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Will ANYONE ever break Nap Lajoie's record????


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the closest person to the 191 RBI mark is Manny at 165 and Sosa at 160...if those two can't even come within 25 of it then nobody shall

and also for the win Hack Wilson should've had 192 RBI but one of his 57 homeruns was called a Ground-rule double instead :(

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You guys act like a 56 game hitting streak is an easy one. :rolleyes:

no...that's definitely a tough one......but people have already come closer to that than the 7 no-hitters. i think eventually the 56 game streak and 191 rbi record will fall. cy young's wins will never fall because of the way the game is played now. the batting average records can still fall though.....i just think 7 no-hitters is just too high of a mountain to ever overcome. the closest anyone has ever come is 57% of the way. the rest of the records everyone has come much closer to. warren spahn (the closest pitcher from a relatively modern era to cy young's win total) even made it 71% of the way to the wins record and that is definitely a record that will never be beaten. so i still contend that of all the record that can actually be beaten the no-hitters is the one that will never be beaten. idk which current pitchers even have more than one no-hitter but i'd guess that if there is one that he only has 2. on any given season there is a chance for any of those other records to be broken though.

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What's close to 56?


You still need 16 to tie 17 to break, that alone is not easy.

i'm just going by perecentages to gauge how "close" close is. a few other records i think are pretty impossible to beat would be: nolan ryans career strikeouts, walter johnson's career shutouts (110!!:eek:).

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i'm just going by perecentages to gauge how "close" close is. a few other records i think are pretty impossible to beat would be: nolan ryans career strikeouts, walter johnson's career shutouts (110!!:eek:).
The pitching records are a given, none of them will ever be broken, they play a different game today.

We probably won't see many more 300 game winners either.

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