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Bleedin Green

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MOD NOTE: Since what I said / didn't say and did / didn't do is becoming a hot topic of conversation in this thread, I will clarify:

Dan X's death scene should have contained a reveal from the moment it was posted, as all death scenes in this game have. Once realizing this mistake had been made, it was corrected to include the reveal. No more information should be gleaned from this edit other than strictly that. Going forward this is no different than if this reveal had been in place since the moment the death scene happened. I apologize to everyone for this oversight.

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It was a guess. Here was my thinking...

I wasn't going after a high profile player, as any of them in my mind were likely to get off'd and make me finding him pointless. That took out slats, DPR, CTM, etc.

So I went with my usual theory of low-post characters. Klecko, in my mind, didn't seem to care enough to be a Darth Vader. Pac/JiF weren't active for real life reasons, so I kinda poked in the dark at Dan again, as I said, half-luck half gut.

So what happened when you found her? Could you guys talk? Did she know who you were?

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So what happened when you found her? Could you guys talk? Did she know who you were?

I could not talk to her, and she did NOT know who I was. What changed was that I was essentially bullet proof, and I couldn't out her as her role, and furthermore that I knew she was Imperial

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I don't buy the reveal, and agree 100%. As I said earlier, you remind me of myself day 1 -- vote: Dan X

I'm not trying to push you, AVM, and Crusher as a scum team.

I'm saying you're obviously lying - knowing what I know.

I'm saying I have a guilty on Crusher.

One of you may be third party (if I had to guess, it would be Crusher). Or you could be a scum team.

AVM voting me the way he did gives me pause, but he could be misguided town, I have no idea.

I'd say you're struggling with reading comprehension right now, but it's probably on purpose ...

Indeed. Now, odds are that one of us unclaimed are likely scum, and one of the claimed are likely lying. We have probably a 6-2 (maybe 5-2-1?) lead.

IF we were to mass claim (and I'm thinking out loud here as I type...not saying we should) -- We likely either get 2 doc claims or if not, we've got 2 genuine fake claims. No matter what, if we have any counters we go 1 for 1, which would leave us (assuming a successful NK by the scum) at most likely 4-1. If not, we have to piece together who's who via the role reveals. I've been against it all game, but quite frankly it doesn't make sense not to. A roleblocker is going to block Brett's play until dead, now -- so we can't assume we're getting any other investigation results. If everyone's ok by it, I volunteer to go first (or last if you'd prefer, as I'm a top suspect)

I think it's obvious why bro.

We don't have a vig. We got crusher who is a one shot kind of Vig. That makes sense to me.

Brett- Can you tell us WHO you investigated?

Uh.... Really?

You realize with an RB out there your basically putting our doc out on the plank right? It'll be easy enough for the scum to RB the doc, and then force lightning his ass, thus leaving our cop unprotected. That's madness. And RIDICULOUSLY scummy.

So you hid a member of the empire to save your own ass?

And, AND you're suggesting a mass reveal?

Sure, we have an RB'r but the truth is that we only need to hit 1 out of 2 scum to get the RB'r. THEY need to pick out of the 4 unknowns (now 3, THANKS) to hit the doc to get to the cop the following night.

The numbers favor us to keep the doc alive. The mass reveal is retarded and you revealing your role is even less of a town move. I am seriously flabbergasted at this.

You are HANDING the scum a prioritized kill list. Think of this man, at this stage in the game our cop is the most important role we have even with an RB'r out there. This makes no sense man. And you just go ahead without talking about it and give away your role. Awesome.

I have to get to work. but I grabbed these post on my way back and their sorta interesting to me. I will come back and point things out but look at them and tell me what you guys think? Maybe nothing but look.

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CTM with his metal ding a ling of homo pleasure was innocent and tried to do that as well. Im intersted in seeing your intial reaction to his claim. This will help me. Not ready to vote AVM or anyone until sweet Boopsie and Brett get back in her. Klecko being absent is not making this fat man happy.

To be fair, CTM was pushing for a mass reveal before he knew there was a roleblocker. The revelation that a roleblocker exists on the scum side probably would have changed his mind.

