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Villains "Weekly Rambling" Week 1


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Hey guys. First off I want to say that I've really began to love this site given the fellow Jet/football fans here so I just thought of something that I could contribute that I felt could be a great contribution to the site and I've decided to do a "Weekly Rambling" thingamajig for you guys. Hopefully it can catch on. Okay, here we go....

I've been hearing much about the 1st quarter of our schedule and I have to say this... If we lose the 1st game or 2 it will not mean we've lost the season. Thats all that matters. If we're right about Sanchez then we'll certainly win a few games that most would think that we should lose. Im going out on a limb here an say that if we stay healthy we can win 11-12 games, the most this team has ever won in a season since before my existence (I'm 29 yrs old).

Bottomline is this. We have talent on this team that we've never had in recent years. We've havent been this excited about a QB since Pennington in '02. Sanchez seems to have the intelligence of Pennington, which we have to admit Pennington has always been one of the smartest QB's in the league, which is also saying alot about Sanchez, however the difference is Sanchez has much more athleticism and a much stronger arm than Pennington which will make Sanchez a much better competitor.

We were hyped about what Pennington could do "without the talent that Sanchez has around him right now". The only consistent target Penny had was Chebret and that was on the dive end of his career and Curtis Martin which will get you no more nor no less than 4 yards per carry...thats just what it was with Curtis. You couldnt be in a 2nd or 3rd and 11 situation and be confident in a handoff to Martin for the first down, that just wasnt his dynamic. Penny also didnt have the greatest of Offensive linemen either, which was part of the reason why he ended up having two rotator cuff surgeries which made his arm even weaker. Meanwhile, Sanchez has one of the best O-lines in the league and literally the best Lineman "at point of attack" in Nick Mangold. This is also D'Bricks year that he's making an even more conscious effort to make it to the probowl. This means that he must make plays, and he has the skill to do it.

Everyone talks about how smart this kid (Sanchez) is and how he catches on so quickly. If this is the case then how can I not hold these ideas of 11-12 wins as being a serious possibility? Look at David Carr. Everyone talks about how his career was stagnated because he never really had a O-line. He got sacked almost 80 times LITERALLY for over 400 yards in loses in his rookie year. There's only 16 games in a season people...that stat is absolutely horrible. Now take a smart guy Like Sanchez and put him behind arguably one of the best and healthiest O-lines in the NFL. The game is going to slow down for him much quickly because he will have the time to see things and apply his smarts to it most importantly.

On top of Sanchez's athleticism and arm strength is the legit Talent in Keller, Washington, Jones, Cotch, Green, and even the up and coming Stuckey and Clowneys of the world. We have a Brusier/slasher in Jones, a brusier in Greene and sick scat in washington that can turn a 3rd and 15 to a 1st and 10 or even a touchdown. We must understand that we've just matched this skill set with a smart QB that can make all the throws ACCURATELY right now! Just imagine when he actually gets the first half of the season under his belt.

I honestly think that we should be more concerned about our Defense than our Rookie QB. we're missing a key link in Calvin for 4 games, Ellis for 1, though given that everything happens for a reason will finally break way for Vernon Gholston as a contributer on this team. Remember, Gholston is working with a DE Coach FULLTIME that has developed talents such as Richard Seymour, Justin Tuck, osi umenyiora, Julius Peppers, Dwight Freeney and many other freaks of nature who never had the opportunity to learn on a "Full time" basis as the way Gholston has learned. Great example, look at the last 2 games from Vernon, He's shown more production in the last two preseason games than any other games he played combined. It also seems that we've satisfied our Nickel CB situation with Lowery and Strickland but we still have a suspiscious #2 CB problem and to me Kerry Rhodes hasnt stood out to me during the preseason and he even dropped a sure interception.

The key to Rex Ryans defense is to "make plays". The reason why Ed Reed is "Ed Reed" is because he capitalizes off of the position Rex puts him in. I havent seen that from Rhodes Sheppard or Lowery, though I must admit that going man-to-man almost every play as a CB is f'ing tough. But if thats the position of a CB then they have to man up. I see Revis doing it...

