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Brett Favre, The Anti-Namath

Darth Vader

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Want to know what we Jet "fanboys" think of it? Well, here's one man's opinion.

First, too wordy. Get rid of parts like this:

See, there’s a tangible difference between saying on the one hand, “there’s never been any guarantees for me” and on the other, “there’s never been any guarantees from me”. The usage of “for” and “from” impart two completely different meanings, and the true meaning is not at all fungible.

This reads like a legal contract, not a sports commentary. "Tangible", "fungible"-you've got to be kidding.

Next, your observations don't add up to an easily understandable point. You've obviously put a lot of thought into this, but the thoughts don't come down to a single conclusion. So Brett seems to be saying all the right things-so what? Unless the guy insults somebody or says something outrageous, who cares about athletes' press conferences? I always skip those sports columns about "meet the new player", don't you?

The one thing I really like about the article is how it contrasts two Hall of Fame QBs playing for the same team at different times using the gunslinger analogy. The Jets have gone from the young gunslinger who was out to prove not only his team but his whole league to the world, and the old gunslinger who is not out to prove anything except that he still has it for one, maybe two more years. Now if you can use that as a springboard for some fun ideas, you'll have something good to read.

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So you're saying that guys like Matt Hasselbeck, Anthony Smith, Joey Porter, etc. who have guaranteed victory and not delivered have more in common with Namath than Brett Favre does? I don't buy it. I agree that it sounded a little pretentious too.

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