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WHy did you want to keep her/Vader alive?

This is where people have disagreed with my reasoning, and I understand. I felt like since there was no logical reason other than her activity to put pressure on her, me going after her strong was going to gain no interest (keep in mind all the high profile names we've had going the past few game days -- Dan not being around wasn't going to get much of a train going), was in my mind, going to get me nothing but letting them know who I was.

Yes, as Vic will tell you, I was bulletproof so I can't be afraid of a NK...but that's not the only variable there. They had no clue who I was, so if they go after me and fail, I can appear to be the Doc at the same time. Our unrevealed roles were getting down low, and I felt it would be more and more likely I could appear to be the Doc. Additionally, just one missed NK is one more an advantage the town has, so even if I'm NOT seen as the doc -- them missing would be big.

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Alright. Heres my case for lynching AVM

As I just said, I believe the validity of his role, yet question whether he found Dan or Dan found him

So heres 3 inferences I am making.

1. If Dan finds AVM (assuming his luke) he is converted to the Dark Side (scum). This is a very powerful move, going down 1 townie and up 1 scum without even knowing. Very powerful.

2. If AVM finds Dan, we get a bulletproof townie with a gag order about it which expires after Dan's killed. Lets remember that IF Avm was converted, he would not go back town after Dan dies.

3. Everyone has said that Bleedin is very sensitive about balancing the game.

HOW IS THIS BALANCED? There is nothing about AVMs reveal that makes this seem remotely balanced, and seems like a strongly scum favored tactic.

I think that AVM is the best lynch we will get today, since I do not want to reveal the Doc (since that leads to him getting role blocked and me dying, followed by him getting role blocked and him dying).

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Originally Posted by Dan X viewpost.gif

Yes, I am, I'm sorry. I've been trying, but I clearly can't keep up as well as everyone would like. I already said I won't be playing the next game because I'll be even busier in a few weeks. I'm sorry for taking up a spot, but I really thought I'd be able to do it at least as well as I did last game (which was posting pretty much the same I am now, it was just a slower game).

I hope you can see I'm really trying to help the town when I can because I really want us to win. It was bad luck that the day phase ended so early yesterday.

AVM"I can agree you're posting at the same clip as last game, and that this one has been insane. Off your game play I'm not getting an exceedingly great read on you, because as I read along last game I began to get a scummy feeling from you while you played almost an EXACT mirror image game.

I'm keeping an eye on your play, because like last game it sticks out to me. You're a smart player as has been evident...so extremely useful as town, and dangerous as scum.

You knew who she was at this point. Why are you playing around with this then?

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Alright. Heres my case for lynching AVM

As I just said, I believe the validity of his role, yet question whether he found Dan or Dan found him

So heres 3 inferences I am making.

1. If Dan finds AVM (assuming his luke) he is converted to the Dark Side (scum). This is a very powerful move, going down 1 townie and up 1 scum without even knowing. Very powerful.

2. If AVM finds Dan, we get a bulletproof townie with a gag order about it which expires after Dan's killed. Lets remember that IF Avm was converted, he would not go back town after Dan dies.

3. Everyone has said that Bleedin is very sensitive about balancing the game.

HOW IS THIS BALANCED? There is nothing about AVMs reveal that makes this seem remotely balanced, and seems like a strongly scum favored tactic.

I think that AVM is the best lynch we will get today, since I do not want to reveal the Doc (since that leads to him getting role blocked and me dying, followed by him getting role blocked and him dying).

You forget that this is still seemingly a 4 scum game, and EVERY townie has a role, or a special power. The town is pretty powered up looking back on it.

And for the record, with my reveal, no you do NOT need to mass reveal. Mostly because I honestly think I've got Vic pegged 100%, and I'm going to guess as the emperor (since he didnt reveal and had no problem being investigated). If you guys want to take me down, that's fine -- but you have to go after Vic tomorrow. Absolutely have to.