If Sanchez and the offense puts 21+ points on the board and we lose does that mean that we couldnt win because we had an inexperienced rookie QB? If not for crazy interceptions/turnovers that makes bad field position for the defense to defend then I must answer "Not at all", especially in a situation where you have a potential TD everytime Washington's on the field, or the permanent mismatches Keller will bring, or the sure hands of Cotchery, which he can also can break tackles, or the insane speed of Clowney which I dont care if he catches with his chest, as long as he catches the ball and The elusiveness of Stuckey.

This defense clicking is what we need to win these games. Hold a team under 17 points on an average and I say we can win 12 games with Sanchez under the ass of the center lol.

I mean seriously, look at our schedule.

1 Sun, 09/13 – at Houston Texans (CBS 1 p.m.) We're worried about their WR and he's going up against the best CB in the league. That means that Johnson is atleast containable.

2 Sun, 09/20 – vs. New England Patriots (CBS 1 p.m.)The Patriots are not the same on Defense. It's possible to compete.

3 Sun, 09/27 – vs. Tennessee Titans (CBS 1 p.m.) This game is actually the test. We have an up and coming powerhouse here with a vet QB.

4 Sun, 10/04 – at New Orleans Saints (CBS 4:05 p.m.) Great offense, not so great Defense. We can out score them with our defense.

5 Mon, 10/12 – at Miami Dolphins (ESPN 8:30 p.m. Its Miami. The wildcat wont work like it did last year...and Calvin Pace will be back for this game.

6 Sun, 10/18 – vs. Buffalo Bills (CBS 4:15 p.m.) Its the bills

7 Sun, 10/25 – at Oakland Raiders (CBS 4:05 p.m.) These are the games that we must win in our season in order to be taken seriously by the rest of the NFL. We win this game, this will set us up to win 12 games this year.

8 Sun, 11/01 – vs. Miami Dolphins (CBS 1 p.m.) We can sweep.

9 Bye

10 Sun, 11/15 – vs. Jacksonville Jaguars (CBS 1 p.m.) We can beat these guys.

11 Sun, 11/22 – at New England Patriots (CBS 4:15 p.m.) We can split with NE. They still have an incredible offense.

12 Sun, 11/29 – vs. Carolina Panthers (FOX 1 p.m.) This team IMO will be a bust yet again this year. Not looking good for them.

13 Thu, 12/03 – at Buffalo Bills (NFLN 8:20 p.m.) Its the bills.

14 Sun, 12/13 – at Tampa Bay Bucs (CBS 1 p.m.)This is another game that we must win, knowing we have the falcons and the Colts for our next two games.

15 Sun, 12/20 – vs. Atlanta Falcons (FOX 1 p.m.) We could be witnessing future greatness in this game in regards to both QBs.

16 Sun, 12/27 – at Indianapolis Colts (CBS 4:15 p.m.) I just think Peyton is that damn good around this time. This game will be next to impossible to win, however, we want to know our playoff status by no later than this game.

17 Sun, 01/03 – vs. Cincinnati Bengals (CBS 1 p.m.) This game sets us up on the winning path heading into the playoffs with a possible 12 win record.

Yes, Sanchez will make mistakes, but he looks damn good at fixing them quickly. Just look about the preseason.

Oh, and if you think that his is far off, just think about his.

This all goes back to the games that we SHOULD win. Last year we were 9-7 because we couldnt protect this house when needed to against the Dolphins in the last game of the year. We also let the Broncos come here and beat us when it was obviously a winnable game, we let some "Hillis" guy run all over us. We also lost to the Oakland Raiders who seem to have our number year after year for some stupid reason.

Now if you were to just flip those three games into W's then that is your 12 games right there....and I think that this team, from players to personell is better than last years team. Atleast we wont have a 40 yr old Greenbay Vet in the December cold with a bad bicep/shoulder and a Coach that decided to stop blitzing in the second half of the season. My thoughts on the Jets this year is very possible.

What are your thoughts?

