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Leave Joba off the ALDS roster.


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He's pitching like crap because his head is up his a$$. He showed in the Boston series that he's capable. Give him a wake-up call and let him sit out the sweep of the Tigers/Twinkies. The Yanks will be using a three-man rotation in that series, anyway.

Then, he can come back with some focus and help beat the Angels.

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The Yanks have no one to blame but themselves.

Re-instituting the "Joba Rules" was probably the wrose thing they could have done to the kid.

No matter how much you baby an arm there is always going to be a chance that he, or any pitcher for that matter is going to blow out his arm.

At this point now he is pretty much useless. The Yanks will probably take the series where they can go with a three man rotation and either leave him off the post season roster or move him to the pen.

This series with the Tigers is not going to be easy at all. The Tigers have some nice arms and with Joba pretty much useless and not knowing if we are going to get "Good A.J." or "Bad A.J" pretty much makes this a toss up series.

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