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Your worst trip.


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First time I did acid I went to see Rush at the Nassau Coliseum I guess this was 1979 my senior year in High school -- Man I had no idea what I was getting into -- Imean the high was incredible and I was laughing my ass off then the show started -- Holy crap the paranoia crept right in I could not enjoy the show as I felt like every single person there was staring at me -- creepiest feeling ever - and alex Liefson had 4 arms the entire show -- after it was over I resumed laughing again

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I was tripping on acid one time, and ran into a couple of buddies. Long story short- we ended up blowin a boat-load of coke and eatin' some shrooms. Near the end of my peak, I convinced myself that because I couldn't feel myself breathing, I wasn't actually breathing anymore. So I figured out I was dead. That was some crazy ****. Lasted a good two hours or so afterwards (bumped me right back up into a real strong peak). That was one of my last acid trips.

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Took a road trip down to La Salle with a buddy of mine a long time ago (7-8 years I think), so we could go hang out with a bunch of girls he knew. Didn't know it at the time, but La Salle is located apparently in one of the worst neighborhoods in Philly. We go into some party off campus, and the one chick's ex-bf is there, skip ahead about 2 hours, and my friend and I wind up having to fight our way out of the party. We then finally make it out, banged up as all hell looking like Mike and Worm after the State Troopers kicked their asses in Rounders, and on our way back to the car we wound up getting mugged by a bunch of dudes, several of which had blades. Just an awful, awful night.

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Did 8 or 9 car bombs with my buddy one night and decided to walk home. It was January and it was cold didn't have a jacket, the bar was about a mile from my house. About 5 hours and 4 miles in the wrong direction later, I sobered up enough to find an open shop. I called my mom at 6am to come pick me up, she's awesome.

He lived a block away from the bar, made it home and woke up at 9am to go to work the next day. WTF.

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