacker we have, and you want him to play out of position in an effort to keep one of the worst starting linebackers in the NFL?

I'm sorry but i wish Hobson had been gone the day we drafted him. He is the model for mediocrity and has done nothing for us but waste a roster spot for his entire stay. The sooner he is gone, the sooner i will be able to watch our defense without getting the urge to vomit on the TV.

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Harris is a monster right where he is! as a rookie and shortened season(when Vilma went down) he led the Jets in tackles. Vilma's gone, thank god, sick of seeing him pushed around!!

Vilma was pushed around so frequently because the lack of a bigger sized NT(D-Rob) which is the proper way to align a 3-4 defense.

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