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Originally Posted by Dan X viewpost.gif

Yes, I am, I'm sorry. I've been trying, but I clearly can't keep up as well as everyone would like. I already said I won't be playing the next game because I'll be even busier in a few weeks. I'm sorry for taking up a spot, but I really thought I'd be able to do it at least as well as I did last game (which was posting pretty much the same I am now, it was just a slower game).

I hope you can see I'm really trying to help the town when I can because I really want us to win. It was bad luck that the day phase ended so early yesterday.

AVM"I can agree you're posting at the same clip as last game, and that this one has been insane. Off your game play I'm not getting an exceedingly great read on you, because as I read along last game I began to get a scummy feeling from you while you played almost an EXACT mirror image game.

I'm keeping an eye on your play, because like last game it sticks out to me. You're a smart player as has been evident...so extremely useful as town, and dangerous as scum.

You knew who she was at this point. Why are you playing around with this then?

Also, if you were looking for her than she would have been looking for you. So she still couldn't find up to her lynch. And if she had, what good would that do for anyone, town or scum?

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This is where people have disagreed with my reasoning, and I understand. I felt like since there was no logical reason other than her activity to put pressure on her, me going after her strong was going to gain no interest (keep in mind all the high profile names we've had going the past few game days -- Dan not being around wasn't going to get much of a train going), was in my mind, going to get me nothing but letting them know who I was.

Yes, as Vic will tell you, I was bulletproof so I can't be afraid of a NK...but that's not the only variable there. They had no clue who I was, so if they go after me and fail, I can appear to be the Doc at the same time. Our unrevealed roles were getting down low, and I felt it would be more and more likely I could appear to be the Doc. Additionally, just one missed NK is one more an advantage the town has, so even if I'm NOT seen as the doc -- them missing would be big.

I'm a little confused here. So you're saying you revealed because you didn't want to be seen as the doc?

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Hess -- this is in response to your post, the quoting was just a bit messed up. Do you remember when I flipped out on CTM for "setting me up" later in the game? He put me at the very end of his suspicion list when I hadn't been there at all (even though I was in reality WAYY down the list)? The reason I jumped at it is because it was the EXACT same thing I was planning on doing with Dan.

If you were bullet proof, why couldn't you make a case against her?

My God, folks. I've answered the same question at least 5 times now. I could make a case ONLY on what she'd done in thread. You had the big heads throwing out who they thought were the most suspicious and Dan wasn't on that list. My "Dan isn't active" case wasn't going to get ANYWHERE, if any inactives were going, it was going to be you over anyone else. She didn't say/do anything extremely scummy, and if I'm going to build a case against her I want folks to follow along with me. If I start making a strong case from the get-go, I accomplish nothing but letting them know not to waste their NK attempt on me.

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You knew who she was at this point. Why are you playing around with this then?

Also, if you were looking for her than she would have been looking for you. So she still couldn't find up to her lynch. And if she had, what good would that do for anyone, town or scum?

Hess -- stop quoting that same post, it's messed up somewhere and is heck-a confusing. The way it was put to me was that I essentially really needed to find her first. Which meant I'm sure she really needed to find me first too -- I was told to act fast. So, I've worked under the assumption once I found her she was no longer still able to search for me.

I'm a little confused here. So you're saying you revealed because you didn't want to be seen as the doc?

Now I'm confused, because I have no idea how you came to that conclusion.

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Hess -- this is in response to your post, the quoting was just a bit messed up. Do you remember when I flipped out on CTM for "setting me up" later in the game? He put me at the very end of his suspicion list when I hadn't been there at all (even though I was in reality WAYY down the list)? The reason I jumped at it is because it was the EXACT same thing I was planning on doing with Dan.

My God, folks. I've answered the same question at least 5 times now. I could make a case ONLY on what she'd done in thread. You had the big heads throwing out who they thought were the most suspicious and Dan wasn't on that list. My "Dan isn't active" case wasn't going to get ANYWHERE, if any inactives were going, it was going to be you over anyone else. She didn't say/do anything extremely scummy, and if I'm going to build a case against her I want folks to follow along with me. If I start making a strong case from the get-go, I accomplish nothing but letting them know not to waste their NK attempt on me.