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Hey guys. First off I want to say that I've really began to love this site given the fellow Jet/football fans here so I just thought of something that I could contribute that I felt could be a great contribution to the site and I've decided to do a "Weekly Rambling" thingamajig for you guys. Hopefully it can catch on. Okay, here we go....

I've been hearing much about the 1st quarter of our schedule and I have to say this... If we lose the 1st game or 2 it will not mean we've lost the season. Thats all that matters. If we're right about Sanchez then we'll certainly win a few games that most would think that we should lose. Im going out on a limb here an say that if we stay healthy we can win 11-12 games, the most this team has ever won in a season since before my existence (I'm 29 yrs old).

Bottomline is this. We have talent on this team that we've never had in recent years. We've havent been this excited about a QB since Pennington in '02. Sanchez seems to have the intelligence of Pennington, which we have to admit Pennington has always been one of the smartest QB's in the league, which is also saying alot about Sanchez, however the difference is Sanchez has much more athleticism and a much stronger arm than Pennington which will make Sanchez a much better competitor.

We were hyped about what Pennington could do "without the talent that Sanchez has around him right now". The only consistent target Penny had was Chebret and that was on the dive end of his career and Curtis Martin which will get you no more nor no less than 4 yards per carry...thats just what it was with Curtis. You couldnt be in a 2nd or 3rd and 11 situation and be confident in a handoff to Martin for the first down, that just wasnt his dynamic. Penny also didnt have the greatest of Offensive linemen either, which was part of the reason why he ended up having two rotator cuff surgeries which made his arm even weaker. Meanwhile, Sanchez has one of the best O-lines in the league and literally the best Lineman "at point of attack" in Nick Mangold. This is also D'Bricks year that he's making an even more conscious effort to make it to the probowl. This means that he must make plays, and he has the skill to do it.

Everyone talks about how smart this kid (Sanchez) is and how he catches on so quickly. If this is the case then how can I not hold these ideas of 11-12 wins as being a serious possibility? Look at David Carr. Everyone talks about how his career was stagnated because he never really had a O-line. He got sacked almost 80 times LITERALLY for over 400 yards in loses in his rookie year. There's only 16 games in a season people...that stat is absolutely horrible. Now take a smart guy Like Sanchez and put him behind arguably one of the best and healthiest O-lines in the NFL. The game is going to slow down for him much quickly because he will have the time to see things and apply his smarts to it most importantly.

On top of Sanchez's athleticism and arm strength is the legit Talent in Keller, Washington, Jones, Cotch, Green, and even the up and coming Stuckey and Clowneys of the world. We have a Brusier/slasher in Jones, a brusier in Greene and sick scat in washington that can turn a 3rd and 15 to a 1st and 10 or even a touchdown. We must understand that we've just matched this skill set with a smart QB that can make all the throws ACCURATELY right now! Just imagine when he actually gets the first half of the season under his belt.

I honestly think that we should be more concerned about our Defense than our Rookie QB. we're missing a key link in Calvin for 4 games, Ellis for 1, though given that everything happens for a reason will finally break way for Vernon Gholston as a contributer on this team. Remember, Gholston is working with a DE Coach FULLTIME that has developed talents such as Richard Seymour, Justin Tuck, osi umenyiora, Julius Peppers, Dwight Freeney and many other freaks of nature who never had the opportunity to learn on a "Full time" basis as the way Gholston has learned. Great example, look at the last 2 games from Vernon, He's shown more production in the last two preseason games than any other games he played combined. It also seems that we've satisfied our Nickel CB situation with Lowery and Strickland but we still have a suspiscious #2 CB problem and to me Kerry Rhodes hasnt stood out to me during the preseason and he even dropped a sure interception.

The key to Rex Ryans defense is to "make plays". The reason why Ed Reed is "Ed Reed" is because he capitalizes off of the position Rex puts him in. I havent seen that from Rhodes Sheppard or Lowery, though I must admit that going man-to-man almost every play as a CB is f'ing tough. But if thats the position of a CB then they have to man up. I see Revis doing it...

