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Hanley Ramirez for NL MVP thread - 2009 version


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This is a thread the Mets fans wanted to read on here after tonight.

i didn't make this for that purpose...I forgot to start it before the year started and felt like creating a new one instead of bumping last years HAnley for MVP thread.

Hanley is the best player in baseball, bar none.

granted his old teammate in Detroit is hitting like crazy this year

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  • 4 months later...

defensively? sure...Jeter is having a rare good defensive season so that statement is pretty true in that case

offensively?? Hanley dwarfs Jeter - and you KNOW i'm as big a Yankee guy as there is around these parts.

but Jeter's best offensive season in 1999 is the only thing that can compare to what Hanley has done

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