So even though you knew she was Vader you didn't go after her b/c noone would listen to you? Why not reveal and take one for the team. You could have done so after DPR was lynched and the game would have essentially been over.

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What I was saying is that I DIDN'T reveal anything at first so that, if I was found, I could be confused as the doc. Me revealing had nothing to do with appearing/not appearing to be the doc -- I revealed because as soon as the cop came forward with his investigation, I knew what was coming and wanted to have that out there just so when I was gone for 2 hours I didn't get speed lynched, and when I got back I wouldn't be frantically posting ( like I still am now lol), to keep myself from being lynched.

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Hess -- this is in response to your post, the quoting was just a bit messed up. Do you remember when I flipped out on CTM for "setting me up" later in the game? He put me at the very end of his suspicion list when I hadn't been there at all (even though I was in reality WAYY down the list)? The reason I jumped at it is because it was the EXACT same thing I was planning on doing with Dan.

My God, folks. I've answered the same question at least 5 times now. I could make a case ONLY on what she'd done in thread. You had the big heads throwing out who they thought were the most suspicious and Dan wasn't on that list. My "Dan isn't active" case wasn't going to get ANYWHERE, if any inactives were going, it was going to be you over anyone else. She didn't say/do anything extremely scummy, and if I'm going to build a case against her I want folks to follow along with me. If I start making a strong case from the get-go, I accomplish nothing but letting them know not to waste their NK attempt on me.

LOL WUT??!!!

Wait, so first you tell us you want a mass role reveal now

Secondly you say you can't out Dan cause you lose your power.

And now, now you are telling us that you are LETTING THEM KNOW not to waste their NK attempt on you? How on gods green earth do they know what your power is?? Scum knows innocents and scum only. If they knew powers then cop and doc would be dead already.

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So even though you knew she was Vader you didn't go after her b/c noone would listen to you? Why not reveal and take one for the team. You could have done so after DPR was lynched and the game would have essentially been over.

I understand why you guys feel this way, I do. But I was specifically told that, for example, I can't say "I know who Vader is," or, "I know a member of the empire -- lynch me to prove my innocence" then a few posts later vote for Dan so you know who I'm talking about. There was no getting around the rule. I can't be more blunt with you guys, I COULD NOT TELL YOU WHO DAN X WAS.

ADDITIONALLY, in my mind I felt like anything Dan did, I would be able to see her motives. Unfortunately, her activity never really jumped up. I felt like I'd be able to see anything she did in the perspective that she was scum and write up a case that way when I needed to.

My God, how you folks can't understand that I couldn't say is beyond me.

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Hess -- this is in response to your post, the quoting was just a bit messed up. Do you remember when I flipped out on CTM for "setting me up" later in the game? He put me at the very end of his suspicion list when I hadn't been there at all (even though I was in reality WAYY down the list)? The reason I jumped at it is because it was the EXACT same thing I was planning on doing with Dan.

My God, folks. I've answered the same question at least 5 times now. I could make a case ONLY on what she'd done in thread. You had the big heads throwing out who they thought were the most suspicious and Dan wasn't on that list. My "Dan isn't active" case wasn't going to get ANYWHERE, if any inactives were going, it was going to be you over anyone else. She didn't say/do anything extremely scummy, and if I'm going to build a case against her I want folks to follow along with me. If I start making a strong case from the get-go, I accomplish nothing but letting them know not to waste their NK attempt on me.

Dude, that's extremely flimsy. You pretty much went ballistic on me over not posting yet you couldn't make as strong a case for that against Dan at any point in the game?

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Guys- As a warning I have to leave early today. I was going to take the Oregon Drivers test yesterday but didn't because I had a meeting at 1:30 I had to attend. I'm going today and I have to because if I don't I have to pay Washington County Police 258 bucks. After I take the test, take it to the municipal court and pay them 25 bucks to write off my ticket, I'm going to the gym, I won't be on until my usual time.

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LOL WUT??!!!

Wait, so first you tell us you want a mass role reveal now

Secondly you say you can't out Dan cause you lose your power.

