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Dont Be Surpised If The Jets Grab This Player Draft Day


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Leodis Mckelvin the top CB in the draft. The Jets got there holes covered expect for a shutdown CB and this guy can be the answer and he is a top 10 pick in the draft so we can lose out if we get him

If Gholston is gone at 6 I wouldn't be shocked at all if Mangini went CB.

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I doubt we spend a top pick on a CB two years in a row. My guess is if Gholston and Long are gone at 6, we trade down for more picks, as this draft has a lot of depth at a lot of positions, and is not at all top heavy like it sometimes is.

In other words, it doesn't seem the talent level available at a top 10 spot will be so much greater then the talent level available in the late 1st/early 2nd rounds.

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What has happened to Dorsey? He is no longer being mentioned as a top prospect. Has he been sliding due to his injury?

his injury and how he lied about it.. teams are scarred to get him

I like the idea of gettin Cornerback i just rather trade down because i think like the top 5 corners are around the same skill level.

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I doubt we spend a top pick on a CB two years in a row. My guess is if Gholston and Long are gone at 6, we trade down for more picks, as this draft has a lot of depth at a lot of positions, and is not at all top heavy like it sometimes is.

In other words, it doesn't seem the talent level available at a top 10 spot will be so much greater then the talent level available in the late 1st/early 2nd rounds.

You can't just hit a magic trade down button. The contract associated with a top 10 pick means somebody would need to drop to us that another team really covets, otherwise we are stuck picking at 6 and I wouldn't be surprised if those guys are gone we go CB.

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You can't just hit a magic trade down button. The contract associated with a top 10 pick means somebody would need to drop to us that another team really covets, otherwise we are stuck picking at 6 and I wouldn't be surprised if those guys are gone we go CB.

Well, I seriously doubt that Long, Gholston, Mcfadden, and Ryan will all be gone by 6, and there's a lot of teams that would trade up for those players.

So we should be in a good position to trade down. And I think that would be better option for us then picking a CB.

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Well, I seriously doubt that Long, Gholston, Mcfadden, and Ryan will all be gone by 6, and there's a lot of teams that would trade up for those players.

So we should be in a good position to trade down. And I think that would be better option for us then picking a CB.

When is the last time anyone traded up to 6 or higher? unless you count Detroit and Cleveland swaping picks 6 and 7 in 2004, it was us trading up to pick Drob, and that has worked out great. Everyone here assumes we can just trade out of the pick if we want to, but it hardly ever happens.

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When is the last time anyone traded up to 6 or higher? unless you count Detroit and Cleveland swaping picks 6 and 7 in 2004, it was us trading up to pick Drob, and that has worked out great. Everyone here assumes we can just trade out of the pick if we want to, but it hardly ever happens.

Agreed, but its also very rare to have such a draft where picking top 10 is as much of a crapshoot as picking bottom 10.

I think there are a lot of teams with needs at RB, QB, LB, or DE that would at least like the assurance that they would be able to get their guy if they were to trade up.

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Jets need a shutdown CB to complete the overhault of this defense. Maybe this guy can trun out really good imange Revis and One Coner and this guy in the other with Kerry ... Thats going to be a Young hungry defense for years to come.

Problem is we'd still need a pass rush or that young, hungry, secondary will get trashed on every game.

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Problem is we'd still need a pass rush or that young, hungry, secondary will get trashed on every game.

We needed a NT to get a pash rush and we got pass rushers *K.Coleman and Pace and Haris* Haris had over 100 something tackles just playing 6 games you imange him with now Jenkins taking the middle now! Haris is going to trun into a human hitstick on defense.

Im not worry about pass rushing we need another shut down CB to get this defense rolling

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We needed a NT to get a pash rush and we got pass rushers *K.Coleman and Pace and Haris* Haris had over 100 something tackles just playing 6 games you imange him with now Jenkins taking the middle now! Haris is going to trun into a human hitstick on defense.

Im not worry about pass rushing we need another shut down CB to get this defense rolling

Jenkins and Pace I agree will be a big help for this defense and will improve our pass rush greatly. Now that Jenkins, Harris, and Barton are there to tie up the run, Pace and Thomas should have an easier time rushing the passer. However, both Pace and Thomas will get around 6-8 sacks per year. That is certainly good, but not great. I think getting a guy that can have 10-12 sacks per year to play opposite Thomas or Pace (who would get between 6 and 8 as well) would make this defense amongst the best in the league.

Plus, there are going to be plenty of good CB's in the 2nd-4th rounds.

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Jenkins and Pace I agree will be a big help for this defense and will improve our pass rush greatly. Now that Jenkins, Harris, and Barton are there to tie up the run, Pace and Thomas should have an easier time rushing the passer. However, both Pace and Thomas will get around 6-8 sacks per year. That is certainly good, but not great. I think getting a guy that can have 10-12 sacks per year to play opposite Thomas or Pace (who would get between 6 and 8 as well) would make this defense amongst the best in the league.

Plus, there are going to be plenty of good CB's in the 2nd-4th rounds.

Jets will be top 15 or 10 in run defense if the guys upfront stay healthy i promise ya that much. Im not going to say they'll be #1 but they will be one of the top teams that stop the run this season no doubt in my mind. Jenkins is just what we needed.

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Jets will be top 15 or 10 in run defense if the guys upfront stay healthy i promise ya that much. Im not going to say they'll be #1 but they will be one of the top teams that stop the run this season no doubt in my mind. Jenkins is just what we needed.

I agree with your point in this post. The Jets will have a much improved run D, and I think they will be in the area of top ten.

Jenkins may help the pass rush a tiny bit by pushing the pocket, but he is not a pass rusher by any stretch of the imagination. The Jets defense total, had 29 sacks last season. I believe it was 2nd worst in the NFL. Pace, who appears he might be a good all around LB, only had 6 1/2 sacks last season. That is not going to be enough to bring serious pressure on the QB

Thomas had 2 sacks last season, 8 1/2 the year before. Will he return to 06 form? Who knows. Thomas is just unpredictable.

The Jets need another pass rusher. Badly.

Another shut down CB is not going to help that much if they can't bring heat on the QB.

A trade down, as pointed out, is going to be really difficult to do.

A pass rusher in the second? Perhaps. There may be a few available then. Maybe.

Some type of trade has to happen, Coles? D-Rob? Doubt it.

In order to have a complete team next season, a pass rusher is needed. Hopefully the FO can come up with something very creative.

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I like the idea of gettin Cornerback i just rather trade down because i think like the top 5 corners are around the same skill level.

I bet Mangini doesnt look at this way. I think by draft day he will have a very clear idea of which of these guys he thinks will be the best pro CB for his system. It could be all five of the top guys or it could be just one of them. If its just one guy and he think the guy might be gone after the 6th pick then he will take that guy. I think Mangini saw something special in Revis, if he has the same feeling about one of the top CB prospects then he may take that guy at #6.

Another top CB will help the pass rush in that it will allow Rhodes (and Elam/Smith) more room to freelance/blitz. The two top pass rushers on NE this past year were Vrabel and Harrison. Those guys were constantly wreaking havoc for opposing QBs. Barrett and Dyson's very soft coverage were serious liabilities relative to calling safety blitzes this past year.

I'm not advocating CB with the first pick but a good one will help.

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