If Sanchez and the offense puts 21+ points on the board and we lose does that mean that we couldnt win because we had an inexperienced rookie QB? If not for crazy interceptions/turnovers that makes bad field position for the defense to defend then I must answer "Not at all", especially in a situation where you have a potential TD everytime Washington's on the field, or the permanent mismatches Keller will bring, or the sure hands of Cotchery, which he can also can break tackles, or the insane speed of Clowney which I dont care if he catches with his chest, as long as he catches the ball and The elusiveness of Stuckey.

This defense clicking is what we need to win these games. Hold a team under 17 points on an average and I say we can win 12 games with Sanchez under the ass of the center lol.

I mean seriously, look at our schedule.

1 Sun, 09/13

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I admire both your optimism and enthusiasm but this team has some serious flaws. The flaws being:

1. Offensive line depth - there is a serious falloff after the top 5.

2. Sanchez is a rookie - "It" or not, he's a rookie and he will make plenty of mistakes.

3. Wide receiver talent - a #2 as a #1, a #3 as a #2 and then a bunch of #5's. That does not help #2 above much at all.

4. Corner opposite Revis - Sheppard, Strickland, Coleman on the depth chart at RCB - they are going to get pounded and I'm not sure that any of them can do anything to stop it.

5. Defensive scheme - it's new and there will be growing pains and big plays against it - Rex takes chances, which will be a good thing in the future.

A .500 season would be - at least in my mind - a good, solid start to the Ryan era. Just an opinion.

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I admire both your optimism and enthusiasm but this team has some serious flaws. The flaws being:

1. Offensive line depth - there is a serious falloff after the top 5.

2. Sanchez is a rookie - "It" or not, he's a rookie and he will make plenty of mistakes.

3. Wide receiver talent - a #2 as a #1, a #3 as a #2 and then a bunch of #5's. That does not help #2 above much at all.

4. Corner opposite Revis - Sheppard, Strickland, Coleman on the depth chart at RCB - they are going to get pounded and I'm not sure that any of them can do anything to stop it.

5. Defensive scheme - it's new and there will be growing pains and big plays against it - Rex takes chances, which will be a good thing in the future.

A .500 season would be - at least in my mind - a good, solid start to the Ryan era. Just an opinion.

Wouldn't it have been nice if we drafted L. Mckelvin instead of Gholston. Then we would have been set at the corner positions for the next decade.

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I admire both your optimism and enthusiasm but this team has some serious flaws. The flaws being:

1. Offensive line depth - there is a serious falloff after the top 5.

2. Sanchez is a rookie - "It" or not, he's a rookie and he will make plenty of mistakes.

3. Wide receiver talent - a #2 as a #1, a #3 as a #2 and then a bunch of #5's. That does not help #2 above much at all.

4. Corner opposite Revis - Sheppard, Strickland, Coleman on the depth chart at RCB - they are going to get pounded and I'm not sure that any of them can do anything to stop it.

5. Defensive scheme - it's new and there will be growing pains and big plays against it - Rex takes chances, which will be a good thing in the future.

A .500 season would be - at least in my mind - a good, solid start to the Ryan era. Just an opinion.

nice goin beans you stinkin realist :cussing:

I agree with all your points with the other corner possibly being our biggest problem maintaining a stout defense

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Absolutely correct in hindsight. Maybe Rex will make something out of Gholston at least that is my hope.

The sad thing is all of the reports prior to draft that I heard was Mckelvin was their man. Tanny is a good drafter. He knew Mckelvin was the best talent available.

I just think Belicheck tricked him into thinking he wanted Gholston. And the rest his history. A sad, sad history.

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nice goin beans you stinkin realist :cussing:

I agree with all your points with the other corner possibly being our biggest problem maintaining a stout defense

Sorry to ruin your day, joe. ;)

The sad thing is all of the reports prior to draft that I heard was Mckelvin was their man. Tanny is a good drafter. He knew Mckelvin was the best talent available.

I just think Belicheck tricked him into thinking he wanted Gholston. And the rest his history. A sad, sad history.

I read that as well at one point, but I think it might have just been the old "smoke and mirrors" routine.

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