And now, now you are telling us that you are LETTING THEM KNOW not to waste their NK attempt on you? How on gods green earth do they know what your power is?? Scum knows innocents and scum only. If they knew powers then cop and doc would be dead already.

Actually, smart guy, look back to the beginning. I was one of the strongest AGAINST a mass role reveal. Keep trying to spin this dude.

I was AGAINST the mass reveal. After the cop was blocked, I was FOR it, because I felt like we could read the remaining roles very well.


IF I go after Dan strong with a case, with NOTHING strong to support it, THEY WOULD BE ABLE TO DEDUCT THAT I WAS THE ONE THAT FOUND HER NIGHT ONE. They would then NOT have to waste their time going after me, as THEY'D ALREADY HAVE ME FIGURED OUT.

Is that straight forward and capitalized enough for ya? :D

Oh btw, I never said outting dan made me lose my power. You're making things up at this point. I said I couldn't out dan, or i'd get mod killed (is essentially how I read things). Dan dying made me lose my "power" of being bulletproof.

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Dude, that's extremely flimsy. You pretty much went ballistic on me over not posting yet you couldn't make as strong a case for that against Dan at any point in the game?

Kleck, I went ballistic on you because of you're "everything else is more interesting than this thread" post. THEN you posting everywhere else. I didn't jump down Pac or JiF's throats either, who also had real life stuff just like Dan. Jumping down you and one of those 3 were entirely different, in my mind. If I jump on Dan and not those 2, it would be obvious, IMO.

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LOL WUT??!!!

Wait, so first you tell us you want a mass role reveal now

Secondly you say you can't out Dan cause you lose your power.

And now, now you are telling us that you are LETTING THEM KNOW not to waste their NK attempt on you? How on gods green earth do they know what your power is?? Scum knows innocents and scum only. If they knew powers then cop and doc would be dead already.

not sure if he's caving form the pressure or if he just powered stepped on his dick. But thats a pretty damning statement. Good find.

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Actually, smart guy, look back to the beginning. I was one of the strongest AGAINST a mass role reveal. Keep trying to spin this dude.

I was AGAINST the mass reveal. After the cop was blocked, I was FOR it, because I felt like we could read the remaining roles very well.


IF I go after Dan strong with a case, with NOTHING strong to support it, THEY WOULD BE ABLE TO DEDUCT THAT I WAS THE ONE THAT FOUND HER NIGHT ONE. They would then NOT have to waste their time going after me, as THEY'D ALREADY HAVE ME FIGURED OUT.

Is that straight forward and capitalized enough for ya? :D

Oh btw, I never said outting dan made me lose my power. You're making things up at this point. I said I couldn't out dan, or i'd get mod killed (is essentially how I read things). Dan dying made me lose my "power" of being bulletproof.

AVM- your post that said

I accomplish nothing but letting them know not to waste their NK attempt on me.
wasn't in reference to the mass role reveal. It was in reference to you pushing cases against Dan.

And so what if they figure out who you are? You have a vest bro. that's why, you're untouchable until Dan dies if I understand it correctly now right? So then they wont' bother shooting you, which they haven't, and you can continue trying to convince the town to lynch your one known scum.

And honestly, how do you know that Dan would know that you knew about her?? Do you have inside knowledge of her role? All I know is Vader was looking for his son. That's based on BG's edit. Doesn't say anything about Dan knowing she had been found out.

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not sure if he's caving form the pressure or if he just powered stepped on his dick. But thats a pretty damning statement. Good find.

How? I was talking about BEFORE them not wanting to waste their NK on me, not now. It was useless for them to go after me when Dan was ALIVE, but they didn't know that -- that's why I wanted to keep myself hidden, if they voted me they could have just as easily thought I was the one that found Dan as I was the Doc.

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Actually, smart guy, look back to the beginning. I was one of the strongest AGAINST a mass role reveal. Keep trying to spin this dude.

I was AGAINST the mass reveal. After the cop was blocked, I was FOR it, because I felt like we could read the remaining roles very well.


IF I go after Dan strong with a case, with NOTHING strong to support it, THEY WOULD BE ABLE TO DEDUCT THAT I WAS THE ONE THAT FOUND HER NIGHT ONE. They would then NOT have to waste their time going after me, as THEY'D ALREADY HAVE ME FIGURED OUT.

Is that straight forward and capitalized enough for ya? :D

Oh btw, I never said outting dan made me lose my power. You're making things up at this point. I said I couldn't out dan, or i'd get mod killed (is essentially how I read things). Dan dying made me lose my "power" of being bulletproof.

This does sound better, your starting to sound a little like Kleck or I when where innocent and everyone is trying to trip us up. Still not sure. WOW what a cluster****k

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Kleck, I went ballistic on you because of you're "everything else is more interesting than this thread" post. THEN you posting everywhere else. I didn't jump down Pac or JiF's throats either, who also had real life stuff just like Dan. Jumping down you and one of those 3 were entirely different, in my mind. If I jump on Dan and not those 2, it would be obvious, IMO.

Are you a Jets fan?

I was not posting here but posting everywhere else when 1. the Doggin/DPR circlejerk/metagaming snoozefest was dragging day one into oblivion, 2. the Jets had literally just signed Jason Taylor and 3. It was three days before the draft.

Sorry if I was being honest and there were far more interesting things going on on a JETS messageboard than watching two guys bore me to sleep.

I can't believe how much crap I've gotten from Jets fans on a Jets messageboard for posting too much about the Jets. :confused0082:

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How? I was talking about BEFORE them not wanting to waste their NK on me, not now. It was useless for them to go after me when Dan was ALIVE, but they didn't know that -- that's why I wanted to keep myself hidden, if they voted me they could have just as easily thought I was the one that found Dan as I was the Doc.

Dude I listening and paying attention. Im not close to 100% on you as scum right now. sorta at 60%. Why did they know you where looking for Vader? Your assuming it was in her PM, or it was in your pm that you two where looking for one anohter?

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AVM- your post that said wasn't in reference to the mass role reveal. It was in reference to you pushing cases against Dan.

And so what if they figure out who you are? You have a vest bro. that's why, you're untouchable until Dan dies if I understand it correctly now right? So then they wont' bother shooting you, which they haven't, and you can continue trying to convince the town to lynch your one known scum.

And honestly, how do you know that Dan would know that you knew about her?? Do you have inside knowledge of her role? All I know is Vader was looking for his son. That's based on BG's edit. Doesn't say anything about Dan knowing she had been found out.

I'm seriously getting sick and tired of telling you guys the same thing for the past hour. I have not, at any point, said Dan knew who I was. I have said Dan did NOT know who I was, and I wanted to keep it that way. As long as who I was stayed hidden -- if they tried to NK me they wouldn't know why it didn't work. WHICH IS WHAT I WANTED. I had no case against Dan, but as soon as the big cases died down, she was going to get pressure (just like JiF, Pac, etc). Then I could push hard with whatever I had, and KNOWING she was scum, whatever she used to push that she was innocent I'd be able to combat, KNOWING she was lying.

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How? I was talking about BEFORE them not wanting to waste their NK on me, not now. It was useless for them to go after me when Dan was ALIVE, but they didn't know that -- that's why I wanted to keep myself hidden, if they voted me they could have just as easily thought I was the one that found Dan as I was the Doc.

And if you had stuck your neck out for the town... the scum would've had at least one wasted NK. That would be a huge difference maker right now. But instead you supposedly decided to keep yourself hidden.

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Dude I listening and paying attention. Im not close to 100% on you as scum right now. sorta at 60%. Why did they know you where looking for Vader? Your assuming it was in her PM, or it was in your pm that you two where looking for one anohter?

I'm not annoyed with you, big man. Just sort of frustrated I keep saying the same thing and no ones listening, you know? I don't see how people don't see Vic is making things up and throwing things out there to confuse.

As for the PM, I was told we were looking for one another, yes. And additionally, that I needed to find her before she found me, essentially.

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